GG World/Bounty

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Guilty Gear World entries from across the series' history relating to Bounty. These include glossaries printed in books as well as the ones included in the games themselves. Some entries were never officially localized and have unofficial translations provided by fans.

Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-





English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- & -Rev2-




A monetary reward offered for Gears or criminals that the authorities want captured or...removed. Gear bounties are usually quite high. If a bounty hunter captures or otherwise fulfills a bounty, it is their responsibility to deliver the bounty, or proof of some kind, to the Post-War Administration Bureau.

English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear -Strive-





A monetary reward offered for Gears or criminals that the authorities want captured or...removed. Gear bounties are usually quite high. If a bounty hunter captures or otherwise fulfills a bounty, it is their responsibility to deliver the bounty, or proof of some kind, to the Post-War Administration Bureau.

English (Unofficial)



기어나 범죄자를 토벌했을 때 받는 보수.
기어에게 걸린 현상금은 매우 고액이다. 종전관리국이 지불한다.



Eine von den Behörden ausgelobte finanzielle Belohnung für die Gefangennahme von Gears oder Kriminellen ... oder für deren Beseitigung. Kopfgelder auf Gears sind normalerweise ziemlich hoch. Wenn ein Kopfgeldjäger eine ausgeschriebene Person fängt oder die Kopfgeldmission anderweitig erfüllt, liegt es in seiner Verantwortung, dem Nachkriegsverwaltungsbüro die gesuchte Person oder irgendeinen Nachweis auszuhändigen.

Una cantidad de dinero que las autoridades ofrecen por la captura de algún Gear o criminal... o a veces su eliminación.

Las recompensas por Gears suelen ser bastante cuantiosas. Si un cazarrecompensas captura a un objetivo o cumple las condiciones de su recompensa, debe presentar el objetivo o algún tipo de prueba a la Oficina de Administración de la Posguerra.

Une récompense pécuniaire offerte pour les Gears ou les criminels dont les autorités veulent se débarrasser, que ce soit par la capture... ou autrement. Celles offertes pour la tête des Gears sont plutôt élevées. Le chasseur de primes qui trouve sa proie doit en apporter la preuve au Bureau administratif de l'après-guerre.

Una ricompensa in denaro offerta dalle autorità per la cattura, o l'eliminazione, di determinati Gear o criminali. Le taglie sui Gear sono generalmente generose. Se un cacciatore di taglie cattura o soddisfa in altro modo i requisiti di una taglia, sta a lui consegnare il prigioniero, o una prova che attesti il suo diritto, all'Ufficio Amministrativo Postbellico.