인류가 기어와 대등하게 싸우는 것을 목적으로써 솔이 개발한 초병기 아웃레이지. 그 아웃레이지를 8개로 분할한 무구의 통칭이다.
아웃레이지 본래의 목적은 「법력 증폭」 「주문 영창 최적화」 등 소프트웨어로서 역할을 하여 소유자의 전투능력 향상과 리스크의 경감이었다.
그러나 개발을 진행하던 중 아웃레이지 자체의 포텐셜이 너무나도 강대해지고 말아, 그대로는 인간이 다룰 수 없는 물건이 되어버렸다. 결과적으로 솔은 아웃레이지의 능력을 세분화하여 본체를 8개로 분할할 것을 결단. 그런 뒤에야 비로소 무구로서 실용적인 레벨까지 떨어뜨리는 데 성공했다. 이렇게 개발된 8개로 분할된 무구들이 「신기」라 불리고 있다.
「신기」는 성전 중 전장에 제공되어, 당초의 목적대로 대 기어용 비장의 수단으로서 운용되었다.
현재 8개의 신기는 「봉염검」과 「섬아」를 개발자인 솔이, 「봉뢰검」을 카이 키스크가, 「절선」을 미토 안지가, 「익독」 「호상백」 2가지를 국제연합이 보유하고 있다. 나머지 2개는 행방이 확실하지 않다.
GG World/Sacred Treasures
Guilty Gear World entries from across the series' history relating to Sacred Treasures. These include glossaries printed in books as well as the ones included in the games themselves. Some entries were never officially localized and have unofficial translations provided by fans.
Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-
English (Unofficial)
Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- & -Rev2-
In order to give humanity a way to fight back against the Gear menace, Sol created a superweapon he called the Outrage. Unfortunately it proved too much for anyone to handle, even Sol himself, and so he split it into eight separate weapons. Eventually, these weapons came to be known as the sacred treasures.
Originally the Outrage was designed to amplify magic and optimize spell casting, which would improve the wielder's effectiveness in combat, as well as reduce the chance of magic misfiring.
As Sol developed the Outrage, however, he realized that the power it contained was too much for any human to wield, and so he broke it into eight separate weapons. These became the sacred treasures, which could be carried by humans adept at the use of magic.
The sacred treasures saw battle during the Crusades, and served their purpose well, giving humankind a fighting chance against the Gear onslaught.
Of the eight, the Fireseal and Flashing Fang are currently in Sol's possession, the Thunderseal is kept somewhere deep within Illyria Castle by Ky, and Anji Mito carries the Zessen.
English (Unofficial)
Guilty Gear -Strive-
In order to give humanity a way to fight back against the Gear menace, Sol created a superweapon he called the Outrage. Unfortunately it proved too much for anyone to handle, even Sol himself, and so he split it into eight separate weapons. Eventually, these weapons came to be known as the sacred treasures.
Originally the Outrage was designed to amplify magic and optimize spell casting, which would improve the wielder's effectiveness in combat, as well as reduce the chance of magic misfiring.
As Sol developed the Outrage, however, he realized that the power it contained was too much for any human to wield, and so he broke it into eight separate weapons. These became the sacred treasures, which could be carried by humans adept at the use of magic.
The sacred treasures saw battle during the Crusades, and served their purpose well, giving humankind a fighting chance against the Gear onslaught.
Of the eight, the Fireseal and Flashing Fang are currently in Sol's possession, the Thunderseal is kept somewhere deep within Illyria Castle by Ky, and Anji Mito carries the Zessen.
English (Unofficial)
Um der Menschheit eine Möglichkeit zu geben, sich gegen die Bedrohung durch die Gears zu wehren, schuf Sol eine Superwaffe, die er „Outrage“ nannte. Leider war nicht einmal Sol in der Lage, sie zu führen. Aus diesem Grund teilte er sie in acht unterschiedliche Waffen auf. Diese Waffen wurden schließlich als die heiligen Schätze bekannt.
Ursprünglich sollte Outrage die Magie verstärken und die Anwendung von Zaubern verbessern, was die Effektivität des Trägers dieser Waffe im Kampf erhöhen und das Risiko magischer Fehlzündungen verringern sollte.
Bei der Entwicklung von Outrage erkannte Sol jedoch, dass die in dieser Waffe enthaltene Kraft zu groß war, als dass ein Mensch sie verwenden könnte. Er zerlegte sie daher in acht unterschiedliche Waffen. Diese Waffen wurden zu den heiligen Schätzen, die von Menschen getragen werden konnten, die im Umgang mit Magie bewandert waren.
Während der Kreuzzüge wurden die heiligen Schätze in Schlachten eingesetzt und erfüllten ihren Zweck, da sie der Menschheit eine Chance boten, sich gegen den Ansturm der Gears zur Wehr zu setzen.
Von den acht heiligen Schätzen sind derzeit zwei in Sols Besitz: Fireseal und Flashing Fang. Thunderseal wird irgendwo tief im Schloss Illyria von Ky aufbewahrt und Zessen wird von Anji Mito verwendet.
Para darle a la humanidad una forma de combatir la amenaza de los Gears, Sol creó una superarma que llamó Outrage. Por desgracia, nadie era capaz de controlarla, ni siquiera él, así que la dividió en ocho armas distintas. Con el tiempo, estas armas llegaron a conocerse como los tesoros sagrados.
Originalmente, Outrage se diseñó para potenciar la magia y optimizar el lanzamiento de hechizos, lo que mejoraría la efectividad en combate de quien la portara y reduciría las posibilidades de que hubiera fallos en la magia.
Sin embargo, durante el desarrollo de Outrage, Sol se dio cuenta de que contenía demasiado poder, así que la dividió en ocho armas distintas: se convirtieron en los tesoros sagrados, que los humanos capaces de usar la magia pueden blandir.
Se utilizaron en combate durante las Cruzadas y cumplieron bien su propósito de dar una oportunidad a la humanidad contra la arremetida de los Gears.
De los ocho, Sol posee la Sellama y el Colmillo Brillante. Ky escondió la Sellámpago en algún lugar del castillo de Iliria y Anji Mito lleva el Zessen.
Pour fournir à l'humanité un moyen de contrer la menace que représentent les Gears, Sol a créé une arme surpuissante, l'Outrage. Celle-ci s'avère impossible à manier, même par son créateur, qui décide alors de la diviser en huit armes, par la suite appelées trésors sacrés.
L'Outrage était à l'origine conçu pour amplifier et optimiser les sorts lancés par son porteur, améliorant ses talents au combat tout en limitant les chances d'erreurs.
Lors de la conception, il s'aperçoit que sa puissance sera trop grande et fait le choix de la scinder en huit armes différentes, qui seront ensuite portées par des humains experts en magie.
Les trésors sacrés utilisés lors des Croisades remplissent leur rôle à la perfection en donnant à l'humanité une chance de survivre à l'attaque des Gears.
Le Fireseal et le Flashing Fang sont actuellement en la possession de Sol ; le Thunderseal reste caché dans les profondeurs du château d'Illyria par Ky et Anji Mito a la garde du Zessen.
Per dare all'umanità il modo di rispondere alla minaccia dei Gear, Sol creò una superarma chiamata Outrage. Purtroppo si dimostrò talmente potente da risultare ingestibile persino da lui, che quindi decise di suddividerla in otto armi distinte. Alla fine, queste divennero note come i Sacri Tesori, che potevano essere usate da uomini abili nell'uso della magia.
Inizialmente, Outrage era stata progettata per amplificare la magia e ottimizzare l'esecuzione degli incantesimi, migliorando l'efficacia in combattimento degli esecutori e riducendo le probabilità di errore.
I Sacri Tesori vennero usati durante le Crociate e svolsero egregiamente il loro dovere, dando all'umanità la possibilità di rispondere all'attacco dei Gear.
Degli otto tesori, Fireseal e Flashing Fang sono attualmente in mano a Sol, Thunderseal è con Ky, al sicuro da qualche parte nel Castello di Illyria e Anji Mito ha con sé Zessen.