전 UN 원로원 멤버 4명 중 한 명.
멤버 중 가장 호전적인 성격이다.
「법력」의 보급에 힘쓴 「사도」 중 한 명이다.
신원은 밝혀지지 않았으며, 가면 밑의 맨얼굴을 아는 자는 많지 않다.
스스로 일으킨 「요람 사건」의 최종 결전장에서, 연왕 카이의 심장을 구시대의 권총으로 쏜다. 그러나 어떠한 요인으로 기어의 힘이 혼입된 카이를 쓰러뜨리지 못하고, 이 싸움에서 전사했다.
GG World/Axus
Guilty Gear World entries related to Axus from across the series' history. These include glossaries printed in books as well as the ones included in the games themselves. Some entries were never officially localized and have unofficial translations provided by fans.
Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-
One of the four members of the Conclave, and possibly the most belligerent. He is also one of the Apostles who standardized magic. His true identity is unclear, and very few know what lies beneath his mask.
English (Unofficial)
Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- & -Rev2-
素性は明かされておらず、 仮面の下の素顔を知るものは少ない。
One of the four members of the Conclave, and possibly the most belligerent. He is also one of the Apostles who standardized magic. His true identity is unclear, and very few what lies beneath his mask.
In the final chapter of the Cradle Incident, which he orchestrated, he shoots Ky through the heart with an ancient projectile weapon. Nevertheless, Ky displays Gear-like power, and survives the gunshot. Needless to say, this is where Axus met his end.
English (Unofficial)
Guilty Gear -Strive-
One of the four members of the Conclave, and possibly the most belligerent. He is also one of the Apostles who standardized magic. His true identity is unclear, and very few know what lies beneath his mask.
During the Cradle Incident, which he orchestrated, he shot Ky through the heart with an ancient projectile weapon. Nevertheless, Ky displayed Gear-like power and survives the gunshot. It was during this battle where Axus met his end.
English (Unofficial)
Eines der vier Mitglieder des Konklaves und möglicherweise das kämpferischste. Axus ist auch einer der Apostel, die die Magie zum Standard gemacht haben. Seine wahre Identität ist unklar und nur wenige wissen, was sich unter seiner Maske verbirgt.
Im letzten Kapitel des von ihm inszenierten Wiege-Zwischenfalls schießt er Ky mit einer uralten Schusswaffe durchs Herz. Ky zeigt jedoch eine Kraft, die an die Gears erinnert, und überlebt den Schuss. Es muss wohl nicht erwähnt werden, dass hier Axus in jenem Augenblick sein Ende fand.
Uno de los cuatro miembros del Cónclave y posiblemente el más beligerante. También es uno de los apóstoles que estandarizó la magia. Su verdadera identidad no está clara y muy pocos saben lo que hay debajo de su máscara.
En el capítulo final del Incidente de la Cuna, que él orquestó, le atravesó el corazón a Ky de un disparo con una antigua arma de proyectiles. Sin embargo, Ky mostró un poder similar al de un Gear y sobrevivió al disparo. No hace falta decir que aquí fue donde a Axus le llegó su final.
L'un des quatre membres du Conclave et sans doute le plus belliqueux. C'est également l'un des Apôtres qui ont rendu la magie si commune. Sa véritable identité reste floue et peu de gens savent ce qui se cache derrière son masque.
Dans le dernier chapitre de l'incident du Berceau, dont il est l'un des instigateurs, il touche Ky au cœur avec un projectile des temps anciens. Ky, grâce à un pouvoir semblable à celui des Gears, survit au tir. Inutile de préciser qu'Axus, lui, passe alors de vie à trépas.
Uno dei quattro membri del Conclave e probabilmente il più bellicoso. È anche uno degli Apostoli che hanno regolamentato la magia. La sua vera identità non era del tutto chiara e ben pochi sapevano cosa si nascondesse dietro la sua maschera.
Nell'ultimo capitolo dell'Incidente della Culla, che aveva orchestrato, sparò al cuore a Ky con un'antica arma a proiettili. Tuttavia, Ky mostrò poteri simili a quelli dei Gear, sopravvivendo alla ferita. Inutile dire che è qui che Axus incontrò la sua fine.