GG World/Undine

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Guilty Gear World entries related to Undine from across the series' history. These include glossaries printed in books as well as the ones included in the games themselves. Some entries were never officially localized and have unofficial translations provided by fans.

Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-




One of Dizzy's guardians, and much more passive and gentle than the belligerent Necro.

Undine always prioritizes Dizzy's safety, and prefers not to attack unless in self-defense. Necro's philosophy is almost entirely the opposite, which leads to frequent arguments-which sometimes escalate into actual fights. Keeping Dizzy safe appears to be the only thing they agree on.

No one knows what Undine could do if she was truly angry, but the reason Necro has never fully committed to a fight with her is because he is too afraid to find out.

English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- & -Rev2-



口とは気が合わず喧嘩ばっかりしているが、ディズィーの幸福を願う気持ちにおいては息が合う。 その



English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear -Strive-





Undine is one of Dizzy's guardians and is much more passive and gentle than Necro, the other guardian.

She always prioritizes Dizzy's safety and prefers not to attack unless in self-defense. Necro's philosophy is almost entirely the opposite of hers, leading to frequent arguments and sometimes escalating into actual fights. Keeping Dizzy safe appears to be the only thing they agree on.

No one knows what Undine's true capability is when she is serious.
It is also why Necro has never fully committed to a fight with her, as he is too afraid to find out.

English (Unofficial)



디지의 수호자 중 한 명.
공격적인 성격의 네크로와는 상반된 온화한 마음의 소유자.

디지의 안전을 최우선으로 생각하며, 그녀의 몸을 지키는 목적 이외에는 공격을 하지 않는다. 네크로와는 마음이 맞지 않아 싸우기만 하지만, 디지의 행복을 비는 마음만은 같다. 사실 정말로 운디네를 화나게 하면 어떻게 될지 확실하진 않지만, 난폭한 네크로가 그녀에게 주먹을 휘두르지 않는 것은 일단 동료이기 때문이란 이유는 아닌 듯하다.





Eine von Dizzys Wächterinnen. Sie ist viel passiver und sanfter als der streitlustige Necro.

Für Undine hat Dizzys Sicherheit stets Vorrang. Sie greift nur an, wenn es der Selbstverteidigung dient. Necros Philosophie ist so ziemlich das genaue Gegenteil, was häufig zu Auseinandersetzungen führt – die manchmal in echte Kämpfe ausufern. Dizzy beschützen scheint das Einzige zu sein, in dem sich Undine und Necro einig sind.

Niemand weiß, was Undine zu tun vermag, wenn sie wirklich wütend wird. Der Grund, warum sich Necro nie auf einen richtigen Kampf mit ihr eingelassen hat, ist jedoch, dass er zu viel Angst hat, es herauszufinden.

Guardiana de Dizzy, mucho más pasiva y gentil que su beligerante compañero Necro.

Undine siempre prioriza la seguridad de Dizzy y prefiere no atacar a menos que sea en defensa propia. La filosofía de Necro es casi totalmente opuesta, lo que provoca frecuentes discusiones que a veces se convierten en peleas reales. Mantener a Dizzy a salvo parece ser lo único en lo que están de acuerdo.

Nadie sabe lo que Undine podría hacer si estuviera realmente enfadada, pero la razón por la que Necro nunca se ha puesto a pelear en serio con ella es porque tiene demasiado miedo de averiguarlo.

L'un des gardiens de Dizzy, bien plus pacifique et douce que Nécro, le belliqueux.

La priorité d'Undine : assurer la sécurité de Dizzy. Elle préfère ne pas attaquer, sauf pour se défendre. La philosophie de Nécro est son parfait opposé, ce qui provoque de fréquentes disputes entre eux, au point qu'ils en viennent parfois aux mains. La seule chose sur laquelle ils se mettent d'accord est la nécessité de protéger Dizzy.

Personne ne sait ce que ferait Undine si elle se fâchait vraiment, mais, si Nécro ne l'a jamais provoquée plus que de raison, c'est bien parce qu'il a peur de le découvrir.

Una dei guardiani di Dizzy, molto più passiva e gentile del belligerante Necro.

Undine dà sempre priorità alla sicurezza di Dizzy e preferisce non attaccare se non per autodifesa. La filosofia di Necro è quasi completamente opposta, il che porta a frequenti discussioni... che a volte si trasformano in accesi litigi. Tenere Dizzy al sicuro sembra l'unica cosa su cui vanno d'accordo.

Nessuno sa cosa potrebbe fare Undine se fosse davvero arrabbiata, ma la ragione per cui Necro non l'ha mai voluta affrontare in combattimento è perché ha troppa paura di scoprirlo.