GG World/Answer

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Guilty Gear World entries related to Answer from across the series' history. These include glossaries printed in books as well as the ones included in the games themselves. Some entries were never officially localized and have unofficial translations provided by fans.

Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-




Adjutant to self-proclaimed President Chipp Zanuff. He is blessed with a preternatural memory, and can remember any fact after hearing it only once. Some refer to him as a human database.

When Answer first met Chipp, he was poor and had fallen in with a rough crowd. He found Chipp's incessant preaching irritating, and challenged him to a duel-- when he then proceeded to lose spectacularly. It was at that moment that he fell under the sway of Chipp's charisma.

He has since put his memory to good use in Chipp's service, and has sworn to put Chipp in office.

English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- & -Rev2-


■ 氏名:アンサー
■ 身長:183cm
■ 体重:65kg
■ 血液型:A
■ 生年月日:9月8日
■ 出身地:東チップ王国
■ 趣味:秘湯めぐり
■ 大切なもの:今の生き方
■ 嫌いなもの:忘れることができない記憶・圏外
■ 所属:東チップ王国
■ CV:関 智一

基本的には冷静沈着で物事を客観的かつ多角的な視点から判断する性格。 上官チップが完全に放棄し
イクに遂行している。 それでいて義理や人情といった人心も併せ持っており、 忠義の対象であるチップ
などの危機に際しては熱血的な言動・行動を起こすこともある。 チップから直伝された忍術を独自に改
良し、「ビジネス忍法」 や 「インテリ忍法」として昇華。


貧民の生まれで荒んだ生活をしていたところ、世直し行脚中であったチップと出会った。 説教をするチッ


  • Name: Answer
  • Height: 6'0"
  • Weight: 143 lbs
  • Blood Type: A
  • Birth Date: September 8
  • Homeland: Eastern Chipp Kingdom
  • Hobby: Visiting secret hotsprings
  • Likes: His current way of life
  • Dislikes: Unforgettable memories, losing connection
  • Affiliation: Eastern Chipp Kingdom

Fundamentally calm and collected, capable of judging things objectively and from multiple points of view. He takes care of all the administrative work that his superior Chipp slacks off about, constantly with a phone in hand and negotiating with clients. Still, he has a sense of duty, empathy, and a kind heart, and he gets hot blooded in both words and deeds when Chipp, or any other he holds loyalty to, is in a crisis. He reformed the ninjutsu learned from Chipp in a unique way, calling it things like "Business Ninpo" or "Intelligent Ninpo".

Adjutant to self-proclaimed President Chipp Zanuff. He is blessed with a preternatural memory, and can remember any fact after hearing it only once. Some refer to him as a human database.
When Answer first met Chipp, he was poor and had fallen in with a rough crowd. He found Chipp's incessant preaching irritating, and challenged him to a duel-when he then proceeded to lose spectacularly. It was at that moment that he fell under the sway of Chipp's charisma.
He has since put his memory to good use in Chipp's service, and has sworn to put Chipp in office.

English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear -Strive-


■ 氏名:アンサー
■ 身長:183cm
■ 体重:65kg
■ 血液型:A
■ 生年月日:9月8日
■ 出身地:東チップ王国
■ 趣味:秘湯めぐり
■ 大切なもの:今の生き方
■ 嫌いなもの:忘れることができない記憶・圏外
■ 所属:東チップ王国





  • Name: Answer
  • Height: 6'0"
  • Weight: 143 lbs
  • Blood Type: A
  • Date of Birth: September 8
  • Origin: Eastern Chipp Kingdom
  • Hobby: Visiting secret hot springs
  • Likes: His current way of life
  • Dislikes: Unforgettable memories, losing connection
  • Affiliation: Eastern Chipp Kingdom

Fundamentally calm and collected, Answer is capable of judging things objectively and from multiple points of view. Constantly seen on the phone while negotiating with his clients, he takes care of all the administrative work that is neglected by his superior, Chipp.
Still, he has a sense of duty, empathy, and a kind heart, and he gets hot-blooded in both words and deeds when Chipp, or any other he holds loyalty to, is in a crisis. He fights using a modified version of Ninjutsu he learned from Chipp, which he calls "Business Ninpo" or "Intelligent Ninpo."

Adjutant to self-proclaimed President Chipp Zanuff, he is blessed with a preternatural memory and can remember any fact after hearing it only once. Some refer to him as a human database.

When Answer first met Chipp, he was poor and had fallen in with a rough crowd. He found Chipp's incessant preaching irritating and challenged him to a duel—which he then proceeded to lose spectacularly. It was at that moment that he fell under the sway of Chipp's charisma.

He has since put his skills to good use in Chipp's service and has sworn to assist Chipp in office.

English (Unofficial)



■이름 : 앤서
■신장 : 183cm
■체중 : 65kg
■혈액형 : A
■생년월일 : 9월 8일
■출신지 : 동 치프 왕국
■취미 : 비탕 순례
■소중한 것 : 지금의 삶
■싫어하는 것 : 잊을 수 없는 기억 · 통화권 이탈
■소속 : 동 치프 왕국

기본적으로는 냉정 침착하며, 사물을 객관적이고 다각적인 시점에서 판단하는 성격. 상관 치프가 완전히 팽개쳐둔 사무적인 일들을 혼자서 담당하고 있어, 늘 통신기를 손에서 떼지 않고 클라이언트와 비즈니스적 흥정을 수행하고 있다. 게다가 의리나 인정 같은 인심까지 겸비하고 있어, 충의의 대상인 치프의 위기 때는 열혈적인 언행을 보여줄 때도 있다. 치프에게 직전 받은 인술을 독자적으로 개량하여 「비즈니스 인법」과 「인텔리 인법」으로 승화.

자칭 대통령 치프 자너프의 부관.
이상하게 발달한 기억력의 소유자로 한 번 보고 들은 일은 절대 잊지 않는 특수한 능력을 지니고 있다. 그래서 그를 아는 자들에게는 인간 데이터베이스라 불리고 있다.

빈민 태생으로 힘들게 생활하던 중, 세상을 고치는 중이었던 치프와 만났다. 설교하는 치프에게 화를 내며 덤비지만 패배. 그 실력과 위험한 카리스마성에 반해버린다. 이후, 그 기억력을 살려 치프의 참모를 맡아 대업을 이루는 것을 돕고 있다.









■Name: Answer
■​Größe: 183 cm
■​Gewicht: 65 kg
■​Blutgruppe: A
■​Geburtstag: 8. September
■​Heimatland: Östliches Königreich von Chipp
■​Hobby: Geheime heiße Quellen aufsuchen.
■​Vorlieben: Sein derzeitiger Lebensstil.
■​Abneigungen: Unvergessliche Erinnerungen, Verbindung verlieren.
■​Zugehörigkeit: Östliches Königreich von Chipp

​Grundsätzlich ruhig und gesammelt, fähig, die Dinge objektiv und aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln zu beurteilen. Answer kümmert sich um alle administrativen Aufgaben, die sein Vorgesetzter Chipp vernachlässigt. Er hat ständig das Telefon in der Hand und verhandelt mit Kunden. Trotzdem ist er pflichtbewusst, besitzt Einfühlungsvermögen und hat ein gutes Herz. Wenn Chipp oder jemand anderes, dem Answers Loyalität gilt, in der Klemme steckt, wird er ungestüm – in Worten wie in Taten. Answer reformierte das Ninjutsu, das er von Chipp gelernt hat, auf einzigartige Weise und nennt es
​„Business-Ninpo“ oder „Smartes Ninpo“.

​Adjutant des selbst ernannten Präsidenten Chipp Zanuff. Er ist mit einem übernatürlichen Gedächtnis gesegnet. Er kann sich alles merken, nachdem er es einmal gehört hat. Manche nennen ihn eine menschliche Datenbank.

​Als Answer zum ersten Mal auf Chipp Zanuff traf, war er arm und hatte sich üblen Gestalten angeschlossen. Chipps unaufhörliche Predigten ärgerten ihn, also forderte er ihn zu einem Duell heraus – das mit einer spektakulären Niederlage für Answer endete. In jenem Moment erlag er Chipps Charisma.

​Fortan stellte er sein Fähigkeiten in die Dienste von Chipp und schwor, Chipp ins Amt zu helfen.

■Nombre: Answer
■Estatura: 1,83 m
■Peso: 65 kg
■Grupo sanguíneo: A
■Fecha de nacimiento: 8 de septiembre
■Procedencia: Reino de Chipp Oriental
■Afición: Visitar manantiales secretos de agua termal
■Le importa: Su estilo de vida actual
■Odia: Recuerdos inolvidables, perder la conexión
■Afiliación: Reino de Chipp Oriental

Tranquilo y sosegado, capaz de juzgar las cosas objetivamente y desde múltiples puntos de vista. Se ocupa de todo el trabajo administrativo que su superior Chipp descuida, con un teléfono en la mano de forma constante para negociar con los clientes. Eso no quita que tenga sentido del deber, empatía y un corazón bondadoso, y se vuelve más impulsivo tanto con las palabras como con los hechos cuando Chipp, o cualquier otro al que le sea leal, tienen algún problema grave. Transformó el ninjutsu que Chipp le enseñó de una manera única, rebautizándolo como «ninpo de negocios» o «ninpo inteligente».

Ayudante del autoproclamado presidente Chipp Zanuff, está bendecido con una memoria sobrenatural y puede recordar cualquier cosa después de escucharla tan solo una vez. Algunos dicen que es una base de datos humana.

Cuando Answer conoció a Chipp, era pobre y frecuentaba malas compañías. Se hartó de los constantes sermones de Chipp y lo retó a un duelo, que perdió de forma espectacular. Fue en ese momento cuando cayó bajo la influencia del carisma de Chipp.

Desde entonces ha puesto sus habilidades al servicio de Chipp y ha jurado trabajar para que Chipp sea presidente.

■Nom : Answer
■Taille : 1,83 m
■Poids : 65 kg
■Groupe sanguin : A
■Date de naissance : 8 septembre
■Origine : Royaume oriental de Chipp
■Loisirs : fréquenter les sources chaudes secrètes
■Aime : son mode de vie actuel
■N'aime pas : les souvenirs inoubliables, perdre contact
■Affiliation : Royaume oriental de Chipp

Calme et impassible, il sait faire preuve d'objectivité et adopter différents points de vue. Il s'occupe de toutes les tâches administratives délaissées par son supérieur, Chipp, et passe son temps le téléphone à la main à négocier avec les clients. Pour autant, il possède un fort sens du devoir, beaucoup d'empathie et un grand cœur. Il lui arrive même de s'emporter, dans les paroles comme dans les actes, quand Chipp ou toute personne ayant gagné sa loyauté a un problème. Il a modernisé le Ninjutsu enseigné par Chipp d'une façon bien à lui, avec des attaques comme le « Business Ninpo » ou le « Ninpo malin ».

Adjudant du président autoproclamé Chipp Zanuff. Il possède une mémoire extraordinaire qui lui permet de se souvenir de tout ce qu'il entend au moins une fois. Certains l'appellent la base de données humaine.
Jeune homme pauvre aux mauvaises fréquentations lors de leur première rencontre, Answer provoque Chipp en duel, énervé par les sermons incessants de celui-ci... et perd avec brio. C'est alors qu'il est happé par le charisme du vainqueur.

Depuis, il met sa mémoire au service de Chipp, qu'il a juré de mettre au pouvoir.

■Nome: Answer
■Altezza: 183 cm
■Peso: 65 kg
■Gruppo sanguigno: A
■Data di nascita: 8 settembre
■Origini: Regno Orientale di Chipp
■Hobby: visitare terme segrete.
■Apprezza: il suo stile di vita attuale.
■Non sopporta: i ricordi indimenticabili, perdere i contatti.
■Affiliazioni: Regno Orientale di Chipp

Fondamentalmente calmo e raccolto, capace di giudicare in modo obiettivo e da diversi punti di vista. Si occupa di tutto il lavoro amministrativo che il suo superiore Chipp delega ed è costantemente con il telefono in mano a negoziare con i clienti. Nonostante questo, è dotato di senso del dovere, empatia e bontà d'animo, e il sangue gli ribolle sia a fatti che a parole quando Chipp, o chiunque altro a cui è fedele, va in crisi. Ha rielaborato il ninjutsu imparato da Chipp in modo unico, chiamandolo
"Business Ninpo" o "Intelligent Ninpo".

Aiutante dell'autoproclamato presidente Chipp Zanuff. È dotato di una memoria innaturale e può ricordare qualsiasi cosa di cui abbia sentito parlare almeno una volta. Qualcuno lo chiama "database umano".

Quando Answer incontrò Chipp per la prima volta, era povero e frequentava brutta gente. Trovava irritanti le incessanti prediche di Chipp e lo sfidò a duello... che poi perse in modo spettacolare. Fu in quel momento che rimase affascinato dal carisma di Chipp.

Da allora, mette la sua memoria al servizio di Chipp e ha giurato di aiutarlo in ogni modo.