GG World/Dr. Baldhead

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Guilty Gear World entries related to Dr. Baldhead from across the series' history. These include glossaries printed in books as well as the ones included in the games themselves. Some entries were never officially localized and have unofficial translations provided by fans.

Guilty Gear Complete Bible

Guilty Gear Bible Glossary entry.


かつて世界最高の名医といわれていたが、今ではタダの妖怪。 歩き方はともかく、 首が伸びる時点で人間とは認めたくない。 元からイロモノキャラにすあるつもりだったが、 開発者の考えていた以上の存在になったらい。

English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear X Drafting Artworks



English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-




A playable character from the Guilty Gear franchise. A psychotic doctor who carries a massive scalpel.

Once, he was known as one of the leading doctors in the entire world, and nothing warmed his heart like curing the sick. Unfortunately, one day an operation on a little girl went horribly wrong, and she passed away on his operating table. The misery and regret was too much for Baldhead, and he went completely mad, transforming from a revered doctor to a feared serial killer.

He was eventually captured, and later managed to regain his sanity during the Second Sacred Order of Holy Knights tournament. After the tournament, however, he disappeared, and his current whereabouts are unknown.

English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- & -Rev2-



自分のミスが許せなかった彼はそのショックで錯乱してしまう。 そして彼は世界最高の名医から恐るべ

後に捕らえられたが、第二次聖騎士団選抜大会の出場を機に正気へと戻る。 その後の彼の消息を知る



English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear -Strive-









A psychotic doctor who carries a massive scalpel.

Once, he was known as one of the leading doctors globally, and nothing warmed his heart like curing the sick. However, misfortune struck one day when an operation he was conducting on a little girl went horribly wrong, which caused her to pass away on his operating table. The misery and regret were too much for Baldhead, and he went insane, transforming from a revered doctor to a feared serial killer.

He was captured and eventually managed to regain his sanity during the Second Sacred Order of Holy Knights tournament. After the tournament, however, he disappeared, and his current whereabouts are unknown.

English (Unofficial)



거대한 메스로 싸우는 광기의 어둠의 의사.

일찍이 그는 선량한 마음과 세계 최고라 불릴 정도의 실력을 지닌 외과의였다.
그러나 어떤 소녀의 수술에 실패해 환자를 죽게 만들고 만다.
자신의 실수를 용서할 수 없었던 그는 그 충격으로 미쳐버린다. 그리고 그는 세계 최고의 명의에서 무서운 연쇄살인범으로 변모하고 만다.

훗날 붙잡히게 되지만, 제2차 성기사단 선발대회 출장을 계기로 제정신을 되찾는다. 그 후 그의 소식을 아는 자는 없다…?







Ein psychotischer Doktor, der ein massives Skalpel bei sich trägt.

Einst war er einer der führenden Ärzte der Welt und nichts erwärmte sein Herz so sehr wie das Heilen von Kranken. Leider ging eines Tages die Operation an einem kleinen Mädchen furchtbar schief und die Patientin verstarb auf seinem Operationstisch. Das Elend und das Bedauern waren zu viel für Dr. Baldhead. Er wurde wahnsinnig und verwandelte sich von einem angesehenen Arzt in einen gefürchteten Serienmörder.

Dr. Baldhead wurde schließlich gefangen genommen und erlangte während des Turniers des Zweiten Heiligen Ritterordens seinen Verstand wieder. Nach dem Turnier verschwand er jedoch. Sein derzeitiger Aufenthaltsort ist unbekannt.

Un médico psicótico que lleva un enorme bisturí.

En su día era famoso por ser uno de los médicos más importantes del mundo y nada le reconfortaba más que curar a los enfermos. Desafortunadamente, un día una operación a una niña pequeña salió terriblemente mal y falleció en su mesa de operaciones. La pena y el arrepentimiento fueron demasiado para Baldhead y se volvió completamente loco, pasó de ser un médico venerado a convertirse en un temido asesino en serie.

Lo acabaron capturando y más tarde se las arregló para recuperar su cordura durante el Torneo de la Segunda Orden Sagrada de los Santos Caballeros. Sin embargo, después del torneo desapareció y se desconoce su paradero actual.

C'était autrefois l'un des meilleurs docteurs au monde, qui n'aimait rien de plus que de soigner les malades. Malheureusement, un jour, une opération tourne mal et une petite fille meurt sous ses yeux. Baldhead devient fou, submergé par le désespoir et les regrets, et passe du statut de médecin respecté à celui de tueur en série.

Il finit par être capturé et recouvre enfin ses esprits lors du tournoi de sélection du Deuxième Ordre des chevaliers sacrés. Par la suite, il disparaît de la circulation. On ignore où il se trouve actuellement.

Un personaggio giocabile della serie Guilty Gear. È un medico psicopatico che porta con sé un enorme bisturi.

Un tempo era noto come uno dei migliori medici esistenti al mondo e niente gli riscaldava il cuore come curare i malati. Un giorno, però, un intervento su una piccola bambina andò malissimo e lei morì sul tavolo operatorio. La tristezza e il rimpianto furono troppo per Baldhead, che perse completamente la ragione, trasformandosi da rispettato medico a temuto serial killer.

Alla fine venne catturato e in seguito riuscì a recuperare la sanità mentale durante il torneo per i Cavalieri del Secondo Ordine Sacro.
Tuttavia dopo il torneo scomparve senza lasciare traccia.