GG World/Gabriel

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Guilty Gear World entries related to Gabriel from across the series' history. These include glossaries printed in books as well as the ones included in the games themselves. Some entries were never officially localized and have unofficial translations provided by fans.

Guilty Gear Complete Bible

Guilty Gear Bible Glossary entry.


ポチョムキン達の教官であり、武の師にして心中の仇。 もしかしたら、世界最強の男。

English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear X Drafting Artworks



English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-




The first president of the Independent Airborne State of Zepp. Before taking office, he served in the military and was Potemkin's CO.

Concerned about the ever-increasing gap between the aristocracy and the common people in Old Zepp (The Imperial State of Zepp), Gabriel launched a coup d'état during the Second Sacred Order of Holy Knights tournament. It was a success, and Gabriel took up the reins of his suddenly leaderless nation. With unanimous support from the citizens of the newly-renamed Independent Airborne State of Zepp, he began to work toward the ideals upon which the country had originally been founded.

He is quite capable of defeating Potemkin in combat, and is said to even be able to go toe-to-toe against the immortal Slayer. In the novel "Guilty Gear X - The Butterfly and Her Gale," he fights Chipp in a spectacular battle.

English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- & -Rev2-



建国の理想を失い、 一部の特権階級者たちによる腐敗した独裁政治が蔓延していた祖国に失望した彼
クーデターは成功。 新たな国家元首となったガブリエルは、大統領制と民主主義を掲げ、 全国民の支持

なお、小説「ギルティギアゼクス胡蝶と疾風」でチップと激闘を演じている。 その結果は小説を
CV菅生 隆之。



English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear -Strive-








The first president of the Independent Airborne State of Zepp. Before taking office, he served in the military and was Potemkin's commanding officer.

Concerned about the ever-increasing gap between the aristocracy and the common people in Old Zepp (The Imperial State of Zepp), Gabriel launched a coup d'état during the Second Sacred Order of Holy Knights tournament and was successful. He took up the reins of the leaderless nation with unanimous support from the citizens and renamed the country as the Independent Airborne State of Zepp. He currently works toward the ideals upon which the nation had originally been founded.

He can effortlessly defeat Potemkin in combat and is said to be able to go toe-to-toe against the immortal Slayer.

English (Unofficial)



무장과학황국 체프의 초대 대통령.
무에 뛰어나, 예전엔 포템킨의 군사교관을 맡기도 했다.

빈부의 격차나 계급제도가 짙게 남아 있었던 구 체프(무장과학제국 체프)에 소속된 군인이었으나, 건국의 이상을 잃고 일부 특권 계급자들에 의한 부패한 독재정치가 만연하게 된 조국에 실망한 그는 제2차 성기사단 선발 무도대회를 틈타 군사 쿠데타를 일으킨다.
쿠데타는 성공. 새로운 국가원수가 된 가브리엘은 대통령제와 민주주의를 내걸고 전 국민의 지지를 얻어 초대 대통령에 취임. 건국 시의 이상을 되찾았다.

포템킨의 무술 스승이며, 흡혈귀인 슬레이어와 호각으로 맞서는 고수이다.







Der erste Präsident des Unabhängigen Schwebenden Staats Zepp. Bevor er das Amt antrat, diente er im Militär und war Potemkins Kommandant.

Aus Sorge angesichts der immer größer werdenden Kluft zwischen Aristokratie und einfachem Volk im Alten Zepp (Imperialer Staat Zepp) unternahm Gabriel während des Turniers des Zweiten Heiligen Ritterordens einen Putschversuch. Der Putsch war erfolgreich und Gabriel übernahm die Herrschaft über die plötzlich führerlose Nation. Mit einhelliger Unterstützung der Bürger des Staates, der den neuen Namen „Unabhängiger Schwebender Staat Zepp“ erhielt, begann Gabriel, auf die Ideale hinzuarbeiten, auf deren Grundlage das Land einst gegründet worden war.

Gabriel ist durchaus in der Lage, Potemkin im Kampf zu besiegen, und man sagt, er könne sich sogar im direkten Kampf mit dem unsterblichen Slayer messen.

El primer presidente del Estado Aerotransportado Independiente de Zepp. Antes de asumir el cargo sirvió en el ejército y fue oficial al mando de Potemkin.

Preocupado por la creciente brecha entre la aristocracia y la clase trabajadora en el antiguo Zepp (el Estado Imperial de Zepp), Gabriel dio un golpe de Estado durante el Torneo de Selección de la Segunda Orden Sagrada de los Santos Caballeros. Fue un éxito y Gabriel tomó las riendas de la nueva nación sin líder. Con el apoyo unánime de los ciudadanos del recién nombrado Estado Aerotransportado Independiente de Zepp. Actualmente trabaja por los ideales sobre los que el país había sido fundado originalmente.

Es muy capaz de derrotar a Potemkin en combate y se dice que incluso puede enfrentarse cara a cara con el inmortal Slayer.

Le premier président de l'État aérien indépendant de Zepp. Il était autrefois le commandant de Potemkin.

Inquiet du fossé qui se creuse toujours davantage entre l'aristocratie et le peuple du vieux Zepp (l'État impérial de Zepp), Gabriel lance un coup d'État pendant le tournoi de sélection du Deuxième Ordre des chevaliers sacrés. Il parvient à ses fins et prend les rênes d'un pays sans chef. Le soutien unanime des citoyens de ce qui est maintenant l'État aérien indépendant de Zepp lui permet de se tourner de nouveau vers les idéaux et principes sur lesquels le pays avait été fondé.

Potemkin ne fait pas le poids face à lui en combat ; on raconte même qu'il pourrait tenir tête à Slayer l'immortel. Dans le roman « Guilty Gear X - The Butterfly and Her Gale », il affronte Chipp dans un combat spectaculaire.

Il primo presidente dello Stato Aereo Indipendente di Zepp. Prima di assumere questo incarico, ha prestato servizio nell'esercito ed è stato superiore di Potemkin.

Preoccupato per il crescente divario tra aristocrazia e gente comune nel Vecchio Zepp (lo Stato Imperiale di Zepp), Gabriel attuò un colpo di stato durante il torneo per i Cavalieri del Secondo Ordine Sacro. Fu un successo e Gabriel prese in mano le redini di una nazione rimasta improvvisamente senza leader. Con il sostegno unanime dei cittadini del ribattezzato Stato Aereo Indipendente di Zepp, iniziò a lavorare per gli ideali su cui il paese era stato originariamente fondato.

È capace di sconfiggere Potemkin in combattimento senza alcuna fatica e sembra persino in grado di vedersela alla pari con l'immortale Slayer.