GG World/Japan

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Guilty Gear World entries from across the series' history relating to Japan, a region and former country that plays a significant part in the history of the Guilty Gear series. These include glossaries printed in books as well as the ones included in the games themselves. Some entries were never officially localized and have unofficial translations provided by fans.

Guilty Gear Complete Bible

Guilty Gear Bible Glossary entry.


おそらくこの本を読んでいる人が住んでいる国。この作品中では、 GEARによって集中攻撃を受け地球上から消滅。 その際にはアジアの一部 (朝鮮半島とか)も消滅してしまう。今では、日本人も数少なくなってしまった。

English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear X Drafting Artworks



English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-





English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- & -Rev2-




[note 1]


Ramlethal Valentine's stage. This is where she hid after declaring war on the entire world. It is the lone island that remains after the obliteration of the rest of the country.


An island nation far to the east with deep spiritual and cultural roots. It enjoyed a massive economic boom during the 20th century and became one of the world's leading economic powers, but political unrest in the 21st century led to an economic collapse.

It was then that disaster struck.

An eerie light fell from the sky and hit the area between the Korean peninsula and the Japanese islands, completely obliterating Japan in an instant. Even now there is a 1200 mile wide scar on the bottom of the ocean.

Only a small number of Japanese people survived. They now live in colonies scattered around the world.

English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear -Strive-











An island nation far to the east with deep spiritual and cultural roots. It enjoyed a massive economic boom during the 20th century and became one of the world's leading economic powers, but political unrest in the 21st century led to an economic collapse.

It was then that disaster struck.

An eerie light fell from the sky and hit the area between the Korean peninsula and the Japanese islands, completely obliterating Japan in an instant. Even now there is a 1200 mile wide scar on the bottom of the ocean.

Only a small number of Japanese people survived. They now live in colonies scattered around the world.

English (Unofficial)



극동에 위치한 섬나라.
정신을 중시하는 독특한 풍습이 있는 문화권을 가진 나라이다.
20세기에는 경제 대국으로 영화를 자랑했으나, 21세기를 앞두고 일어난 정국불안이 원인으로 서서히 사양을 맞고 있었다.

그리고 갑자기 비극은 일어났다.
하늘에서 쏟아진 수수께끼의 빛에 의해, 한반도 남부부터 일본 열도 전역이 괴멸.
이때부터 지도에서 「일본」이라는 이름은 소멸하고 만다.
현재 일본 열도가 있었던 2천 킬로나 되는 지대는 큰 해구 상태가 되어 있다.
또, 살아남은 몇 안 되는 일본인들은 「콜로니」라 불리는 보호구역에 모여 희소 인종으로 보호되었다.





Ein fernösterlicher Inselstaat mit tiefen spirituellen und kulturellen Wurzeln. Im 20. Jahrhundert erfuhr Japan einen gewaltigen wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung und wurde zu einer der führenden Wirtschaftsmächte der Welt. Im 21. Jahrhundert führten politische Unruhen jedoch zu einem wirtschaftlichen Zusammenbruch.

Dann kam es zur Katastrophe.

Ein gespenstisches Licht fiel vom Himmel und traf das Gebiet zwischen der koreanischen Halbinsel und den japanischen Inseln. Japan wurde sofort vollständig vernichtet. Noch heute befindet auf dem Meeresgrund eine rund 1900 Kilometer breite Narbe.

Nur wenige Japaner entkamen der Katastrophe. Sie leben heute in Kolonien, die auf der ganzen Welt verstreut sind.

Una nación insular en el extremo oriente con profundas raíces espirituales y culturales. Disfrutó de un enorme auge económico durante el siglo XX y se convirtió en una de las principales potencias económicas del mundo, pero los disturbios políticos del siglo XXI la llevaron a un colapso económico.

Fue entonces cuando ocurrió el desastre.

Una luz espeluznante cayó del cielo sobre el mar de Japón, lo que arrasó totalmente el país nipón en un instante. Todavía se ve una cicatriz de 1900 kilómetros de ancho en el fondo del océano.

Solo unos pocos japoneses sobrevivieron. Ahora viven en colonias repartidas por todo el mundo.

Une nation insulaire à l'extrême orient, aux racines spirituelles et culturelles profondément ancrées. Elle connaît une vaste expansion économique au XXe siècle, avant de devenir l'une des principales puissances économiques mondiales. Néanmoins, une crise politique, au XXIe siècle, provoque une récession majeure.

C'est alors que l'île est frappée.

Une étrange lumière tombe du ciel sur la zone entre la péninsule coréenne et l'archipel du Japon, anéantissant celui-ci en un instant. Une cicatrice de presque 2 000 kilomètres de large marque toujours le fond de l'océan.

Seuls quelques habitants ont survécu. Ils vivent actuellement dans des colonies réparties dans le monde entier.

Una nazione insulare dell'Estremo oriente con profonde radici culturali e spirituali. Ha goduto di un enorme boom economico durante il 20º secolo, diventando una delle principali potenze economiche mondiali, ma i disordini politici del secolo successivo la portarono al collasso.

Fu allora che si scatenò la tragedia.

Un'inquietante luce proveniente dal cielo colpì l'area tra la penisola coreana e le isole giapponesi, cancellando immediatamente il Giappone dalla faccia della Terra. Ancora oggi, sul fondo dell'oceano, è presente una cicatrice larga 2.000 km a testimonianza dell'evento.

È sopravvissuto solo un piccolo numero di giapponesi, che attualmente vive in colonie sparse in giro per il mondo.


  1. there are two entries simply labeled as "Japan" in Xrd Revelator. They are differentiated here by their entry number.