Magnum Wedding

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Magnum Wedding is Elphelt Valentine's Instant Kill.


Elphelt readies her Ms. Confille, pulls out a bullet from between her breasts, loads it into the rifle and fires it at the opponent. After being hit in the heart, the opponent falls in love with Elphelt (signified by their heart eyes) at a field of flowers and then collapses while saying one of three possible reaction quotes.


  • Self:
    • "I-I'll just take anyone...?"
    • "If this works I'm going to cry forever!"
    • "M-My womanhood has peaked!"
  • Sol:
    • "R-Remember... yesterday."
    • "S-Sweet 'n sour..."
    • "M-My heart's pounding like a drum!"
  • Ky:
    • "My heart is strong! It will not waver!"
    • "Dizzy... please... I need your guidance...!"
    • "I have a wife and child! Please, do not make me do this!"
  • May:
    • "Noooo, not in front of Johnny!"
    • "C-Could this be romance?! Oh my gosh!"
    • "Dynamic Housewives...?"
  • Faust:
    • "I'm seeing a rapid increase in pulse!"
    • "I only have eyes for You! Er, eye..."
    • "This is bad medicine indeed!"
  • Potemkin:
    • "Perhaps we could begin with a platonic friendship?!"
    • " heaaaart...!"
    • "I cannot! I have a mission...!"
  • Chipp:
    • "Answer! Go get a marriage certificate! Now!"
    • "A-A honey trap!"
    • "Love terrorist..."
  • Zato:
    • "You cannot compare to her!"
    • "I'm afraid I must decline."
    • "This is depressing!"
  • Millia:
    • "This is a whole new world...!"
    • "Have I chosen the yuri route...?"
    • "Love dares to speak its name...?"
  • Axl:
    • "I'm melting... well, mostly."
    • "Keep the pearly gates... those hills!"
    • "I'd happily welcome this KO...!"
  • Baiken:
    • "All's fair in love and...!"
    • "J-Just shut up and walk three steps behind me!"
    • "Won't work. Try to fall for someone el...!?"
  • Johnny:
    • "Time to call it quits..."
    • "I don't need anymore members..."
    • "That was like... dynamite."
  • Venom:
    • "My loyalty cannot be broken!"
    • "You cannot tempt me!"
    • "Lord ZATOOOO!"
  • Jam:
    • "Cute girl maybe okay, too."
    • "Delicious looking meat bun..."
    • "I'm okay if you're okay."
  • Dizzy:
    • "I'm married!"
    • "I'm sorry, I can't!"
    • "I-I have a son..."
  • Slayer:
    • "Oh dear... Have I lost my edge?"
    • "S-Such youthful vigor...!"
    • "No, I cannot! I...Sharon...!"
  • I-No:
    • "A duet? Fine by me!"
    • "You're playing me like a Strat!"
    • "Con Tenerezza!"
  • Sin:
    • "I feel so... at peace..."
    • "I feel like I'm floating on a cloud..."
    • "Farewell... virginity..."
  • Raven:
    • "Not interested if you won't kill--"
    • "What are you about to dooooo...!?"
    • "I'm done playing your little gaaaaames..."
  • Bedman:
    • "You cannot replace Delilah!"
    • "Damn witch! You cannot take my heart from me!"
    • "Are you trying to corrupt me?"
  • Leo:
    • "My subjects, I give you... OUR QUEEN!"
    • "All of Illyria will rejoice!"
    • "A-At last I will have a bride!"
  • Ramlethal:
    • " this feeling?"
    • "Is this true self?"
    • "Is this what you like?"
  • Jack-O':
    • "Birth of a new-age couple?"
    • "Butterflies in my stomach!"
    • "Summer loving!"
  • Haehyun:
    • "Un...tunable!?"
    • "Romance filter severely damaged!"
    • "Maybe if we round down?"
  • Answer:
    • "The pleasure is mine..."
    • "I'm all ears."
    • "I must refrain at this time..."


