■이름 : 카이 키스크
■신장 : 178cm
■체중 : 58kg
■혈액형 : AB형
■생년월일 : 11월 20일
■출신지 : 프랑스
■취미 : 티컵 컬렉션
■소중한 것 : 디지, 신, 모두의 웃음
■싫어하는 것 : 자신의 약한 마음
■아이타입 : 청록
■소속 : 이률리아 연왕국(제1연왕)
■무기 : 봉뢰검
직무, 대인 관계, 윤리관, 그 모든 것에서 올곧으며 일편단심으로 성실한 성격.
정의를 무엇보다 사랑하며 약자를 돕는 자세는 지나치게 모범적일 정도이다.
그러나 규칙과 질서를 어지럽히는 것을 지나치게 혐오하는 경향이 있으며 그게 겉으로 드러나버린다.
왕이 된 이후, 그 열정은 넓은 시야로 변화하여, 더 많은 사람들의 입장에서 생각할 수 있게 되었지만, 감정적인 동기로 인해 행동하는 점도 아직 남아있다.
어릴 때부터 인망이 두터웠으며, 검사의 재능을 드러낸 카이는 약관 16세에 성기사단의 단장을 맡은 소위 말하는 천재이다.
인류와 기어가 서로의 존망을 건 「성전」 종결 후에도 사람들의 평화를 지키기 위해 치안유지 기관에 소속되어 자신의 정의를 관철했다.
또한 자신의 사정밖에 생각하지 않는 솔과 충돌할 때가 많았다.
그러나 제2차 성기사단 선발대회에서 최흉 기어 「저스티스」는 「자신의 존속을 위해서 인간을 멸망시킬 필요가 있다」는 말을 남겼고, 그것은 카이 안의 「정의」란 얼마나 인간의 사정에 한정된 것인지 깨닫게 해주었다.
「만물에 동등한 정의란 진리」라는 편향적인 인생관은 이때 하나의 전환점을 맞이했다.
얼마 후, 전투본능과 명령에 의해서만 활동해야 할 기어들 중에서 자신의 의지로 인류에게 협조하는 기어 「디지」가 나타났다. 디지와 만난 카이는 자신의 신념을 재고해보게 되었다.
사랑을 알게 되고, 디지와의 사이에 아들 「신」을 얻은 카이는 언제부턴가 사람을 통솔하는 입장에서 나라를 통솔하는 왕이 되고, 이전보다 훨씬 많은 인망을 얻게 되었다.
GG World/Ky Kiske
Guilty Gear World entries related to Ky Kiske from across the series' history. These include glossaries printed in books as well as the ones included in the games themselves. Some entries were never officially localized and have unofficial translations provided by fans.
Guilty Gear Complete Bible
Guilty Gear Bible Glossary entry.
天才と称されるだけあって、どの属性も使いこなす彼だが、雷撃系を好んで使う理由は「キャパシタモンスの見えない難攻ぶりに、ロマンを見いだしてい「る」為。 逆に炎系の技は好まず、 よく「炎にも限界はないが、開放的なシステムが美しくない。 特にアイツのアレは度を超して野蛮で醜い」という私怨めいたセリフを口にするらしい。
English (Unofficial)
Guilty Gear X Drafting Artworks
English (Unofficial)
Guilty Gear 2 -Overture-
- 氏名:カイ=キスク
- 身長:178Cm
- 血液型:AB型
- 体重:58kg
- 出身:フランス
- 誕生日:11月20日
- アイタイプ:青緑
- 嫌いなもの:ソル
- 大切なもの:みんなの笑顔
- 趣味:ティーカップコレクション
- Name: Ky Kiske
- Height: 178 cm
- Blood Type: AB
- Weight: 58 kg
- Nationality: France
- Birth Date: November 20th
- Eye Color: Blue-green
- Hobbies: Collecting tea cups
- Things that are Important: A smile on everybody's face
- Dislikes: Sol
He is honest about everything, including his work, people, and to his morals. His personality is nothing but serious. He loves the idea of justice and is dedicated to protecting the weak. However, he is easily disgusted by those who disturb the peace. Although he has lost some zeal since he took crown, he gained a new perspective over things in its place.
He was gifted even as a child. He was chosen to lead the army to protect the people from Gears and fought many wars along with Sol. He is currently the King of Illyria. He blindly believes in justice and has the determination to live life according to what he believes in. He is shunned by some people because of that, but as a public character, he gains the people's trust due to his upright attitude and ability to make impartial judgments. Ever since he took throne,
he had to act as an adult and lost the old shine he had as a youth. However, his foundation on justice has never faded.
English (Unofficial)
Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-
Name: Ky Kiske
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 128 lbs
Blood-Type: AB
Origin: France
DOB: November 20
Hobbies: Collecting teacups
Values: Dizzy, Sin, the happiness of others
Dislikes: Those with weak hearts and minds
Eye Color: Blue-green
Affiliation: United Kingdoms of Illyria (First King)
Weapon: Magnolia Eclair II
When he was younger, Ky was a zealous defender of justice and order above all. And although he was sincere in his convictions, he was also notoriously inflexible.
Since becoming king, however, his view has broadened significantly, and he has learned to see the world from the perspective of others. No matter how kind-hearted he is, though, once Ky gets angry he is prone to taking rash actions that betray his inexperience. Some doubt his abilities and think him unfit to rule, but many others adore him for displaying such human behavior.
Ky has always been an ambitious and gifted young man. At 16 his swordsmanship earned him the post of Commander in the Holy Knights. Once the Crusades came to an end and the Order was disbanded, he took a position with Interpol to help restore peace across the world. His dogged pursuit of justice and order has brought him into conflict with Sol more than a few times.
During the Second Sacred Order of Holy Knights selection tournament Justice, the most powerful Gear on the planet, spoke to him and said "For my own preservation, I must bring destruction on humankind," which caused Ky to reconsider his own righteousness. That perhaps there was no single truth that governed everything was a significant blow to his identity.
Soon after the tournament's dramatic conclusion, rumors began to circulate of a Gear who chose to live in harmony with humans. Ky met this "Dizzy," and once again came face-to-face with something that challenged his formerly iron-clad view of the world. This time he fell in love, and before long they gave birth to a son: Sin. At the same time Ky became a king, and went from commanding soldiers to commanding an entire country. His popularity is never questioned. Now he provides secret support to Sol, as the other man travels around the world confronting threats to all of humanity. At home, Ky must keep an eye on his political agenda, and avoid becoming ensnared by a tremendous conspiracy.
Ky Kiske (Continued)
After being shot in the back with an ancient gunpowder weapon by Axus, one of the members of the Conclave, Ky somehow survived. How he did so is unclear, but afterward one of his eyes glowed red-the sign of a Gear.
English (Unofficial)
Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- & -Rev2-
■ 氏名:カイ=キスク
■ 身長:178cm
■ 体重:58kg
■ 血液型:AB型
■ 生年月日:11月20日
■ 出身地:フランス
■ 趣味:ティーカップコレクション
■ 大切なもの:ディズィー、シン、みんなの笑顔
■ 嫌いなもの:自らの弱い心
■ アイタイプ:青緑
■ 所属:イリュリア連王国(第一連王)
■ 武器:マグノリア エクレールII
■ CV:草尾 毅
仕事、 対人、自らのモラル、 その全てにおいて実直であり、まじめ一辺倒な性格。
王の身になって以来、 その熱意は広い視野へと変貌し、より多くの立場からものを考えられるようになっ
「ゆりかご事件」の中、元老院メンバーのアクソスに拳銃で心臓を撃たれるも復活をはたした。 何故その
ような体になったかは定かではないが、 彼の瞳にはギアの象徴である紅い色が宿っていた。
幼くして人望が厚く、 剣士としての才覚を発したカイは若干16歳にして聖騎士団の団長を務めるという
そして自分の都合しか考えないソルに対しては、 衝突する場面が多かった。
めに人を滅ぼす必要がある」と言う内容であり、それはカイの中の 「正義」というものが、いかに人間の都
ア「ディズィー」が現れた。 ディズィーと出会ったカイは、自らの信念を改めて見つめなおす事となった。
愛を知り、 ディズィーとの間に子 「シン」を授かったカイは、いつしか人を率いる立場から、 国を率いる王
へと器を広げ、 以前にも増して多くの人望を得ることとなった。
族の問題、 より大きな陰謀にも直面している。
English (Unofficial)
Guilty Gear -Strive-
■ 氏名:カイ=キスク
■ 身長: 178cm
■ 体重: 58kg
■ 血液型: AB型
■ 生年月日: 11月20日
■ 出身地: フランス
■ 趣味: ティーカップコレクション
■ 大切なもの: ディズィー、シン、みんなの笑顔
■ 嫌いなもの: 自らの弱い心
■ アイタイプ: 青緑
■ 所属: イリュリア連王国(第一連王)
■ 武器:封雷剣
- Name: Ky Kiske
- Height: 5'10"
- Weight: 128 lbs
- Blood Type: AB
- Origin: France
- Date of Birth: November 20
- Hobbies: Collecting teacups
- Likes: Dizzy, Sin, the smiles of others
- Dislikes: His own weak heart
- Eye Color: Blue-green
- Affiliation: United Kingdoms of Illyria (First King)
- Weapon: Thunderseal
Ky is straightforwardly honest and sincere in all aspects of his life, including his work, relationships, and morals. A devout advocate of justice, his attitude toward helping the weak is exemplary, and some might find him too altruistic.
On the other hand, he can be inflexible and excessively loathes anything that disturbs the rules and order. Although his view has broadened ever since he assumed his position as the First King, there is still a naive side of him that causes him to act out of emotion.
A true prodigy, Ky showed great talent as a swordsman and was well-liked by the people around him. By the age of 16, he was promoted to the rank of Captain within the Sacred Order of Holy Knights. Although the Order was disbanded after the Crusades, he continued his life of public service by entering the International Police Force. There were numerous occasions when he clashed with Sol due to differences between their ideals.
During this time, Ky truly believed that the ideal of justice encompassed all beings equally. However, during the Second Holy Order Selection Tournament, his encounter with Justice made him question his own unwavering belief in righteousness.
"I bring destruction on humankind to fulfill the purpose of my creation. That is my justice."
During the first Gear's final moment, her last words made him realize that his belief was heavily prejudiced by the convenience of humankind and made him question the true meaning of justice.
Not long after the tournament's dramatic conclusion, rumors of a Gear named "Dizzy," who did not wish to harm humans, began to circulate. His encounter with Dizzy made him reevaluate his own iron-clad view of the world once again. As time passed, the two fell in love, and their son Sin was born. Through understanding love, Ky rose from being a leader who commands to a king who leads his country, gaining more popularity than ever before.
■Name: Ky Kiske
■Größe: 178 cm
■Gewicht: 58 kg
■Blutgruppe: AB
■Herkunft: Frankreich
■Geburtstag: 20. November
■Hobbys: Teetassen sammeln
■Vorlieben: Dizzy, Sin, das Lachen anderer
■Abneigungen: Sein eigenes schwaches Herz
■Augenfarbe: Blaugrün
■Zugehörigkeit: Vereinigte Königreiche von Illyria (Erster König)
■Waffe: Thunderseal
Ky ist in allen Aspekten seines Lebens, einschließlich seiner Arbeit, seiner Beziehungen und seiner Moral, ehrlich und aufrichtig. Als gläubiger Verfechter der Gerechtigkeit ist seine Einstellung, den Schwachen zu helfen, vorbildlich, und manche finden ihn möglicherweise zu selbstlos.
Andererseits kann er unflexibel sein und hat eine starke Abscheu für alles, was die Regeln und die Ordnung stört. Obwohl sich seine Sichtweise etwas gelockert hat, seit er Erster König ist, gibt es immer noch eine naive Seite in ihm, die ihn dazu bringt, impulsiv aus dem Gefühl heraus zu handeln.
Als wahres Wunderkind zeigte Ky großes Talent als Schwertkämpfer und war bei den Menschen um ihn herum hoch angesehen. Im Alter von 16 Jahren wurde er zum Hauptmann des Heiligen Ritterordens befördert. Obwohl der Orden nach den Kreuzzügen aufgelöst wurde, setzte Ky sein Leben im Dienste der Menschheit fort, indem er den Internationalen Polizeikräften beitrat. Es gab zahlreiche Gelegenheiten, bei denen er aufgrund ihrer unterschiedlichen Ideale mit Sol aneinandergeriet.
Während dieser Zeit glaubte Ky wirklich, dass das Ideal der Gerechtigkeit alle Wesen gleichermaßen umfasst. Doch während des Turniers zur Auswahl des Zweiten Heiligen Ordens brachte ihn die Begegnung mit Justice dazu, seinen eigenen unerschütterlichen Glauben an die Gerechtigkeit in Frage zu stellen.
„Ich bringe die Zerstörung über die Menschheit, um den Zweck meiner Schöpfung zu erfüllen. Das ist meine Gerechtigkeit.“
Während des letzten Moments der ersten Gear ließen ihre letzten Worte Ky erkennen, dass sein Glaube stark von der Bequemlichkeit der Menschheit geprägt war und ließen ihn hinterfragen, was wahre Gerechtigkeit ist.
Nicht lange nach dem dramatischen Ende des Turniers kursierten Gerüchte über eine Gear namens „Dizzy“, die den Menschen nichts Böses will. Kys Begegnung mit Dizzy brachte ihn dazu, seine eigene starre Sicht auf die Welt zu überdenken, und mit der Zeit verliebten die beiden sich ineinander. Ihr Sohn Sin wurde schließlich geboren. Durch das Verständnis für die Liebe entwickelte sich Ky von einem Anführer, der befiehlt, zu einem König, der sein Land anführt, und er wurde beliebter als je zuvor.
■Nombre: Ky Kiske
■Estatura: 1,78 m
■Peso: 58 kg
■Grupo sanguíneo: AB
■Origen: Francia
■Fecha de nacimiento: 20 de noviembre
■Aficiones: Coleccionar tazas de té
■Le importa: Dizzy, Sin, la felicidad de otros
■Odia: Su propio corazón débil
■Color de ojos: Azul verdoso
■Afiliación: Reinos Unidos de Iliria (primer rey)
■Arma: Sellámpago
Ky es honesto y sincero en todos los aspectos de su vida, incluyendo su trabajo, sus relaciones y su moral. Devoto defensor de la justicia, su actitud hacia la ayuda a los débiles es ejemplar y algunos podrían considerarlo demasiado altruista.
Por otro lado, puede ser inflexible y detesta en exceso todo lo que rompa las normas y el orden. Aunque su visión se ha ampliado desde que asumió su condición de primer rey, todavía hay un lado ingenuo en él que le hace actuar por impulso.
Un verdadero prodigio, Ky demostró un gran talento como espadachín y era muy querido por la gente de su entorno. A los 16 años, fue ascendido al rango de capitán de la Orden Sagrada de los Santos Caballeros. Aunque la Orden se disolvió tras las Cruzadas, continuó su vida al servicio público como parte de la Fuerza Policial Internacional. En numerosas ocasiones se ha enfrentado a Sol debido a la diferencia de ideales.
Antes Ky creía realmente que el ideal de justicia abarcaba a todos los seres por igual. Sin embargo, durante el Torneo de Selección de la Segunda Orden Sagrada, su encuentro con Justice le hizo cuestionarse su propia creencia inquebrantable en la rectitud.
«Traigo la destrucción a la humanidad para cumplir el propósito de mi creación. Esa es mi justicia».
Durante el momento final del primer Gear, sus últimas palabras le hicieron darse cuenta de que sus creencias estaban muy influenciadas por lo que era más cómodo o conveniente a la humanidad y le hicieron cuestionarse lo que es la verdadera justicia.
Poco después de la dramática conclusión del torneo, empezaron a circular rumores sobre una Gear llamada Dizzy que no deseaba hacer daño a los humanos. Su encuentro con ella le hizo reevaluar su propia visión férrea del mundo una vez más y, con el paso del tiempo, se enamoraron y nació su hijo Sin. Gracias a la comprensión del amor, Ky pasó de ser un líder que da órdenes a ser un rey que dirige su país, con lo que ganó más popularidad que nunca.
■Nom : Ky Kiske
■Taille : 1,78 m
■Poids : 58 kg
■Groupe sanguin : AB
■Origine : France
■Date de naissance : 20 novembre
■Loisirs : collectionner les tasses à thé
■Aime : Dizzy, Sin, le sourire des autres
■N'aime pas : la faiblesse de son propre cœur
■Couleur des yeux : bleu vert
■Affiliation : Royaumes unis d'Illyria (Roi premier)
■Arme : Thunderseal
Ky est d'une sincérité et d'une honnêteté inébranlables dans tous les aspects de sa vie, aussi bien dans son travail que dans ses relations et sa vision de l'éthique. Ardent défenseur de la justice, il adopte une attitude exemplaire envers les plus faibles. Certains le trouvent même trop altruiste.
Cela ne l'empêche pas de se montrer inflexible et d'exécrer tout ce qui bouleverse les règles et l'ordre. En devenant roi, il élargit ses horizons, en gardant malgré tout un côté naïf qui le pousse à agir sous le coup de l'émotion.
Véritable prodige, Ky est très apprécié de son entourage. À 16 ans, ses prouesses à l'épée le propulsent au poste de capitaine des chevaliers sacrés. À la fin des Croisades, une fois l'Ordre dissous, il continue à aider les autres en intégrant les Forces de police internationales. Leurs idéaux contraires le poussent souvent à s'opposer à Sol.
Ky reste persuadé qu'une justice parfaite s'applique pareillement à chaque être. Toutefois, pendant le tournoi de sélection du deuxième Ordre sacré, sa rencontre avec Justice l'amène à s'interroger sur sa propre morale.
« J'apporte la destruction aux humains afin de remplir l'objectif pour lequel j'ai été créée. Telle est ma justice. »
En entendant les dernières paroles de la Gear, il comprend que ses principes sont faussés par sa conception humaine. Qu'est-ce alors que la véritable justice ?
Peu après la dramatique conclusion du tournoi, on commence à parler d'une Gear qui aurait choisi de vivre en harmonie avec les humains. Ky rencontre cette « Dizzy », un événement qui remet une nouvelle fois en question sa vision intransigeante du monde. Il tombe amoureux d'elle et, peu après, ils ont un fils : Sin. Sa compréhension nouvelle de l'amour le propulse au rang de roi ; il ne doit plus seulement commander quelques soldats, mais gouverner tout un pays. Sa popularité ne faillit jamais.
■Nome: Ky Kiske
■Altezza: 178 cm
■Peso: 58 kg
■Gruppo sanguigno: AB
■Origini: Francia
■Data di nascita: 20 novembre
■Hobby: collezionare tazzine da tè
■Apprezza: Dizzy, Sin, la felicità degli altri
■Non sopporta: il suo cuore debole
■Colore degli occhi: verde-azzurro
■Affiliazioni: Regni Uniti di Illyria (Primo Sovrano)
■Armi: Thunderseal
Ky è schiettamente onesto e sincero in ogni aspetto della sua vita, inclusi lavoro, relazioni e principi morali. Zelante difensore della giustizia, la sua solidarietà nei confronti dei deboli è talmente esemplare da poter sembrare eccessivamente altruista.
Tuttavia, può anche essere inflessibile e detesta in modo esagerato tutto ciò che disturba le regole e l'ordine. Nonostante le sue vedute si siano ampliate da quando ha assunto il ruolo di Primo Sovrano, in lui c'è ancora un lato ingenuo che lo spinge ad agire in base alle proprie emozioni.
Ragazzino prodigio, Ky aveva dimostrato di avere un gran talento da spadaccino ed era ben visto dalla gente, e a 16 anni fu già promosso a Capitano dei Cavalieri dell'Ordine Sacro. Quando le Crociate si conclusero e l'Ordine fu sciolto, entrò a far parte dell'Organizzazione Internazionale della Polizia e a prestare servizio pubblico. Spesso si è scontrato con Sol per differenze di vedute.
Durante questo periodo, Ky era fermamente convinto che l'ideale di giustizia comprendesse tutti gli esseri allo stesso modo. Tuttavia, quando incontrò Justice durante il torneo di selezione dei Cavalieri del Secondo Ordine Sacro, il suo credo incrollabile nella rettitudine iniziò a vacillare.
"Porto distruzione all'umanità per realizzare lo scopo della mia creazione. Questa è la mia giustizia."
Negli istanti finali del primo Gear, quelle ultime parole gli fecero capire che la sua fede era fortemente pregiudicata dalla convenienza umana e gli fecero dubitare su cosa fosse la vera giustizia
Poco dopo la drammatica conclusione del torneo, iniziarono a circolare voci di un Gear che aveva scelto di vivere in armonia con gli esseri umani. Fu allora che Ky incontrò "Dizzy" ed ancora una volta, si trovò faccia a faccia con qualcosa che sfidava la sua precedentemente solida visione del mondo. Con il passar del tempo se ne innamorò e insieme diedero alla luce un figlio: Sin. Sostenuto dal sentimento di amore, Ky, divenuto Sovrano, passò dal comandare soldati al comandare un'intera nazione. La sua popolarità raggiunse nuove vette.
English (Unofficial)