Guilty Gear XX Night of Knives Vol. 1 script

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The following page comprises a full verbal transcript and translation of Guilty Gear XX Drama CD Night of Knives Vol.1.

Original Google Document with color-coding & time stamps:

[Translated by Shimobabe/Vaporbabe[note 1]]

Exposition of the Guilty Gear Universe

[ #1「オープニング」 track plays ]
Narrator: 22世紀。人類は無限のエネルギーを生産する。魔法の理論化に成功。科学は旧世

界の技術として全世界的な禁止事項となった。そうして法力により、禁断の生物兵器「ギア」が生み 出された。戦闘生物たる「ギア」は、その創造主に牙を剥き、ここに2つの種の未来を賭けた戦いが始 まった。 100年もの間続いた過酷な戦争は、「ギア」の総帥たるジャスティスの封印と共に終わりを告げた。 血と鉄の時代は終わりを告げる。今や人類は徐々に復興への道を歩み始めていた。戦いにのみ向 いていた力が解き放たれ、新たに無数の可能性が生まれた。だがそれは、光り輝くものばかりでは ない。暗い闇に息づく者たちも、新たな時代の到来に蠢き始めていた?
 The 22nd Century. Mankind’s theorizations of magic have proved successful; allowing humanity to conjure an infinite amount of energy. Science has since been regarded as technology of the “Old World”; now condemned across the globe. And so, by virtue of magic, forbidden bioweapons, [Gears], were born. The Gears, serving as living weapons of war, bared their fangs

against their creators; sparking the beginning of a battle that hung the futures of two species in the balance.

After the savage war raged on for a century, the sealing of the Gears’ leader, Justice, marked its end.

The age of Blood & Steel came to a close. At last, humanity slowly began taking its first steps down the road to revival. The power that had been originally devoted to the war waned, ushering in a plethora of new possibilities. However, this power was not entirely made of light. For those lurking in darkness were starting to awaken in the dawn of a new age.

Chapter 1

[ #2「闇夜は月を抱く」 track plays]
Narrator: Guilty Gear XX Drama CD. [Night of Knives - Volume 1]. “Dance like a devil”.
[ Footsteps are heard walking down the hall/stairs. ]
[ Millia is awakened by the sounds of footsteps. ]
Millia: ザトー?...どこ?...?
  Zato?... Where is he?...
Zato: 起こしたか??
  Did I wake you?
[ Zato gets in bed next to Millia. Rustling of sheets can be heard. ]
Zato: もう少し、寄れ。?
  Come here, closer.
[ Millia moves in closer to Zato’s embrace ]
Millia: 眠れない夜の睡眠薬、抱き枕、それがあたしって訳??
  Sleep medication for restless nights and a body pillow. Is that all I am to you?
Zato: 絹の肌を愛でるのは罪では無かろう。?
  It can’t be a sin to cherish skin as soft as silk.
Millia: 人形が欲しいならましな奴隷を使ったら、柔らかくて、大人しくて、目と口が幼くて、体に武器を仕込んでないようなのね。?
  If you want a doll then wouldn’t it be better to use a slave? One that’s softer, more obedient, has younger eyes & lips, and doesn’t look like they’re hiding a weapon on their body.
Zato: 安堵が得られれば人形でも抱くがな。[note 2]?
 I would embrace even a doll if it brought me solace.
Millia: 私が絶対あなたを殺さないとでも??
  Is that because you think I’d never kill you?
Zato: 殺意に脅かされず死ねるなら、それも悪くない...?
  If there was ever murderous intent in your voice ordering me to die, then I wouldn’t mind…
Millia: (…噓つき。)?
  [Ruffling of the sheets are made by Millia as she turns away from Zato in bed.] (…Liar.)
Millia: ねぇ、さっきは何してたの??
  So, what were you doing earlier?
Zato: 数えていただけだ... ケロイ...トレバー...マクロア...?
  I was just counting something… Carrie… Trevor… Macklemore…
Millia: 何それ??
  What’s that supposed to be?
Zato: 死んだ男の名前だ。私の部下たちだ?
  The names of dead men. My subordinates...
Millia: アサシンの棟梁が亡霊に憑かれてるわけ?冗談にしてもつまらないわね。?
  What? So the head of the assassins is possessed by a ghost now? Rather dull, as far as jokes go.
Zato: 彼らはいい男たちだった。「報いるだけの幸せを得られたか?...」 そう悔やむ時もある。?
  They were good men… There are times I find myself lamenting the thought: ‘Did you ever find the happiness you sought?...’
Millia: 世迷言ね...ベッドの中でなければ、舌を引き抜いてやるわ。?
  Now you’re spouting nonsense. If you don’t get back in this bed, I’ll yank your tongue out.
Zato: 今際の際に味わうのが、お前の指ならば洒落ている。?
  Only fitting for your fingers to be my taste of death.
Millia: ふざけないで!「アサシンに幸福などない。」そう言ったのはあなたでしょう??
  Don’t be ridiculous! You’re the one here who said ‘Assassins can’t find happiness’ remember?
Zato: そうだったかな??
  I guess I did say that.
Millia: 夜を歩くアサシンに快楽はあるかもしれない。あるいは、栄華を掴むことすら。けれど、幸福は...幸福だけは永劫に掴めない。?
  An assassin who prowls the night may find pleasure in doing so. Or, may even lay claim to glory. But happiness… Happiness is the only thing you can’t hold onto forever.
Zato: 何故なれば...?
  I wonder why that is…
Millia: 幸福は道を選ぶことにあるから。不幸せも、失敗も、自分で選ぶからこその幸福だから。アサシンはアサシンの道を歩くだけ。?
  Because happiness lies in choosing our own path. Regardless of whether it leads us to sadness or failure, there’s a form of happiness when it’s our own choice. We assassins tread the path of the assassins...
Zato: 道は他にもあるかもしれんぞ。?
  There may be other paths besides this one.
Millia: 何言ってるの? こんな体にしたのはあなたでしょう??
  What are you even saying!? You’re the one who turned me into this in the first place.
Zato: 怨んでるか??
  Do you resent me?
Millia: 怨んでるわよ。それと、髪に触るのは止めて!?
  [ Millia gets up from the bed, now irritated. ] Of course I do... And please, quit playing with my hair!
Zato: 拒むな... 鋭く、危険なものほど美しい。?
  Don’t pull away like that. The sharper and deadlier it is, the more beautiful it gets.
Millia: 分からなくなるのよ...あなたが欲しいのは私?それとも禁呪持ちの暗殺人形??
  I’m not understanding you at all anymore… Is it me who you want? Or this… forbidden power?
Zato: 「お前」だと言ってほしいのか??
  Do you want me to say “you”?
Millia: 殺す時、指が冷たくなるのよ。腕も、肩も、棒みたいに固まって、その癖滑らかに動い-?
  …When this thing kills, my fingers grow cold. My arms and shoulders stiffen up like sticks, and despite that, it still moves as if nothing ha-
[ Zato cuts off Millia, and they start making out in bed. ]
Zato: 忘れろ...?
  Forget about that…
Millia: 忘れさせてよ...?
  Make me forget…
Zato: ミリア...「幸せになりたい」と思ったときはないか??
  Millia, was there ever a moment you wished for happiness?
Millia: 笑えない冗談だね。?
  More of your tasteless jokes huh.
Zato: 夢さ...くだらない夢だ。?
  It’s a dream of mine. A foolish dream.
Millia: 男ね。ここにいる時くらい夢のことは忘れたら??
  You sure are a man alright... why don’t you forget about that dream while you’re here?
Zato: ならば、お前の夢を見よう。?
  Fine, then let’s see your dream.
Millia: 男のくせにキレイな髪ね...妬けるわ。?
  Such gorgeous hair, despite being a man… makes me jealous.
[ Millia takes a deep breath before going back to what Zato was talking about. ]
Millia: あなたの夢なんか金輪際見てあげないから。?
  [Sighs] My dream is to never see yours.
Zato: それでもいいさ...?
  I’m okay with that…
Millia: えぇ...ザトー...?
  You would be, Zato…
[ Zato & Millia drift off to sleep for the night. ]
[ Someone can be heard knocking on the door. ]
Unknown man: ザトー様!ザトー様!?
  [ The man continues knocking on the door. ] Lord Zato! Lord Zato!
Millia: 呼んでるわよ。?
  They’re calling for you, y’know.
Zato: しまったな。ここを嗅ぎつけられるとは...?
  That’s a shame. And to think that they’d catch wind of us out here…
Millia: 追い返してくるわ。?
  [ Millia leaves the bed to go deal with the stranger at the door. ] I’ll go chase them off.
[ Millia opens the door and recognizes the person who was knocking. ]
Millia: あら!おはよう、ヴェノム。?
  My! Good morning, Venom.
Venom: ザトー様はこちらですか??
  Is Lord Zato here?
Millia: さぁねぇ...?
  Who knows…
Venom: お櫛が、乱れていますよ。?
  Your hair appears to be a mess.
Millia: ただの寝癖よ。?
  It’s just my bedhead.
Venom: ミリア. もしあなたが単独で組織に無断で外泊したというのなら、脱走とみなされます。それがお望みですか??
  Millia. If you are implying that you’ve been sojourning alone without the Guild’s permission, then it shall be deemed as desertion. Is that what you so desire?
Millia: やぁね、朝から殺気立たないで。?
  My my, Let’s not start the day all bloodthirsty now.
Venom: ザトー様は大事なお体です!夜遊びをお諫めするくらいは、して頂きたい。?
  Lord Zato’s person is of dire importance! I ask that you refrain from these nightly outings, at the very least.
Millia: 私はあの男の番人じゃないわ。それはあなたでしょう??
  I’m not that man’s bodyguard. That’s your job, if I’m not mistaken?
Venom: いかにも!ザトー様の安全を確保するのは我が務めです。道を開けてください!?
  Precisely! It is my duty to ensure Lord Zato’s safety. Now please step aside!
Millia: はいはい..?
  Alright, alright…
[ Millia turns her head away from Venom at the doorway and calls for Zato. ]
Millia: ザトー、お目付け役が来たわよ。?
  Zato, your watchdog is here.
Zato: ヴェノムか?済まないな。?
  Venom? My apologies.
Venom: いえ、任務につき、ご相談したき事があり。[note 3]?
  No need, I simply wish to discuss the mission details with you.
Zato: ほう...?
  Is that so?
Venom: よろしければ、本部まで。?
  If it’s possible, let us move to HQ.
Zato: 分かった。?
Millia: 先に行ってて。私は水浴びしてから行くわ。?
  You two go on ahead, I’ll catch up after I shower.
Zato: 分かった。待とう。?
  Okay. We’ll wait.
Venom: ザトー様!?
  Lord Zato!
[ Millia enters the shower and water can be heard running. ]
Zato: あれも女だ。身嗜みくらいは整えさせてやれ。?
  You can’t forget she’s a woman. At least allow her to tend to her appearance.
Venom: 分かりました。?
  As you wish…

Chapter 2

[ #3「狼たちの会合 」 track plays]
Venom: 今回ギルドで契約した任務はご存知の通り、カルローニ国・ドリアン=スカベリー公爵の暗殺です。?
  As you may know, the Guild's Mission Contract is located in the Carllonian Kingdom. The assassination of Duke Dorrian Scaburi.
Zato: そうだったな。?
  As I recall.
Venom: 実行部隊の選出ですが、有名人物であるものの、警備レベルは「B+」です。第3班に任せて問題ないと思いますが。?
 Regarding our selections for the execution team; The Duke is a renowned figurehead, Though, despite this, the security levels are rated as [B+]. I foresee no problems entrusting Squad 3 to help carry out the mission, but…
Zato: 規模を拡大しろ。小国とはいえ、国相手の仕事だ。念には念を入れた方がいい。[note 4]?
  Scale that rating up. While it may be a small country, this is a job in enemy territory. Better to be safe than sorry.
Venom: はっ、いかがいたしましょう。?
  Yes, my lord. How shall we approach?
Zato: 私が出る。?
 I’ll go.
Venom: ザトー様が...ですか?...いえ、失礼しました。そのように手配します。?
 Lord… Zato will… No, pardon my rudeness. I will make the arrangements so.
Zato: 執行者はミリアだ。私とお前でサポートに回る。?
 Our executioner will be Millia. You & I will provide her support.
Venom: ミリアに、ザトー様と私のサポートですか??
 Provide support? To Millia? Lord Zato & I are to support?
Zato: あぁ。?
Venom: 失礼ながらザトー様はあの方に甘すぎませんか??
 With all due respect, does Lord Zato not believe he is overestimating her?
Zato: 甘すぎるとはどういう意味だ?どれほど簡単な任務でも送り出すには危険が伴う。私がミリアに甘くするなら、死地に送ったりはせん。[note 5]?
  What do you mean by “overestimating”? No matter how simple the job is, there is always a risk involved in sending someone out. If I were to overestimate Millia then I wouldn’t send her to her death.
Venom: 失礼しました、ザトー様。ですが、彼女を身勝手は目に余ります。あれでは規律というものが守れません。?
 Forgive my indiscretion, Lord Zato. But her selfishness is beyond palpable. With such a thought process, discipline cannot be upheld.
Zato: ヴェノム、アサシンギルドの未来について考えたことがあるか??
 Venom, have you ever once thought about the future of the Assassins’ Guild?
Venom: ギルドの...未来...?いえ。?
 The Guild’s… future? …No.
Zato: 聖戦が終わった。次に起きることは??
 The Crusades comes to an end. What happens next?
Venom: 戦争経済から通常経済への移行、その経過に伴う権力構造のを摩擦。我がアサシンギルドに関しては重要の増加が見込めます。?
 The war economy transitions into a market economy, leading the coexisting political power structures to experience friction during the shift. And we, The Assassins’ Guild, expect a noteworthy surge in our significance.
Zato: そこだ。市場が満ちれば、競争相手が生まれる。?
 Bingo. Competitors arise as the market thrives.
Venom: 「競争相手」...ですか??
 “Competitors”... you say?
Zato: 戦場から兵士が帰ってくる。我らアサシンにも劣らぬ異能者の群れだ。戦いと破壊を知っていても、種をまき、土を耕し、パンを焼く術を知らんぬ者たちだ。?
 Soldiers from the battlefield will return home; A cadre of gifted individuals equal to that of our own assassins. Although, despite them being well-acquainted with war & ruin, they are a people unfamiliar with the art of sowing the seeds, tilling the earth, and baking the breads.
Venom: 確かに...?
 That is true…
Zato: 戦場からはじき出された彼らを受け皿は、傭兵、賞金稼ぎ、そして…?
 Those exiled from the warzones will seek refuge as mercenaries, bounty hunters, and of course…
Venom: 暗殺者...でしょうか??
 As assassins… Am I correct?
Zato: その通り。これから10年は我らギルドにとって激動の年となるだろう...意志を持たぬ人

形の群れでは、彼らに対抗できまい。ミリアのようなものこそ、我らを救う鍵かもしれぬ。[note 6]?
 That you are. The coming decade will be one rife with adversity for our Guild. We will not be able to face against hordes of puppets devoid of will. For someone like Millia, she may be the key to our salvation.

Venom: 感服しました。ですが!?
 I admire your faith in her. But-! [ Zato cuts off Venom. ]
Zato: 話はここまでだ。今回の任務に適性があるのはミリア!それだけだ。?
 Our conversation ends here. The one most suited for this mission is Millia! That is final.
Venom: はっ!?
  [ Venom salutes(?) ] Yes, my Lord.
Zato: ヴェノム。お前は幸せか??
 Venom. Are you happy?
Venom: 私の幸せはザトー様にお仕えすることです。?
 My happiness lies in serving Lord Zato.
Zato: お前は、その幸せを選んだのか??
 Is that the “happiness” you chose?
Venom: 同じことです。?
 The very same.
Zato: 何??
Venom: 1本だけの道であっても選んだのは私自身です。今の私に後悔はありません。?
 Even when there is only one path to walk on, It was my choice to take the first step. The person I am now holds no regrets.
Zato: そうか?... 妙な事を聞いたな、忘れてくれ。?
 Is that so… That was an odd thing to ask you. Please forget about it.
Venom: 仰せのままに。?
 Your wish is my command.

Chapter 3

[ #4「踊る死天使」 track plays ]
[ A ball takes place in Carlloni, in honor of King Saltelia Carlloni I ]
Millia: 綺麗なドレス。動きにくいけど悪くないわね!?
 This is such a beautiful dress! A bit hard to move in, but I don’t mind!
Zato: 気に入ってくれたか??
 Did you take a liking to it?
Millia: どうせすぐ血に濡れるわ。?
 It’ll be drenched in blood soon enough.
Zato: 何?それは皆同じさ。?
 What are you on about? That’s so you’d blend in with everyone.
Millia: 皆って誰よ??
 And who’s “everyone”?
Zato: ここの貴族たちさ。王宮の舞踏会はサメの生け簀だ。誰も彼も血に飢えている。?
 These here aristocrats. The Royal Palace Ball is akin to a shark-infested tank. All of which are starved for blood.
Millia: 貴族なんて碌なもんじゃないけど。そんなにひどいの??
 The aristocracy isn’t anything to write home about, but are they really that horrible?
Zato: あぁ...特に今、国王派と法廷派の抗争がひどい。?
 They are. Especially now, the conflict between Court & King is horrible.
Millia: 弱腰の王様のせいでてんやわんやってこと??
 So you’re saying this spineless king is to blame for all this chaos?
Zato: ま、そうとも言えるな。?
 Well, I suppose you could say that.
Millia: その王様はどこにいるの??
 Where’s our king now?
Zato: お眠の時間じゃないかな??
 Wouldn’t it be his bedtime?
Millia: 何それ??
 What do you mean?
Zato: 現カルローニ国王、サルテリア=カルローニ1世は御年2つでな。?
 The standing King of Carlloni, Saltelia Carlloni I, is only 2 years old.
Millia: 世も末ね。それで本目はどれ??
 [ Millia gives a sigh in disbelief. ] There really is no hope for us, is there… Well, then who’s our real target?
Zato: 仕事熱心だな。?
 Eager today aren’t we.
Millia: 嫌なことを早く済ませたいだけよ。?
 I’m just eager to get the nasty parts over with.
Zato: ターゲットは...あれだ。スカベリー公爵。?
 The target… is him. Duke Scaburi.
Millia: あら、可愛いおじいさんね。?
 My, what a cute old man.
Zato: 可愛くてもサメはサメだ。跡目争いの渦中の一人で、国王支持派の最有力貴族だ。?
 Cute as he may be, a shark is still a shark. He’s one of the aristocrats involved in the succession scandal, holding the highest position amongst the king's loyal nobles.
Millia: 分かった。夜になったら、ぐっすり眠らせてあげる。それでいいんでしょう??
 Got it. Once night falls, I’ll put him sound asleep. You okay with that?
Zato: あぁ。頼りにしている。?
 By all means. I have faith in you.
[ A female aristocrat approaches. ]
Female aristocrat: そちらの殿方?一曲いかがです??
 Pardon me, Gentleman over there. Would you care to request a song?
Millia: えっ、あぁ、すみません!お誘いは有難いのですが...?
 Eh!? Ah, my apologies! We appreciate your offer, but…
Zato: この通り、目が不自由でしたね。?
 Unfortunately, I am blind, as you may already tell.
Female aristocrat: まぁ、それは不自由ですわねぇ...よろしければご案内しましょうか??
 Ahh, I can see how that poses some inconvenience… Would you prefer me to guide you around?
Millia: 付き添い私が-?
I’m his escort for t- [ Zato cuts her off. ]
Zato: 私に付き合ってばかり退屈だろう。踊ってきたらどうだ??
 Surely you find it boring accompanying me all the time. Why don’t you go enjoy a dance?
Female aristocrat: そうですわ!それがいいですわ。せっかく舞踏会に来たのですもの...よろしければ、何方か紹介しましょうか?-?
 Why of course! That’s a wonderful idea. You did go through the trouble to attend a ball after all… If I may, shall I introduce you to some of our other guests? [ Millia interjects immediately. ]
Millia: いえ結構!...です...?
 No! I’m… fine...
Female aristocrat: …それでは...行きましょう??
 …Then… Shall we go?
Zato: はい...ザトーと申します。 ではミリア、くれぐれも粗相のないようにな。?
 Sure. I go by Zato. And Millia, please, take extra care to avoid any missteps.
[ Zato then walks away with the female aristocrat, acting as his escort. ]
Female aristocrat: (そうですか? あはは)?
 [ She says as she walks away with Zato. ] (Oh is that so! Hahaha!)
Millia: なるほど。手慣れたものね。?
 I get it now. He makes it look so effortless.[note 7]
Unknown man: 憂い顔のマドモアゼル。よろしければ、1曲いかがかな??
 Quite the wistful gaze, Mademoiselle. If I may, could I entertain you with a dance?
Millia: お誘いは嬉しいですけど不調法なもので、きっと足を踏んじゃいますわ。?
 I’m flattered by your invitation, but I’m not the most graceful on my feet. I’m sure to step on your toes.
Unknown man: ご謙遜を...しかし、壁の花となるもまた一興。せめて、一杯お付き合いくださらんか??
 Such sincere modesty… But, even a wallflower has its own allure. Would you at least honor me with your company to a drink?
Millia: えぇ、私でよろしければ。?
 Why yes, if you wouldn’t mind, that is.
Unknown man: バルコニーが開いていますな。どうぞこちらへ。?
 The balcony is open. Please, right this way.
[ Millia & the unknown man step outside to the balcony under the night sky. ]
Millia: きれいな夜空!... 私、ミリア=キャリーと申します。?
 What a beautiful night sky!... My name is Millia Carrie.
Unknown man: これはご丁寧に。私は、スレイヤー。お見知りおきを。?
 Ah, such charming manners. I, go by “Slayer”. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Millia: スレイヤー...?物騒な名前ですね。?
 Slayer? That’s quite the ominous name.
Slayer: 失礼。実は字でして、最も盛大の名は当に忘れてしまいましたが...?
 Pardon me. In truth, I bear several names, my most significant alias has since faded from my memory…
Millia: 穏やかな通り名ではありませんね。?
 It’s certainly not a gentle one.
Slayer: 誰しも若気の至りはあるものでしてな。見たところミリア様も…?
 It is a universal experience to make mistakes in one’s youth. From what I can see, Ms. Millia has also…
Millia: へぇー...(勘のいい男...気付かれたかしら?)?
 Ee… [ Millia is slightly taken aback by Slayer’s observation. ] (A perceptive man. I wonder if he's noticed?)
Slayer: では、脛に疵持つ者同士、肩の凝る喋り方はやめにしませんか?
  Well then, as two souls bearing scars on their shins, what say we drop the formalities and have a more casual exchange?
Millia: そうね、その方が私も楽だわ。?
  Lets. I find it to be more comfortable myself.
Slayer: では、乾杯と行こうか?新月の星も光に。?
  So, how about a toast?... To the New Moon and its Starlit Night.
Millia: 妙な音頭ね。新月の星も光に。?
  A rather unusual toast. To the New Moon and its Starlit Night.
Slayer & Millia: 乾杯!?
  Cheers! [ They clink their glasses and drink. ]
Slayer: 私の楽しみは人も生き様を見ることでね。取り分け、美しい女性には目がない?
  I take great pleasure in observing the brilliant lives humanity has to offer. Above all, I have a particular fondness towards beautiful women.
Millia: 光栄って言っていいのかしら?どんな意味で目立ったの??
  Would it be fitting to say “I’m honored”? What about me caught your attention?
Slayer: 若いのに、修羅場をくぐっている。?
  Despite your youth, you’ve endured your own fair share of ordeals.
Millia: 幼い頃、戦に巻き込まれたことならあるけど。?
  I was dragged into the war when I was little.
Slayer: そのせいだろうな。のうのうと暮らす貴族たちとは目の色が違う。?
  Such must be the reason. Your outlook on life differs from these nobles leading carefree lives.[note 8]
Millia: (妙な男...髪がざわついてる?)?
  (Something’s off with him…Is my hair standing?)
Slayer: だが、それだけではないとも、ミリアくん。君の瞳には、これ以上ないほどの生命の輝きがある。?
  But, that isn’t all I have to say, Ms. Millia. Within your eyes, is a radiance of life like no other.[note 9]
Millia: お世辞にしても的外れね。生きることに興味はないわ。私は興味のあるのは、死をを。?
  Flattering as your words may be, they’re a little off. I’m not particularly interested in life. What I find interest in, is death.
Slayer: よく生きるはよく死ぬことと同義ではないかね。死を思うことは即ち生からに逃げぬ事。君達を見ているとそう思うのだよ。?
  The act of living well is often synonymous with the act of dying well, is it not? To ponder death is to not turn one’s back on life. Observing you all, I find myself inclined to such musings.
Millia: 私達? ?
  “You all?”
Slayer: あっ、これは失敬、若い人達ということだ。?
  Ah, how rude of me. “Youngsters” are whom I’m referring to
Millia: 確かに、そうかもしれないわね。?
  That is true. It may be the case for me as well.
Slayer: 君はいずれ、生きる意味を見つけるだろう。私が保証しよう。?
  I’m sure that in time, You will find purpose in life. I guarantee it.
Millia: 今度は占い師??
  Are you some kind of fortune teller now?
Slayer: 長年人を見てると、多少は勘が働くものでね。?
  Having observed people for many years, one’s intuition tends to sharpen a bit.
Millia: 勘も、お世辞も、耄碌してるわ。私が保証してあげる。それより、誰か呼んでるわよ。?
  Fading wits & insincere compliments. I’ll guarantee you that. Anyway, someone’s calling for you.
Slayer: おっ、その通り。連れが呼んでいるようだ。おいとまさせてもらうよ。[note 10]?
  Oh! Indeed. It seems my partner wishes for my presence. I must bid you farewell.
Millia: 楽しかったわ!?
  I enjoyed this!
Slayer: 私もだ。また会いたいものだな。?
  And I, as well. I hope we meet again.
Millia: どうかしら。私は合わないほうがいいと思うけど。?
  I wonder if we will. Though, I think it’s best if we don’t.
Slayer: 会うにせよ、会わぬにせよ、兎角この世はままならぬものだよ。?
  Be it crossing or parting, the nature of this world remains unpredictable.
Millia: そうね...?
  That it does…
[ Slayer walks away to answer his wife, Sharon’s, calls. Leaving Millia all alone on the balcony. ]
Slayer: 待たせたなシャロン...おっ、どうした? 怒っている??
  Sorry to keep you waiting, Sharon… Oh? What’s wrong? Are you upset?
Millia: 面白い人...それに隙がない。貴族にも骨があるのがいるのね...?
  Such an interesting man… On top of that, he leaves no openings. Looks like these nobles have someone with a spine after all.
[ The scene transitions to Zato. ]
Zato: 午前2時か...そろそろミリアの任務が終わる時刻だな。?
  2:00 AM already… Millia’s mission should be wrapping up soon.
Venom: はっ。第4班全員配置に着きました。?
  Understood, my lord. All members of Squad 4 have taken position.
Assassin Guild Member: 陽動及び撹乱作戦、順調です。?
  Diversion & disruption measures are going according to plan.
Zato: 異常は??
  Any abnormalities?
Venom: 城内及び城外の警備、歩哨共に異常はありません。?
  There are no abnormalities in the security patrols inside, nor outside the castle.
Zato: では、午前3時をもって作戦を開始する。その後、ミリアの脱出を確認し、撤退する。?
  Then, the operation is set to commence at 3:00 AM. Once Millia’s escape is confirmed, we withdraw.
Venom: はっ!?
  Yes, my lord!

Chapter 4

[ #5「緋色の主」 track plays]
[ Footsteps can be heard in the castle’s halls. ]
Millia: [ため息をつく]...さすがに城ともなると広いわねぇ。スカベリー公爵の客室は...ここね。?
  (Sighs)... When it comes to castles, they sure are big. Duke Scaburi’s room should be… here.
[ Millia lockpicks her way into Duke Scaburi’s bedroom. ]
Millia: [ため息をつく]...よく寝てるわね。ごめんなさい、恨みはないけど。さようなら。?
  (Sighs)... Sound asleep, are we? I’m sorry, but it’s nothing personal. Goodbye.
[ Millia’s hair (living lancer?) pierces through Duke Scaburi, killing him. ]
Duke Scaburi: んがっ…ぐうぅ?
Millia: [ため息をつく]?
[ Someone starts clapping behind Millia. ]
Millia: 誰?!?
  Who’s there?!
Slayer: 私だよ、御嬢さん。?
  It’s me, my dear.
Millia: 何故ここに?!?
  Why are you here?!
Slayer: 言った通りさ、人間観察の趣味でね。最初から見せてもらったよ、アサシンの御嬢さん。?
  It’s just as I told you, observing humans is a pastime of mine. I’ve been watching you right from the start, “Miss Assassin”.
Millia: そう、貴族の犬だったわけね。刻め!「ラストシェイカー!」?
  Is that so? No surprise you were his lapdog. Cut him to pieces! [LUST SHAKER!]
[ Millia’s hair becomes as sharp as knives, and sends an onslaught of thrusts Slayer’s way. ]
Slayer: ふむっ!?
[ Slayer deflects all of Millia’s attacks effortlessly. ]
Slayer: ふふふん、出会い頭に殺し技か?...それが最近の風潮かね。?
  Hmhmhm. A finishing move straight out the gate? I take it that’s the trend these days.[note 11]
Millia: (こいつ!... 拳で受けた!?)?
  (This guy!?… blocked it with his fists!?)
Slayer: 気は進まないが、そちらが望むなら仕方がない。いざ!構えられよ。不祥スレイヤー、戦いというもの御教授しよう。?
  Unwilling as I may be, if this is what you desire, then so be it. Now, prepare yourself! This “Ominous Slayer” will teach you what fighting is really about.
[ Slayer is engulfed by his own powerful aura, his strength, growing. ]
Millia: (何よ!? この気は!どんどん膨らんでいく!)?
  (What is this!? This pressure! It keeps growing stronger!)
Slayer: どうしたかね??
  What’s the matter?
Millia: (全力でいくしかないわ... ) 貫け、「アイアンメイデン!」?
  (I’ve got no choice but to go all out…) Pierce through! [IRON MAIDEN!]
[ Millia shoots out hundreds of hair threads that surround Slayer from all directions, ready to put him down. ]
Slayer: んん?...いい技だが、絞りが甘い!?
  Hm? A clever technique, though your grip is feeble!
Millia: (座ったまま、躱した!?)?
  (He dodged it all…while sitting!?)
Slayer: 力とはこう使うものだ。炸裂!「マッパハンチ!」?
This is how power is wielded. Explode! [MAPPA HUNCH!]
[ Slayer sends Millia flying with his attack. ]
[ Millia is gasping in pain. ]
Slayer: 大丈夫かね?すまんな、つい力が入ってしまった。?
  Are you alright? My apologies, I fear my strength was a bit excessive.
Millia: うっ、殺せ!?
Slayer: お誤解があるようだな。私は戦いに来たわけではない。?
  It seems we have a misunderstanding. I did not come to fight.
Millia: 何を今更!??
  What are you saying now!?[note 12]
Slayer: 後輩の仕事ぶりを拝見しに来たわけだ。?
  I came to evaluate the work of my junior subordinate.
Millia: 先輩?アサシンなの?!?
  Senior? You’re an Assassin?!
Slayer: ずいぶん前に引退したがね。?
  I retired many moons ago, you see.
Millia: 引退?アサシンに引退はないわ!一生組織に仕えるだけよ!?
  Retired? Retirement doesn’t exist for us assassins! We’re all bound to serve the organization for life!
Slayer: そうは言ってもな、引退したのだから仕方がない。?
  Be that as it may, my retirement was inevitable.
Millia: あなた...何者...?
  What… are you…
Slayer: まぁ、私が特別でね。?
  Well, I am “special.”
Millia: で、その先輩が何の用??
  And? What the hell does a “senior” want to do with me?
Slayer: 何?仕事ぶりを拝見して、いくつか聞きたいことがあってね。ぁ、ミリアくん、今回、その男を殺した義は何だね??
  I beg your pardon? Having observed your work, there are a few questions I wish to pose. Ms. Millia, What was your justification for taking that man’s life this time?
Millia: 義??
Slayer: 理由だが。「世のため、人のため、義無くしては始末するに非ず!」それがアサシンの掟だ。?
  This is but the pretext. “Be it for the sake of the world, or the sake of humanity, man shall not pass judgment without justification!” Such is the law of an Assassin.
Millia: そんなカビの生えた掟聞いたことないわ!さすが先輩!?
  I’ve never heard of such a moldy law! I’d expect nothing less from a “Senior”!
Slayer: 何と?! では、今のアサシンは何のために殺すというのかね??
  Such insolen-!? Then, what cause compels the modern assassin to spill blood?
Millia: 今じゃ契約は金よ。金だけ。?
  Contracts nowadays are about the money. It’s all just for money.
Slayer: むぅ...分かった。もう一つ、聞きたいがある。?
  Hmm... Noted. There is one more question I wish to ask.
Millia: 何よ??
  What now?
Slayer: 君は今、人殺しとして幸せかね??
  At this very moment, does life as a murderer bring you happiness?
Millia: し-幸せ??
Slayer: むぅ、それが今の組織かねぇ。金のために殺し、団員さえ不幸にする。それでは組織の価値はあるまい。?
  Hmm. So this is what’s become of the organization. Murder for money, followed by misery, even amongst its own members. An organization as such bears no merit.
Millia: 分かったようなことを!!?
  Don’t act like you know it all!!
Slayer: どうやら、ザトーくんに会わんといかんようだ。置き去りにするのが忍びないが、失礼するよ!?
  It seems, I need to pay Zato a visit. It pains me to abandon you but, If you’ll excuse me!
[ Slayer hits Millia, incapacitating her. ]
Millia: 待って!あぅ-...うっ...体が...動かんか?...?
  Wait! Augh-… unngh… My body…won’t move…?
[ The guardsmen of the keep come rushing to the scene to investigate what was causing the explosive sounds. ]
Soldier 1: こっちで音がしたぞ!?
  I heard something over here!
Soldier 2: スカベリー公爵様の方だ...公爵様ぁー!?
  Duke Scaburi’s this way!... Sir Duke! [ The soldier bangs anxiously on the door, hoping for a response. ]
Soldier 1: ん 致し方あるまい、破れ!?
  Nhg. There’s no other way in. Break it down!
Soldier 2: はっ!ごめん!ふんっ!?
  Yes, sir! Sorry bout’ this! Hmph!
[ Soldier #2 breaks down the door and the guardsmen rush in. Soldier 2 sees to Duke Scaburi and realizes has been assassinated. Millia is on the floor unconscious. ]
Soldier 2: 公爵様!ご無事ですかー?!あはっあっ!?
  Your Grace! Are you alright?! AAHA AA!
Soldier 1: ど- どうした?!?
  W- What’s wrong?!
Soldier 2: 女が一人と...それから...公爵様が...死んでる!!?
  A woman came in and…, and then… the Duke…HE’S DEAD!!
Soldier 1: 何だと!??
  What the hell!?
[ The soldiers blow the alarm, signaling that there are intruders in the castle. ]
Watchguard Soldier: 侵入者だ!アサシンだ!公爵様が、亡くなられた!?
  Intruder alert! There’s an assassin! Duke Scaburi, has died!
Millia: (手足の痺れが...まだ取れないか?...)?
  (My limbs feel numb… Can I still get up?...)
[ The guardsmen of the keep surround Millia while she lies on the floor. ]
Soldier 2: 動くな!動けば、貫くぞ!?
  Don’t move! A twitch, and we’ll stab you.
Millia: 貫けばいい。?
  Stab me while you still can.
Soldier 1: なっ、何だと!??
  W-, What!?
Millia: ためらわずに刺せば、勝機もあっただろう??
  If you weren’t so hesitant to impale me, victory would’ve been yours.
Soldier 1: ふざけるな!あっ、何だ、これは??
  Don’t mess with me! Ah! What’s, happening?!
Soldier 2: 糸!金色の糸だ!?
  The thread! It’s the golden thread!
Soldier 1: えぇん!切れねぇぞ!うっ、か-...体が...動かねぇ...?
  Eengh! I can’t cut it! Ouugh, I- I can’t…move…
[ Millia entangles the guardsmen with her hair. ]
Millia: その腕、ちぎってもいいけど、どうする??
  Ripping these arms off is quite tempting but, oh what to do~?
Soldier 2 & 1: いやっ!! 助けてくれー!助けてくれー!!?
  NO!! Spare me! Somebody save us!!
[ More guards can be heard quickly approaching Millia’s position. ]
Millia: 雑魚が...ぐっ...早く逃げないとな...?
  Worthless… Guh… I need to get out of here…
[ Millia starts running to find a safe place to hide/escape the castle. ]

Chapter 5

[ #6「巨人のための殺戮技巧」track plays ]
[ The scene changes to Zato & Venom’s perspective just as the alarm is set off. ]
Zato: (城内が騒がしい。ミリア...しくじったか?...) 予定を繰り上げる。陽動を開始するぞ。?
  (Commotion inside the castle. Millia… did you fail?...) We’re moving ahead of schedule. Start the diversion.
Venom: はっ。?
  Yes, my lord.
Venom: 「カァカスライド!」?
[ Venom does his special move, hitting 2 guardsmen. ]
Soldier 3 & 4: うぁーー!?
Zato: 止めは刺さんか?...?
  You’re not going to finish them off?
Venom: ターゲットではありませんから。?
  They are not our target.
Zato: 手加減はいいが、お前に死んでもらっては困る。?
  I don’t mind you showing mercy, but, you’re worth more alive than dead.
Venom: ありがたい幸せ。妙ですね。兵が少ない。?
  I am most grateful for the concern. Strange, isn’t it. There’s a lack of soldiers
Zato: こっちが陽動にあったようだな。囲まれている。?
  It seems that we were the diversion. We’re surrounded.
[ Explosive sound is heard by both Zato & Venom in the distance. ]
Venom: これは、照明弾。?
  Those are… flares.
Zato: 暗殺者ともあろうものが、乱戦とはな...?
  Of all people, for us assassins to be caught in the midst of this brawl..
Unknown Captain: 近衛第二から第五。賊を撃退する。第一は引き続き、暗殺者を捕縛せよ。?
  Royal Batallions 2 through 5, drive off these bandits. Royal Battalion 1 will keep pressing forward and capture the assassins.
Zato: やはりこの衛兵か?あいつらなら相手になるだろう。?
  If it isn’t the Royal Guardsmen. They’ll want to take us head-on.
Venom: では、少々派手に。「ダァブルヘッドモォビッド!」 ?
  Then, allow me to put on a spectacle. [DOUBLE HEAD MORBID!]
Unknown Captain: 止まれ!これなるは、カステリア近衛隊長、ゴドフレード。卑劣なアサシン、覚悟せよ!?
  HALT! I, am Casterian Imperial Commander, Godfried. Cowardly assassins, prepare yourselves!
Zato: ほぅ。カステリアのゴドフレード、噂に聞く鋼の旋風か??
  Well, well. Godfried of Casteria. Are you the "Steel Tornado" they speak of?
Godfried: いかにも。我が一撃受けて立つか??
  Indeed, I am. Think you can weather my storms?
Zato: ヴェノム、ここは任せられるか??
  Venom, can I leave this to you?
Venom: ザトー様、どちらへ??
  Lord Zato, Where are you going?
Zato: ミリアだ。嫌な予感がする...?
  To Millia. Something doesn’t feel right.
Venom: …お気を付けて。?
  …Please take care.
[ Zato vanishes into the shadows/Eddie. ]
Godfried: 逃げるか!?コソ泥が!?
  Running away are we!? Damn crooks!
Venom: ゴドフレードと言ったな?お前ではザトー様の相手に相応しくない。それだけの事。[note 13]?
  “Godfried”, was it? You would hardly stand a chance against Lord Zato. Not much else to say.
Godfried: 馬鹿め、気取ったところで闇に隠れる暗殺者風情、この光の下では、為すすべもあるまい。?
  Fool. Flaunt as you may, shadow-lurker. There will be no place for such lowly assassins to hide under the light.
Venom: 愚かだな。焼け付く光にもまた死角はある。行くぞ!?
  How Naive. Even fires cast their own shadows. Let us begin!
Godfried: 応!?
Venom: 「スティンガーエイム!」?
Godfried: えぇぃ、ぬくいわ!?
  Eeigh, YOU’RE WEAK!
Venom: (受けた!?いや、急所に入れたはずだが!?
  (He took that!? No, I should’ve hit his vitals!)
Godfried: そのような手品は効かん!?
  Such magic tricks won’t work on me!
Venom: 大したタフネスだ。ならこれはどうだ!「ダァクエンジェル!」?
  Impressive resilience. But how about this! [DARK ANGEL!]
Godfried: うぉ!うぅん...効かぬわぁ...?
  Uuoah! Uungh… Doesn’t…hurt…
Venom: (痛覚がないか?まずいな、私はともかく部下達が。?
  (No sense of pain? This is bad. Him aside, I have taken out his men.)
Godfried: 賊め!臆したか!??
  Damn thief! Getting second thoughts!?
Venom: 2本の腕と1本の矛。恐れる要素はないな。?
  Two arms, one cue. I have no reason to fear you.
Godfried: 聞いた風な口を...骨まで砕けろ!?
  Acting like you know it all… I’ll crush you to bones!
Venom: 君は退屈だ。多角的な攻撃というものを見せてやろう!?
  You bore me. I’ll show you what a versatile attack really is!
Godfried: ドッカーーーーン!?
Venom: 「レッドヘイル!」?
Godfried: うあぉぉあーぁ!...これは...体が、動かんっ?
  UAAoAAaaa! My… body can’t… move…
Venom: 5体の神経節を突いた。痛みがなくとも四肢は動かん。?
  I struck 5 of your nerve clusters. Your limbs won’t respond, painless or otherwise.
Assassin Guild Member: ヴェノム様!第4、苦戦しております。 ?
  Venom, Sir! [ The assassin makes his way to Venom. ] Squad 4, is under heavy attack.
Venom: ザトー様は??
  What of Lord Zato?
Assassin Guild Member: まだです。?
  No response yet.
Venom: くっ...?
Assassin Guild Member: 行かれますか? ここは私が!?
  Will you go? I’ll handle things from here!
Venom: いや、ザトー様は私にここ任された。全部隊!撤退だ?
  Negative. Lord Zato entrusted this duty to me. All units! Withdraw!
Assassin Guild Member: はっ!?
  Yes, Sir!
Godfried: 待って!!卑怯者!勝負しろぉー!?

Chapter 6

[ #7「囚われの乙女」track plays ]
Soldier 6: 死ねぇー!アサシン!?
Millia: 邪魔よ。?
  You’re in my way. [ Millia stabs the soldier. ]
Soldier 6: うぉ...アサシン...くぉろすぅ!?
Millia: こいつら薬でもやってるの?浅い傷ではないはずだ?
  Are these guys on some kind of drug? That wound should’ve been more than skin-deep.
Soldier 7: いたぞぉ!!アサシンだぁ!?
Soldier 8: 殺せ!アサシンを殺せ!?
Millia: 挟まれたか...この数じゃ埒が明かないわ。?
  Pinched in… I’ll never get anywhere with this many.
Multiple Soldiers: 殺せぇ! 捕まえろぉ! 死ねぇ、雌狐ぇ!アサシンを殺せぇー! ?
Millia: ここは5階か?...ならいける!ふっ!?
  On the 5th floor, huh?... Then I can manage! Hmph!
[ Millia jumps through the castle window. ]
Millia: これで少しは...?
  That should buy me some time…
Multiple soldiers: 飛び降りたぞぉ! 逃がさんぞぉ、 女ぁー! 追えぇー! 追えぇーー! ?
[ The soldiers jump out of the 5th-floor window after Millia, face-planting on the ground below. ]
Millia: こいつら、死ぬ気!?...うっ...足が...?
  Are these guys, suicidal!? Uugh, My legs…
[ Multiple soldiers morph into beasts. ] 逃ガザㇴゥゾォウ、アァサァシィンゥ...?
Millia: さ-触るな!?
  D-Don’t touch me!
Unknown man: その辺にしてはどうかね??
  Maybe it’s time we wrapped things up hm?
Millia: 誰だ!??
  Who are you!?
Unknown man: この国を憂う者だよ。名前はレオン=マイニング。?
  The One Who Grieves For His Nation. The name’s Leon Mining.
Millia: 殺せ.?
  I’ll kill you.
Leon Mining: 殺すのは簡単だがね。君には、もぉう少し役に立ってもらう。?
  Killing is simple. But you… I need you to be a bit more useful.
Millia: な- 何を- うっ...?
  W- what are yo- [ Millia is struck by a piercing object. ] Uugh…
Leon Mining: んふふふふふふふふふふ...血に塗れた令嬢に、暫しの眠りを...?
  Nhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhm… To our blood-stained princess, I bid thee goodnight.
Millia: あ- あぁ...?
  A- ah…
[ Millia Faints. ]

Chapter 7

[ #8「主の帰還」track plays ]
[ A door opens. ]
Zato: 何故、あなたがここにいる??
  Why… are you here?
Slayer: なぁに、久しぶりに後輩の顔を見たくてな。?
  What’s the problem? I only wanted to see my junior’s face.
Zato: 見せるものなど何もありませんよ...創立者。?
  I have nothing to show to you… Founder.
Slayer: しばらく身の内に組織がずいぶんと様変わりしたようだな。?
  It appears that in my absence, the organization has undergone quite some change.
Zato: 今更アサシンをご自分のものと言われる気か?先輩風を吹かせないで頂きたい。?
  Are you now claiming us assassins as your own? I’d prefer you not put on this Senior facade.
Slayer: 君が取り仕切っているのだな??
  So, you are the one orchestrating all of this.
Zato: 誰でもない。組織はただ、組織のためだけにある。?
  This is nobody’s doing. The organization, exists solely for its own sake.
Slayer: 身内も外も不幸にし続ける組織に何の意味がある??
  What meaning lies in an organization that continues to perpetuate misery amongst both insiders & outsiders?
Zato: ご老体には分からなくて当然。?
  It’s no surprise such matters are beyond the feeble understanding of your aged mind.
Slayer: ならば、聞かせてもらおうではないか??
  Even if that were true, Could you honor me by sharing your perspective?
Zato: 教えて差し上げたいところだが、今は時間がない。?
  As much as I desire to enlighten you, I’m afraid we’re past that now.
Slayer: 「邪魔者!」と言ったいのかね。?
  So I’m “a nuisance”, is what you’re trying to say.
Zato: いかにも、老い耄れ。そこを退けっ!!?
  Indeed, I am. Decrepit old man. GET OUT OF MY WAY!!

Trailer for Vol. 2

Narrator: カルローニ王国に囚われの身となったミリア。ザトーに与えられた解法の条件は過酷なものだった。突如ザトーの前に現れたスレイヤーの真意とは...そして、レオン=マイニングの策謀とは... 次回! ー Guilty Gear XX Drama CD [Night of Knives - Volume 2]. “Kiss of the Blood”. お楽しみに。?
  "Held captive by the Carllonian Kingdom, Millia now faces the severe consequences set by Zato's proposed plan. Slayer's unexpected appearance before Zato unveiled his true motives...And, the machinations of Leon Mining’s scheme…

Next time! - Guilty Gear XX Drama CD: [Night of Knives Vol. 2]: "Kiss of the Blood"

Look forward to it.


  1. (Discord: vaporbabe1984)
  2. Zato speaking in Kansai dialect (関西弁) is funny. がな =けど な。な, in this case, is acting as a light declaration of the statement
  3. Venom’s way of speech is EXTREMELY polite and almost archaic. したき in this case means -したい. This way of speech is often used in dramas but during old Samurai-esque eras.
  4. とはいえ means “Even though”
  5. せん, in this case, is the classical version of しない derived from せぬ. 送ったりはせん would mean: “I’m not sending”.
  6. できまい is yet another form of archaic Japanese. It means “Will not/must not”
  7. (or “clearly this isn’t his first time”/”A professional at work huh”
  8. Slayer uses a VERY unique and colorful phrase. One of which I have never seen the likes of before: “目の色が違う”, (lit. Eye color is different) While it isn’t officially written in dictionaries, means “One’s perspective/attitude is different.
  9. (Archaic Vampire rizz)
  10. おい is acting as a 1st person pronoun. The dandy phrase 「おいとまさせてもらうよ」 Carries a hidden meaning of "Excuse me"
  11. Slayer is commenting on how people are so quick to kill nowadays as opposed to dragging out the fight with nonlethal blows. He would much rather indulge in the act of a fight than to end it in one punch.
  12. (Lit. “Why are you saying this now of all times?!”)
  13. very interesting to see him drop the honorifics against someone who he sees as an enemy.