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/* CSS placed here will be applied to all skins */

* User Customization *
/* these are the custom username colors "bought" with the bounty board server points */
a[href$="/AXLFAN2000"] {
	color: Magenta;
a[href$="/Lesbiangiratina"] {
	color: #80085c;
a[href$="/Tillman"] {
	color: #3d0611;
a[href$="/ACellCalledParadise"] {
	color: DarkSlateBlue;
a[href$="/ToxicPyro"] {
	color: Lime;
a[href$="/CryptideTR"] {
	color: #c0c0c0;

* Miscellaneous utility classes *

.responsive-image {

.theme-dark .invert-on-dark,
.theme-light .invert-on-light {

.pixelated {

@media screen and (min-width:720px){
	.mobileonly {
@media screen and (max-width:720px) {
	.nomobile {
* End misc utility classes *

* Main page layout      *
* [[Guilty Gear Wiki]]  *
#mp-welcome-box {grid-area:welcome;}
#mp-about-box {grid-area:about;}
#mp-games-box {grid-area:games;}
#mp-universe-box {grid-area:universe;}
#mp-supplement-box {grid-area:supplement;}
#mp-merch-box {grid-area:merch;}
#mp-archives-box {grid-area:archives;}
#mp-misc-box {grid-area:misc;}
#mp-featured-box {grid-area:featured;}
#mp-wiki-box {grid-area:wiki;}

#mp-container {

@media screen and (min-width:990px) {
	#mp-container {
			"welcome welcome welcome"
			"about about about"
			"games games games"
			"universe universe supplement"
			"merch archives misc"
			"wiki wiki featured";
		grid-template-columns:1fr 1fr 1fr;

@media screen and (min-width:1350px) {
	#mp-container {
			"welcome welcome welcome welcome"
			"about games games games"
			"universe games games games"
			"universe supplement supplement merch"
			"archives archives misc misc"
			"wiki wiki wiki featured";
		grid-template-columns:2fr 1fr 1fr 2fr;

.mp-box {
	flex-flow:column nowrap;
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.mp-body {
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.mp-box.centered-content .mp-body {
	height: 100%;
	display: flex;
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.mp-box.has-floating-image {

.mp-box.has-floating-image .mp-body {

.mp-box .welcome-message {

.mp-heading {
	border-bottom: 1px solid var(--wiki-content-border-color);
	font-size: 150%;
	margin: 0 0 10px 0;
	padding: 0 0 5px 0;
/* 	color:var(--wiki-heading-color); */
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.mp-heading::before {
  background-image:url(/images/4/49/Diamondplatetile.png); /* [[File:Diamondplatetile.png]] */

.mp-box .welcome-message {
  font-size: 200%;
  margin: 0 0 10px;
  padding: 0 0 5px;

#mp-banner-container {
	position: relative;

#mp-welcome-box {

#mp-welcome {
	position: relative;
	font-family: var(--wiki-heading-font-family);
	z-index: 2;
	padding:1em 0 0 0;
	box-sizing: border-box;

#mp-welcome .welcome-message {
	color: #fff;
	filter: drop-shadow(0px 2px 3px #000);

#mp-welcome .welcome-subtitle {
	background:rgba(var(--wiki-content-dynamic-color--inverted--rgb), 0.85);

#mp-banner {
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	width: 100%;
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	background: url(/images/8/86/MP_banner_dark.jpg); /* [[File:MP banner dark.jpg]] */
	background-size: cover;
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
	background-position: center bottom;

.theme-light #mp-banner {
  background-image:url(/images/4/4f/MP_banner_light.jpg); /* [[File:MP banner light.jpg]] */

.mp-links {

.mp-links > ul {
	display: flex;
	flex-flow: row wrap;
	justify-content: space-evenly;
	margin: 2px;

.mp-links > ul > li {
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	flex: max(calc(50% - var(--gap)), 5em) 1 1;
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.mp-links > ul > li:hover {
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.mp-links.columns-1 > ul > li {flex: max(calc(100% - var(--gap)), 5em) 1 1;}
.mp-links.columns-2 > ul > li {flex: max(calc(50% - var(--gap)), 5em) 1 1;}
.mp-links.columns-3 > ul > li {flex: max(calc((100% / 3) - var(--gap)), 5em) 1 1;}
.mp-links.columns-4 > ul > li {flex: max(calc(25% - var(--gap)), 5em) 1 1;}
.mp-links.columns-5 > ul > li {flex: max(calc(20% - var(--gap)), 5em) 1 1;}
.mp-links.columns-6 > ul > li {flex: max(calc((100% / 6) - var(--gap)), 5em) 1 1;}
.mp-links.columns-7 > ul > li {flex: max(calc((100% / 7) - var(--gap)), 5em) 1 1;}
.mp-links.columns-8 > ul > li {flex: max(calc((100% / 8) - var(--gap)), 5em) 1 1;}

.mp-links > ul > li:hover a {
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.mp-links > ul > li > a {
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	flex:1 1 auto;

.mp-links > ul > li > a:first-child {

.mp-links > ul > li > a:last-child:not(:first-child) {

.mp-links.stretch > ul {

.mp-links.side-image li {
	flex-flow:row nowrap;
* End main page layout *

/* -------------------- Infoboxes --- */
/* this is the code for the big boxes on pages that have the character/game names, key art/logo, the jp spellings, their likes/dislikes, appearances, etc */

.page-content .portable-infobox { margin: 0 0 .5em .5em; border-color: var(--wiki-accent-color); }
.pi-background { background-color: var(--wiki-content-background-color); }
.page-content .portable-infobox .pi-title {
	background-color: var(--wiki-content-background-color--secondary);
	border-radius: .2em;
	margin: .2em;
    font-size: 140%;
    line-height: 26px;
    font-family: 'TeamRED', sans-serif; /* font's broken, needs rehosted or something */
    font-weight: 700;
    letter-spacing: 0.1em;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    padding: .2em;
    color: var(--wiki-body-dynamic-color--inverted);
.portable-infobox .pi-secondary-background {
    background-color: grey;
    background-color: var(--wiki-content-background-color);

.pi-media-collection .pi-tab-link.current {
    background-color: grey;
    background-color: var(--wiki-content-background-color);

.page-content .portable-infobox .pi-secondary-font { font-size: 80%; }
.page-content .portable-infobox .pi-font { font-size: 80%; }
.page-content .portable-infobox .pi-header { text-align: center; background-color: var(--wiki-content-background-color--secondary); padding: .4em; }
.portable-infobox .pi-navigation { text-align: center; padding: .3em 0; }
.portable-infobox .pi-caption { padding: .4em; font-size: 75%; margin-top: -0.5em; }
.portable-infobox .pi-data { border-color: var(--custom-border-color); }
.portable-infobox .pi-data.pi-item-spacing { padding: 0.3em 9px; }
.page-content .portable-infobox ul { margin: 0 0 0 5px; }
.pi-data ul { list-style: none; margin-left: .1em; }
.pi-data ul li::before { content: "\2022"; color: var(--wiki-accent-color); width: .7em; display: inline-block; }

/* --- Mboxes --- */

.mbox { /*this is the Message Box code; ie., the "this page is a stub" and "this is a fan translation" etc boxes at the top of pages*/
    width: 80%;
    display: flex;
    position: relative;
    background-color: var(--wiki-body-background-color);
    border: 1px solid var(--wiki-content-border-color);
    border-left: 8px solid var(--wiki-content-border-color);
    border-radius: 3px;
    margin: .2em auto;
    min-height: 32px;
    font-size: 95%;
.mbox__content { display: table; box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; padding: 0.6em 0.5em; }
.mbox__content__image { display: table-cell; width: 40px; height: 100%; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; padding-right: 0.5em; }
.mbox__content__wrapper { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; }
.mbox__content__header { display: block; font-weight: bold; }
.mbox__content__text { display: block; line-height: 1.3; padding: 0 .8em 0 .01em; }
.mbox__content__text__comment { font-size: 80%; margin-top: 0.3em; }
.mbox__close {
    position: absolute;
    right: 0;
    top: 0;
    padding: 2px 7px;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 16px;
    color: var(--wiki-content-border-color);
    cursor: pointer;
    transition: all .15s ease-in;
.mbox__close:hover { color: var(--wiki-content-border-color); }
.mbox__close:after { content: '×'; }
.mw-collapsed + .mbox__close { transform: rotate(45deg); padding: 4px 7px 5px 2px; }
@media print { .mbox { display: none; } }

/* ------------------------------ Content box --- */
/* this is the code that changes the boxes on the main page of the wiki with all the site directory links */

.contentbox { 
    box-sizing: border-box;
    background-size: cover;
    background-color: var(--wiki-body-background-color);
    position: relative;
    overflow: hidden;
	padding: 3px;
	padding-bottom: 5px;
    border-radius: .2em;
	margin: .3ex;
    margin-bottom: 12px;
	-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 4px 0 gray;
	-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 4px 0 gray;
	box-shadow: 0 0 4px 0 gray;
	vertical-align: top;
.contentbox:before, .contentbox:after { content: ''; width: 100%; position: absolute; left: 0; z-index: 0; }
.contentbox__wrapper { position: relative; z-index: 1; } { background-size: 100%; background-position: center; font-weight: normal; }
.theme-dark { text-shadow: 1px 1px black;
	background-image: url('//'); }
.theme-light { text-shadow: 1px 1px #8c8c8c; color: black;
	background-image: url('//'); }
.theme-light .contentbox__overlay { background: rgba(242,242,236,0.5); position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; backdrop-filter: blur(2px); }

.contentbox .headera { 
	/*this is the code for the header bars on the main page. currently does not work with theme toggle*/
    color: #fff;
    background-color: var(--custom-accent-color); /*headera is the dark theme*/
	background-image: url('//');
    border-radius: .2em;
    border-bottom: 1px dotted silver;
    text-align: center;
    font-family: 'TeamRED', sans-serif; /*font directory broken, needs reuploaded to work*/
    letter-spacing: 0.1em;
    font-size: 160%;
    font-weight: 700;
    text-shadow: none;
    line-height: 36px;
    margin: 1px 1px 10px 1px;

.contentbox .headerb { 
	/*this is the code for the header bars on the main page. currently does not work with theme toggle*/
    color: #fff; /* update this to one of the var things if we ever get this to work right */
    background-color: var(--custom-accent-color); /*headerb is the light theme*/
	background-image: url('//');
    border-radius: .2em;
    border-bottom: 1px dotted silver;
    text-align: center;
    font-family: 'TeamRED', sans-serif; /*font directory broken, needs reuploaded to work*/
    letter-spacing: 0.1em;
    font-size: 160%;
    font-weight: 700;
    text-shadow: none;
    line-height: 36px;
    margin: 1px 1px 10px 1px;

/* the image toggle stuff for these isn't working and i'm too lazy to figure it out right now */
.contentbox .headera { background-color: var(--custom-accent-color); /*headera is the dark theme*/
	background-image:url('//'); }
.contentbox .headerb { background-color: var(--custom-accent-color); /*headerb is the light theme*/
	background-image:url('//'); } 
	/*if you change this image make sure you cut off the https: part and leave everything after the // */

.contentbox .list { overflow: hidden; padding: .7em 0; text-align: center; margin-left: -6px; }
.contentbox .list li { min-width: 60px; width: 77px; font-size: 80%; list-style: none; display: inline-block; }
.contentbox .list img { border-radius: 24px; }
.contentbox .list img, .contentbox .icon { transition: all linear 400ms; filter: grayscale(100%); }
.contentbox .list img:hover, .contentbox .icon:hover { filter: drop-shadow(1px 1px 5px #141414); }

/* --- Section --- */

.stub {
	max-width: 75%;
	border-left: 8px solid var(--wiki-body-background-color);
	background: linear-gradient(145deg, rgba(var(--wiki-content-border-color--rgb),0.45) 0%, rgba(var(--wiki-content-border-color--rgb),0) 100%);
	margin: 1.5em 0 0;
	min-height: 45px;
	position: relative;
.stub .icon { position: absolute; left: .3em; width: 35px; top: 50%; margin-top: -20px; }
.stub .contain { padding: 0 42px; }
.stub .text { margin: .1em; font-style: italic; }

/* ------------------- Scrollbox --- */
/*this code controls the scrolling boxes for the character reports on the game script pages */

.scrollbox { margin-bottom: 3px; margin-top: 3px; }
.scrollbox tr > td { background: transparent; }
.scrollbox tr > td > div { overflow: auto; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 0.5em; border: 1px solid var(--custom-accent-color); padding-left: 0.5em; background: transparent; }
.responsivediv { display:flex }

/* -------------- "Template:J" from FF Wiki --- */
/*this is the code for the japanese text display thing. don't touch this because this bit is only the tip of the iceberg. trust me*/

.jTemplate { font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; }
.jTemplate .romaji { font-style: italic; }
.jTemplate .lit:before { content: '“'; }
.jTemplate .lit:after { content: '”'; }
.jTemplate .help { font-size: 9px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 0; vertical-align: super; }

/* --- Tooltip --- */

.main-tooltip {
    border: 1px solid var(--wiki-accent-color);
    color: var(--wiki-content-text-color);
    font-size: 80%;
    background-color: var(--wiki-body-background-color);
    box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
    border-radius: 4px;
    margin-bottom: 5px;
    padding: 2px 5px;
#tooltip-wrapper { padding: 3px 7px 2px 3px; z-index: 6000000; }
.has-redlinks, .tooltip-loading, .advanced-tooltip .tooltip-contents { display: none; }
.tooltips-init-complete, abbr { background: none; border-bottom: 1px dotted gray; cursor: help; 

/* Reference highlight color */
ol.references { font-size: 90%; }
ol.references li:target { background-color: var(--wiki-content-background-color--secondary); }
sup.reference:target { background-color: var(--wiki-content-background-color--secondary); }

/* --- Audio player --- */
/* this code doesn't seem to be working at the moment so I'm just gonna hide it for now */
.audio-button {
    display: inline-block;
    vertical-align: text-top;
    width: 1em;
    height: 1em;
    overflow: hidden;
    border-radius: 3px;
    background-color: #006cb0;
    transition: background-color .2s;
    cursor: pointer;
    background-image: url('');
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center;
.audio-button-parent { cursor: pointer; }, .audio-button:hover, .audio-button-parent:hover > .click-parent { background-color: #b30000; } {
	background-image: url(''); } { cursor: help; background-color: #b30000;
	background-image: url(''); }
.ogg-player audio, .ogg-player video { display: inline-block; }
.ogg-player .info-icon { display: none; position: absolute; z-index: 2; background-color: transparent;
	background-image: url('');
	background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: -1228px 0; height: 18px; width: 18px; }
.ogg-audio-player .info-icon { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5); margin: -5px 0 0 -5px; border-radius: 100%; }
.ogg-video-player .info-icon { margin: 2px 0 0 -20px; }
.ogg-player:hover .info-icon { display: inline-block; }
.audio-button>*{ display: none; }

/* --- Quotes --- */

.quotation {
	width: 75%;
	border-left: 5px solid var(--wiki-content-border-color);
    border-radius: .2em;
    display: table;
    font-size: 13px;
    font-style: italic;
    margin: .1em !important;
    padding: .1em .5em;
    quotes: "\201C""\201D";
.quotation:before { content: open-quote; color: var(--wiki-accent-color); font-size: 7em; line-height: 0; margin-right: 0.15em; vertical-align: -0.6em; }
.quotation p { margin: -.1em .4em .4em !important; }
.quotation__source { font-style: normal; margin-left: 5px; }

 * Navboxes
/* CSS Vars */
.navbox {
    --navbox-bg-color: var(--wiki-body-background-color);
    --navbox-text-color: var(--wiki-content-text-color);
    --navbox-title-color: var(--wiki-accent-color);
    --navbox-header-color: var(--wiki-heading-color);
    --navbox-alt-color: var(--wiki-body-dynamic-color);
    --navbox-border-color: var(--wiki-content-border-color)
.navbox {
    width: 100%;
    background: var(--wiki-content-background-color);
    color: var(--wiki-content-text-color);
    margin: 1em auto;
    font-size: 84%;
    clear: both;
    padding: 2px;
    border-spacing: 0;
    border: 1px solid var(--wiki-content-border-color);

/* Merges navboxes that are directly under eachother */
.navbox + .navbox {
    margin-top: -11px;

.navbox .navbox-title {
    background: var(--wiki-content-background-color--secondary);
    color: var(--wiki-content-text-color);
    font-weight: bold;

.navbox .navbox-vde {

.navbox .navbox-title-padright {
    padding-right: 65px;

.navbox .navbox-title-padleft {
    padding-left: 65px;

.navbox .navbox-subgroup {
    border-spacing: 0;
    width: 100%;

.navbox .navbox-gutter {
    height: 2px;

.navbox .navbox-subgroup .navbox-gutter {
    background: var(--wiki-body-background-color);

.navbox .navbox-section-row > td {
    padding: 0;
    height: 100%;

.navbox .navbox-section {
    width: 100%;
    border-spacing: 0;

.navbox .navbox-above,
.navbox .navbox-below {
    background: var(--wiki-content-background-color);
    text-align: center;

.navbox .navbox-image {
    background: var(--wiki-body-background-color);
    text-align: center;

.navbox .navbox-group,
.navbox .navbox-header {
    background: var(--wiki-body-background-color);
    color: var(--wiki-content-text-color);
    font-weight: bold;
    height: 100%;
    padding: 2px 4px;

.navbox .navbox-header-collapsible {
    padding-left: 65px;

.navbox .navbox-group {
    text-align: right;
    padding-left: 1em;
    padding-right: 1em;
    white-space: nowrap;

.navbox .navbox-group,
.navbox .navbox-image-left {
    border-right: 2px solid var(--wiki-body-background-color);

.navbox .navbox-image-right {
    border-left: 2px solid var(--wiki-content-border-color);

.navbox .navbox-list {
    background: var(--wiki-body-background-color);
    color: var(--wiki-content-text-color);
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    padding: 0;

.navbox .alt > .navbox-list {
    background: var(--wiki-content-background-color--secondary);

.navbox .navbox-list div {
    padding: 0px 4px;

.navbox {
    text-align: center;
    padding-top: 2px;
    padding-bottom: 2px;

.navbox .mw-collapsible-toggle {
    width: 65px;

/* hlist */
.hlist dl,
.hlist ol,
.hlist ul {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;

/* Display list items inline */
.hlist dd,
.hlist dt,
.hlist li {
	margin: 0; /* don't trust the note that says margin doesn't work with inline
				* removing margin: 0 makes dds have margins again */
	display: inline;

/* Display nested lists inline */
.hlist.inline dl,
.hlist.inline ol,
.hlist.inline ul,
.hlist dl dl,
.hlist dl ol,
.hlist dl ul,
.hlist ol dl,
.hlist ol ol,
.hlist ol ul,
.hlist ul dl,
.hlist ul ol,
.hlist ul ul {
	display: inline;

/* Hide empty list items */
.hlist .mw-empty-li {
	display: none;

/* Generate interpuncts */
.hlist dt:after {
	content: ": ";

.hlist dd:after,
.hlist li:after {
	content: " · ";
	font-weight: bold;

.hlist dd:last-child:after,
.hlist dt:last-child:after,
.hlist li:last-child:after {
	content: none;

/* Add parentheses around nested lists */
.hlist dd dd:first-child:before,
.hlist dd dt:first-child:before,
.hlist dd li:first-child:before,
.hlist dt dd:first-child:before,
.hlist dt dt:first-child:before,
.hlist dt li:first-child:before,
.hlist li dd:first-child:before,
.hlist li dt:first-child:before,
.hlist li li:first-child:before {
	content: " (";
	font-weight: normal;

.hlist dd dd:last-child:after,
.hlist dd dt:last-child:after,
.hlist dd li:last-child:after,
.hlist dt dd:last-child:after,
.hlist dt dt:last-child:after,
.hlist dt li:last-child:after,
.hlist li dd:last-child:after,
.hlist li dt:last-child:after,
.hlist li li:last-child:after {
	content: ")";
	font-weight: normal;

/* Put ordinals in front of ordered list items */
.hlist ol {
	counter-reset: listitem;

.hlist ol > li {
	counter-increment: listitem;

.hlist ol > li:before {
	content: " " counter(listitem) "\a0";

.hlist dd ol > li:first-child:before,
.hlist dt ol > li:first-child:before,
.hlist li ol > li:first-child:before {
	content: " (" counter(listitem) "\a0";

* Utility classes for standard MW galleries *
/* it's important that spaced comes before centered in the sheet */
.gallery.spaced {
  flex-flow:row wrap;

.gallery.centered {

* End gallery classes *