GG World/Allied King

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Guilty Gear World entries from across the series' history relating to Allied King. These include glossaries printed in books as well as the ones included in the games themselves. Some entries were never officially localized and have unofficial translations provided by fans.

Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-




The United Kingdoms of Illyria are so large that they employ three kings to oversee all government operations. The first King is Ky Kiske, the second is Leo Whitefang, and the third has yet to be seen or identified. As First King, Ky technically outranks the other two, though only slightly. The Second and Third kings are effectively equal to one another.

English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- & -Rev2-





English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear -Strive-




The United Kingdoms of Illyria are so large that they employ three kings to oversee all government operations. The first Allied King is Ky Kiske, the second is Leo Whitefang, and the third is Daryl. As First Allied King, Ky technically outranks the other two, though only slightly. The Second and Third Allied kings are effectively equal to one another.

English (Unofficial)



이률리아 연왕국의 국왕 3명을 가리킨다.
주석은 제1연왕 카이 키스크.
제2연왕 레오 화이트팽과 제3연왕 대럴은 동격이다.



Die Vereinigten Königreiche von Illyria sind so groß, dass sie drei Bundeskönige zur Beaufsichtigung der Regierungsgeschäfte beschäftigen. Der Erste Bundeskönig ist Ky Kiske, der Zweite Bundeskönig ist Leo Whitefang und der Dritte Bundeskönig ist Daryl. Als Erster Bundeskönig steht Ky Kiske genau genommen über den beiden anderen Bundeskönigen, wenn auch nur ein kleines Stück. Der Zweite Bundeskönig und der Dritte Bundeskönig haben in etwa gleich viel Macht.

Los Reinos Unidos de Iliria son tan extensos que cuentan con tres reyes para supervisar todas las labores de gobierno. El primer rey es Ky Kiske, el segundo es Leo Whitefang y el tercero es Daryl. Como primer rey, en teoría Ky supera en rango a los otros dos, aunque en la práctica no hay mucha diferencia: el segundo y tercer rey son iguales entre sí a todos los efectos.

Les Royaumes unis d'Illyria sont si étendus qu'il leur faut trois rois alliés pour en superviser le fonctionnement. Le premier est Ky Kiske, le deuxième Léo Whitefang et le troisième Daryl. Le rang de Roi allié premier de Ky lui donne une légère préséance sur ses homologues. Le Roi allié second et le Roi allié troisième sont sur un pied d'égalité.

I Regni Uniti di Illyria sono così estesi che usano tre sovrani per sovrintendere tutte le operazioni governative. Il Primo Sovrano è Ky Kiske, il Secondo è Leo Whitefang e il Terzo è Daryl. Tecnicamente, in quanto Primo Sovrano, Ky supera gli altri due, anche se di poco. Il Secondo e il Terzo Sovrano sono a tutti gli effetti equivalenti.