죠니가 이끄는 의적 집단.
비행정을 잠자리 삼아 떠도는 여행을 하고 있으며, 총원의 규모가 크다.
권력과 입장을 방패로 약자에게서 부당한 착취를 일삼는 악을 처단한다. 타겟에게서 몰수한 재보는 민중에게 돌려주기 때문에 세간의 평판은 좋다. 그 때문에 범죄 집단임에도 불구하고 경찰기구는 검거에 소극적이다. 성전 뒤 가족이나 갈 곳을 잃은 자들로 구성되어 있으며, 수령 죠니를 제외하면 모두 여성이다.
기함인 메이쉽의 주요 멤버와 역할은 이하와 같다.
재니스 · 고양이
페비 · 세탁
마치 · 통신사
에이프릴 · 조타
메이 · 선장?
준 · 갑판부 직원
줄라이 · 전투원
어거스 · 전투원
세피 · 선의
옥티 · 갑판부 직원
노벨 · 기관부 직원
디지 · 사무부원 겸 조리원(현재는 휴직 취급)
리프 · 사무부원 겸 조리장
GG World/Jellyfish Pirates
Guilty Gear World entries from across the series' history relating to Jellyfish Pirates. These include glossaries printed in books as well as the ones included in the games themselves. Some entries were never officially localized and have unofficial translations provided by fans.
Guilty Gear Complete Bible
Guilty Gear Bible Glossary entry.
悪党から金をせしめて、 それを貧しい人達に与えたり自らの生活に当ててたりする義賊のこと。 彼らは飛空挺で生活しているため、 発見することは困難。
English (Unofficial)
They are chivalrous thieves who steal money from evildoers and give it to the poor or use it for their own lives. Since they live on an airship, they are difficult to find.
Guilty Gear X Drafting Artworks
快賊団のリーダー・ジョニーは、幼い頃にGEARに両親を殺され、 それ以来一人で生きてきた。 彼は本来持ち合わせていた強靭な心で、 誰にも頼らずに、 戦争で荒れ果てた世の中を渡り歩いていったのである。
しかし、 ジョニーを本当に支えていたのは、 生前に両親が注いでくれた、 限りない慈愛の心、 身体に深く染み込んだ、 人間の情であった。
そんなジョニーの周りには、 彼と同じように肉親をGEARに殺された人々が数多く存在していた。 彼らを見て、 ジョニーは立つことを決意した。
それが、 ジェリーフィッシュ快賊団の結成へとつながったのである。
メンバーの構成員はジョニー以外はすべて女性。 これは単にジョニーの趣味なのか、それとも、たまたま全員女性だったのかは、誰も知らない。
English (Unofficial)
In a world where the hearts of people have been devastated by the war with Gears, the "Jellyfish Pirates" soar through the sky to "give compassion to people."
The leader of the Pirates, Johnny, had his parents killed by Gears when he was young, and he lived alone ever since. With the resilient heart he naturally possessed, he wandered through the war-torn world without relying on anyone.
However, what truly sustained Johnny was the endless love and human compassion that his parents had poured into him while they were still alive, deeply ingrained in his body.
Surrounding Johnny, there were many other people whose relatives had also been killed by Gears. Seeing this, Johnny decided to take a stand.
"I'll be a person who can give compassion to others."
This led to the formation of the Jellyfish Pirates.
The Pirates own multiple airships and act as chivalrous thieves, continuing to distribute wealth to the poor.
All of the members except for Johnny are female. Nobody knows whether this is simply Johnny's preference, or whether all of the members happen to be female by coincidence.[review 1]
Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-
English (Unofficial)
Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- & -Rev2-
A band of chivalrous thieves, led by Johnny.
Their "base" is an airship that travels the world with a rather sizable crew. The Jellyfish Pirates do not hesitate to visit vigilante justice on anyone who oppresses the weak through political or martial means. In the mold of Robin Hood, all of their spoils are redistributed to the poor, which has earned then an understandably glowing reputation with the lower classes. As a result, though they technically operate outside the law, police forces are usually reluctant to hunt them down and occasionally just turn a blind eye.
All of the pirates are people who lost their homes during the Crusades, and with the notable exception of Johnny, they are all women.
Some of the key crewmembers on the May Ship II are...
Janis: Cat
Febby: Laundry
March: Communications
April: Helmswoman
May: Captain (?)
June: Deck Manager
July: Combatant
Augus: Combatant
Sephy: Medic
Octy: Deck
Novel: Engineer
Dizzy: Administrative Coordinator (Currently on leave)
Leap: Administrative Director
English (Unofficial)
Guilty Gear -Strive-
旗艦であるメイシップの主要メンバーと役割は以下の通り。 ジャニス・猫 フェービー・洗濯 マーチ・通信士 エイプリル・操舵 メイ・船長? ジュン・甲板部職員 ジュライ・戦闘員 オーガス・戦闘員 セフィー・船医 オクティ・甲板部職員 ノーベル・機関部職員 ディズィー・事務部員兼司厨員(現在は休職扱い) リープ・事務部員兼司厨長
A band of chivalrous thieves, led by Johnny.
Their "base" is an airship that travels the world with a rather sizable crew. The Jellyfish Pirates do not hesitate to visit vigilante justice on anyone who oppresses the weak through political or martial means. In the mold of Robin Hood, all of their spoils are redistributed to the poor, which has earned them an understandably glowing reputation with the lower classes. As a result, though they technically operate outside the law, police forces are usually reluctant to hunt them down and occasionally just turn a blind eye.
All of the pirates are people who lost their homes during the Crusades, and with the notable exception of Johnny, they are all women.
Some of the key crewmembers on the May Ship are... Janis: Cat Febby: Laundry March: Communications April: Helmswoman May: Captain (?) June: Deck Manager July: Combatant Augus: Combatant Sephy: Medic Octy: Deck Novel: Engineer Dizzy: Administrative Coordinator (Currently on leave) Leap: Administrative Director
English (Unofficial)
制裁那些以權力地位為盾,對弱者進行不當搾取的人。 由於他們會將從制裁目標那裡襲捲來的錢財歸還民眾,所以大受好評。也因為如此,警察機關對他們的取締也採消極態度。團員都是在聖戰後無家可歸的人,除了首領強尼外,其餘皆為女性。
Eine Bande ritterlicher Diebe, die von Johnny angeführt wird.
Ihre „Basis“ ist ein Luftschiff, an Bord dessen eine recht große Besatzung die Welt bereist. Die Jellyfish-Piraten üben ohne Zögern Selbstjustiz gegen alle aus, die die Schwachen mit politischen oder kriegerischen Mitteln unterdrücken. In Robin-Hood-Manier verteilen sie ihre gesamte Beute an die Armen, was ihnen bei den unteren Bevölkerungsschichten verständlicherweise einen außerordentlich guten Ruf eingebracht hat. Die Polizei verfolgt sie daher in der Regel nur zögerlich und drückt auch schon mal ein Auge zu, obwohl sich die Piraten außerhalb des Gesetzes bewegen, wenn man es genau nimmt.
Bei den Piraten handelt es sich um Personen, die während der Kreuzzüge ihr Zuhause verloren haben. Bis auf Johnny sind alle Frauen.
Die folgenden sind einige der wichtigsten Crewmitglieder an Bord der Mayship:
Janis: Katze
Febby: Wäsche
March: Kommunikation
April: Steuerfrau
May: Kapitänin (?)
June: Leitende Decksfrau
July: Kämpferin
Augus: Kämpferin
Sephy: Sanitäterin
Octy: Decksfrau
Novel: Ingenieurin
Dizzy: Verwaltungskoordinatorin (zurzeit beurlaubt)
Leap: Verwaltungsdirektorin
Una banda de corteses ladronas liderada por Johnny.
Su «base» es una aeronave que viaja por el mundo con una tripulación considerable. Las piratas Jellyfish no dudan en hacer una visita como justicieras a cualquiera que oprima a los débiles política o militarmente. Siguiendo el ejemplo de Robin Hood, todo su botín se distribuye entre los pobres, lo que ha hecho que tengan una gran reputación entre las clases bajas. Como resultado, aunque técnicamente operan fuera de la ley, las fuerzas policiales suelen mostrarse reacias a perseguirlas y, en ocasiones, simplemente hacen la vista gorda.
Con Johnny como excepción destacada, todas las piratas de esta banda son mujeres que perdieron sus hogares durante las Cruzadas.
Algunas tripulantes de la Mayship son:
Janis: gata
Febby: lavandería
March: comunicaciones
April: timonel
May: capitana (¿?)
June: oficial de cubierta
July: combatiente
Augus: combatiente
Sephy: médica
Octy: cubierta
Novel: ingeniera
Dizzy: coordinadora administrativa (de baja ahora mismo)
Leap: directora administrativa
Des malandrins chevaleresques dirigés par Johnny.
Leur « base » est un vaisseau qui parcourt le monde, avec à son bord un équipage conséquent. Ils n'hésitent pas à rendre la justice à tous ceux qui oppriment les faibles, politiquement ou par la force. Comme Robin des bois, toutes leurs prises sont données aux pauvres. Logique, alors, que leur réputation auprès des classes délaissées soit des plus prestigieuses. Si leurs actes restent en dehors de tout cadre légal, on comprend que les forces de police renâclent à les pourchasser et se contentent souvent de fermer les yeux.
Tout l'équipage est composé de personnes qui ont perdu leur foyer lors des Croisades et, à l'exception de Johnny, ce sont toutes des femmes.
Parmi les membres les plus éminents du Mayship, on trouve notamment...
Janis : chatte
Febby : blanchisseuse
March : communications
April : timonière
May : capitaine (?)
June : responsable du pont
July : combattante
Augus : combattante
Sephy : médecin
Octy : guet
Novel : ingénieure
Dizzy : responsable administrative (actuellement en permission)
Leap : directrice administrative
Una banda di ladre gentildonne, guidata da Johnny.
La loro "base" è un'aeronave che viaggia per il mondo con un considerevole equipaggio. Le piratesse Jellyfish non esitano a vestire i panni di vigilanti, punendo chiunque opprima i deboli con mezzi di natura politica o marziale. Ispirandosi a Robin Hood, tutto il loro bottino viene ridistribuito ai poveri e questo permette loro di godere di una reputazione comprensibilmente splendida tra le classi inferiori. Di conseguenza, benché tecnicamente operino al di fuori della legge, le forze di polizia sono solitamente riluttanti a dar loro la caccia e tendono a chiudere un occhio.
Le piratesse hanno tutte perso la propria abitazione durante le Crociate e con la fondamentale eccezione di Johnny, sono solo donne.
Alcuni dei più importanti membri dell'equipaggio della May Ship sono...
Janis: gatta
Febby: lavanderia
March: comunicazioni
April: timoniera
May: capitana (?)
June: responsabile di coperta
July: combattente
Augus: combattente
Sephy: dottoressa
Octy: ponte di coperta
Novel: ingegnere
Dizzy: coordinatrice amministrativa (attualmente in congedo)
Leap: direttrice amministrativa
Translation review
- ↑ Unofficial translation pending peer review.