Guilty Gear XX Night of Knives Vol. 2 script

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The following page comprises a full verbal transcript and translation of Guilty Gear XX Drama CD Night of Knives Vol.2.

Original Google Document with color-coding & time stamps:

[Translated by Shimobabe/Vaporbabe[note 1]]

Exposition of the Guilty Gear Universe

[ #1「オープニング」 track plays ]

まった。 100年もの間続いた過酷な戦争は、「ギア」の総帥たるジャスティスの封印と共に終わりを告げた。

 The 22nd Century. Mankind’s theorizations of magic have proved successful; allowing humanity to conjure an infinite amount of energy. Science has since been regarded as technology of the “Old World”; now condemned across the globe. And so, by virtue of magic, forbidden bioweapons, [Gears], were born. The Gears, serving as living weapons of war, bared their fangs against their creators; sparking the beginning of a battle that hung the futures of two species in the balance.

After the savage war raged on for a century, the sealing of the Gears’ leader, Justice, marked its end.

And thus, an illusive organization emerged; conducting its operations under the cloak of peace - The Assassins. In an unexpected twist, the disoriented assassins now find themselves standing before the organization’s founder in the Carllonian Kingdom, Slayer

Narrator:Guilty Gear XX Drama CD. [Night of Knives - Volume 2]. “Kiss of the blood”.

Chapter 1

[ #2「深紅の覇者」 track plays ]
[ Zato opens the door to a room where Slayer stands in waiting. ]
Zato: 何故、あなたがここにいる??
  Why… are you here?
Slayer: なぁに、久しぶりに後輩の顔を見たくてな。?
  What’s the problem? I only wanted to see my junior’s face.
Zato: 見せるものなど何もありませんよ...創立者。?
  I have nothing to show to you… Founder.
Slayer: しばらく身の内に組織がずいぶんと様変わりしたようだな。?
  It appears that in my absence, the organization has undergone quite some change.
Zato: 今更アサシンをご自分のものと言われる気か?先輩風を吹かせないで頂きたい。?
  Are you now claiming us assassins as your own? I’d prefer you not put on this “Senior” facade.
Slayer: 君が取り仕切っているのだな??
  So, you are the one orchestrating all of this.
Zato: 誰でもない。組織はただ、組織のためだけにある。?
  This is nobody’s doing. The organization… exists solely for its own sake.
Slayer: 身内も外も不幸にし続ける組織に何の意味がある??
  What meaning lies in an organization that continues to perpetuate misery amongst both insiders & outsiders?
Zato: ご老体には分からなくて当然。?
  It’s no surprise such matters are beyond the feeble understanding of your aged mind.
Slayer: ならば、聞かせてもらおうではないか??
  Even if that were true, Could you honor me by sharing your perspective?
Zato: 教えて差し上げたいところだが、今は時間がない。?
  As much as I desire to enlighten you, I’m afraid we’re past that now.
Slayer: 「邪魔者!」と言ったいのかね。?
  So I’m “a nuisance”, is what you’re trying to say.
Zato: いかにも、老い耄れ。そこを退けっ!!?
  Indeed, I am. Decrepit old man. GET OUT OF MY WAY!!
[ Zato summons Eddie and attacks Slayer; destroying the surrounding area, yet Slayer evades. ]
Zato: (老骨をいたわり手加減したが…流石だな。)?
  (I went easy on that old crone but… He’s something else.)
Slayer: 踏み込みが浅いな。君の攻撃にはそう、必殺の気構え、それが不足している。?
  Such footwork lacks finesse. So too do your attacks, for they—are devoid of a killer’s resolve.
Zato: 必殺の気構え?アサシンの統領にそれを問うか。では見せてやろう。貫け!?
  A killer’s resolve? The leader of the assassins need only ask. Allow me to show you. Pierce him!
[ Eddie attempts to thrust his shadow lance through Slayer, but he effortlessly dodges it. ]
Slayer: 冗談をやっているのか?遅い!?
  Is this some kind of joke? You’re slow!
[ Slayer shows off his Dandy Step technique to initiate a counterattack, hitting Zato; forcing him to fall to his knees in pain. ]
Zato: ぐぁっ!うあ…?
  Guaah! Agh…
Slayer: 一つ、自らの生死を臨機別つ至高の埒外と置く必殺の意志、二つ、その必殺の意志を形とする練り上げられた技術とその誇り。?
  One: ‘No matter how grim the situation, eliminating the target comes before all else: Even preserving one’s own life.’

Two: ‘One must hone their skills so that killing comes as naturally as breathing.’[note 2]

Zato: それは…組織の口伝…!?
  That’s… the organization’s code!
Slayer: そうだ!そして伝えなかったこともある。真に闘いを支配するのは意志でも誇りでもない勝敗でも生死ですらない。危機にあって人を動かし、優位に立って人を止めるもの、そして、今の君に足りぬもの!?
  Precisely! There too, remains something left unsaid. What truly dominates the flow of battle, is not mere will, nor pride, nor victory, nor the very concept of life or death itself. It is what moves one in times of peril, what stops others from gaining the upper hand, and indeed, What you lack today!
[ Slayer’s threatening aura is building up tremendously, as he ends his monologue by clenching his fist. ]
Zato: (この私が防戦を強いられている!?)?
  (Is he forcing me on the defensive!?)
Slayer: それが!!ダンディズムだ!!?
[ Slayer 「UNIVERSE!」’s Zato, sending him flying straight through a wall. ]
Zato: ぐああぁぁぁぁ!?
Slayer: どうだろう、私と少し話をするつもりになってくれたかね?若きアサシンよ。?
  So, how about it? Have you warmed up to the idea of having a conversation with me, young assassin?
Zato: う…うぅ…悪いがその暇は…ない!!?
  [ Standing up from the ground, Zato responds to Slayer. ] Uugh… Sorry, but we’re… Past that!!
Slayer: ほぉう!?
Zato: 御覧に入れよう!伸びろォ!アッモルファス!!?
[ A massive shark-like head swims through the ground and erupts underfoot to swallow Slayer. ]
Zato: やったか!??
  Did I get him!?
Slayer: その台詞は禁句だよ?ルーキー君。?
  Isn’t that a taboo phrase? Rookie.
Zato: なっ!??
[ Before Zato could react, Slayer closes the gap and punches him into a wall once again. ]
Slayer: 若いな…有り余る殺意と闘志が揺らいでいる。心配事かね。?
  My, how young… Excessive bloodlust and a waining fighting spirit. There must be something on your mind.
Zato: 御老体…そこをどけっ!?
  Damn elder… Get out of my wa-!
Slayer: あぁあぁ、あの娘が心配なのかね。ミリア君とか言った…?
  Ahh, hold on! It must be that girl you’re worried about. Dear “Millia”, wasn’t it…
Zato: なっ…気安く呼ぶな!?
  How-!? Don’t you dare say her name!!
Slayer: 隙有りだ!?
  Y O U ’R E・O P E N !!
[ With Zato now distracted by his words, Slayer seizes the opportunity to punch him yet again. ]
Zato: うああ!…っぁ、そもそも貴公は、何故ミリアを知っている?!?
 UUAAAAAHH! Agh… How do you, know of Millia in the first place?!
Slayer: 愛らしいマドモワゼルには当然目が行くものさ。君の情婦というわけか。?
  It comes as no surprise that one's gaze tends to fall upon a charming mademoiselle. I take it she is your mistress.
Zato: そうだ…だがそれ故に急ぐわけではない!?
  You’re correct…But that’s not why I’m in a rush!
Slayer: おぉ?では何とする??
  Oh? Then may I ask what you’re intending to do?
Zato: 窮地にある部下をおめおめ見捨てて、どうして大将面ができようか!今度こそそこを退いてもらうぞ、死に損ないの化け物め!?
  You shamelessly turn a blind eye from our comrades in crisis, yet have the gall to claim yourself a leader!? I’ll have you strip yourself of that title here and now! You damned immortal beast!!
Slayer: 覚悟たるや良し。だが、まだその魂には含蓄が足りないぞ!?
 Your resolve is admirable. However, the depth of your soul is still shallow!
[ Slayer deals a final blow to the now-weakened Zato. Incapacitating him. ]
Zato: ぐぅお!…かはっ…馬鹿な、光を捨ててまで求めた、禁呪の力が…こうまで脆く…くあぁ…?
  OOOUGH! KUHAA… Impossible…. I went as far as to cast away the light for this?… The power of the forbidden beast…to be so frail… Gugh!…
[ Zato falls to his knees in defeat. ]
Slayer: 落ち込むな、君が弱いのではない、私が強すぎるのだ。だが、その魂の輝きは悪くない。風雅だ。…君と、君の組織の行く末に興味が湧いた。末期を見取るもまた一興。?
  Do not be disheartened, for it is not your frailty, but rather my overwhelming strength. Though I must say, that light in your soul isn’t so bleak. It is elegant. I am intrigued to see what the future holds for you and your guild. There’s a certain pleasure in watching the curtains fall.
Zato: 御満足というわけか…掻き回してくれる。?
  So that’s what satisfies you… Making a mess of things…
Slayer: オールバァー、邪魔をした、彼女のことは心配いらんよ。?
  Au Revoir! Apologies for the intrusion. No need to worry about that girl.
Zato: ミリ…ア…?
[ Zato collapses to the ground and faints. ]

Chapter 2

[ #3「麗しき死と希望 」 track plays ]
[ The sounds of water drops hitting a puddle awake Millia from her unconscious state. ]
Millia: 私…どうなったの?…そうか、私はあの近衛兵達に敗れ…?
  What… happened to me…? Ah, that’s right. Those castle guards got me…
[ She attempts to stand but quickly realizes she is held down by iron chains. ]
Millia: 繋がれてる…虜ということ…痛みがあるなら、まだ生きているということね。髪も動かない…高レベル法術封印牢獄…でも、生きていてどうなるの?苦痛と孤独がこうしてずっと続くなら、死だって……寒い…冷たい…殺しの後は、いつもこう。?
  All chained up… Which means I’m captive… Guess I’m still alive if I’m in pain. My hair won’t move either… Must be a high-level magic sealing prison… But, what does being alive entail for me now? If this agony and desolation continues… then even death will be cold… so, so cold… It always feels like this after taking a life.
Zato: (こちらへ来い、ミリア。)?
  (Come to me, Millia.)
Millia: やめて!?
  Stop it!
Zato: (アサシンの道は一つではないかも知れんぞ。)?
  (There may be another path besides being an assassin.)
Millia: 違う!あなたがあたしをこうしておいて今更何よ!??
  You’re wrong! You did this to me! How can you say that now!?
Zato: (幸せになりたいと、思った事はないか?)?
  (Haven’t you ever wished to be happy?)
Millia: なりたい…なりたいわ!こんな鎖に繋がれて冷たい世界で死んでいくなんて、耐えられない!?
  I have… OF COURSE I HAVE! To die in a cold world bound to these damn chains, I can’t take it!!
[ A door creaks open, startling Millia. ]
Slayer: 失礼、マドモワゼル。お取り込み中であったかな??
  Pardon me, Mademoiselle. Were you in the middle of something?
Millia: あ…あなた…スレイヤー。?
  Ah… It’s you… Slayer.
Slayer: 婦人の寝顔を覗き込むのは趣味ではないのだが牢番の交替時刻が迫っているのでね。?
  While peeping on a sleeping woman’s face doesn’t suit my fancy, the jailer’s rotation draws near.
Millia: お望みは何?組織の情報?それとも、囚われの人形を抱きに来たの??
  What is it you want? Intel on the guild? Or could it be, you’ve come to fondle the captive doll?
Slayer: そう、後者にも興味はあるが、強いて言えば君の未来だ。?
  Well, I admit, the latter is of some interest. But if I had to choose, I came for your future.
Millia: 未来??
  My future?
Slayer: そぉう、未来だ。?
  Yes my dear, your future.
[ Slayer unsheathes a blade. ]
Slayer: ここに、我が秘蔵の、短剣を用意した。伝説のアウトレイジとまではいかぬが、法術によって鍛えられた世界屈指の業物。禁呪でさえも殺しきることが出来よう。?
  Presented here, is my cherished dagger. It may not quite measure up to the legendary [OUTRAGE], but it is the sharpest blade ever forged; imbued with the most powerful magic this world has ever seen. Within its edge holds the power to cut even through forbidden spells.
Millia: それで私を、殺すというの??
  So that means, it can kill me?
Slayer: そうしてもいい。君の美しい喉を抉(えぐ)り、滴り落ちるルビーのような、赤き血を堪能する、それも悪くはない。?
  It could do that...
[ Slayer puts his dagger against Millia’s neck and slowly drags his finger along the shape of her jugular. ]
Have your slender neck slashed open, while I indulge in your trickling blood as if they were rubies… Such an idea is not without its allure.
Millia: 構わないわ。悪趣味だとは思うけれど。あたしには似合いの末路でしょうね。?
  I don’t mind. I find it in poor taste, but, it seems like it would be a fitting end for the likes of me.
Slayer: だが、そうしないこともできる。この短剣でその黄金の髪と無粋な鉄の鎖とを切り取り君は自由になる。?
  However, it could simply not do that as well.
[ Slayer pulls his dagger away from her neck. ]
With this dagger, I shall sever that golden hair bound to these boorish chains, thus granting you freedom.
Millia: 代償は??
  What’s your price?
Slayer: 君たちの概念で言えば、必要ない。翼を捥(も)がれ地に落ちた金色の天使がどう羽ばたくのか…私は見たいのだよ。?
  To keep things in your perspective, it’s “free of charge”. “How will the Golden Angel, cast down to the earth, bereft of her wings, take flight?” That is what I wish to see!
Millia: 自由か…死か…さもなくば屈辱に満ちた虜囚の惨めな生か…?
  Freedom… Or death… Otherwise, a life full of humiliation as a miserable prisoner.
Slayer: 選びたまえ。君の進むべき道を君の望みを。死ねばもう人を殺める冷たさに悩まされることもなくなろう。?
  Make your choice. Think of the path you tread; the desires you hold. If you were to die, you shall be spared the chilling torment of taking another's life.
Millia: でも死ねば、何もなくなるのね。?
  But if I were to die, then all would be lost…
Slayer: そぉう、少なくとも未来は失われる。善を為す未来も悪を為す未来も。?
  Indeed. At the very least, it is your future that will be lost. Whether that be a future of virtue, or of vice.
Millia: 感謝はしないわ、スレイヤー。与えられた自由など女には屈辱よ。?
  You’ll get no gratitude from me, Slayer. It’s shameful for a woman to be granted freedom.
Slayer: それは失敬。?
  My apologies, how rude of me.
Millia: 切って。私の髪を。私の運命を縛る鎖を。私の闘いはまだ終わってはいない。?
  Cut it… My hair…These chains that bind my fate... My fight isn’t over yet.
Slayer: 流血と策謀の渦巻くあの世界へ戻るのだね。?
  You are aware that you will be returning to a world rife with bloodshed and schemes.
Millia: ええそうよ、でも…これまでとは違う。今度は…私の意志よ。?
  I know, but… this time will be different. This time… It’ll be of my own volition.
[ Without any hesitation, Slayer immediately cuts through Millia’s chains, setting her free. ]
Slayer: よろしい!立ちたまえミリア!立って君の欲することを為したまえ!?
  Excellent! Stand Millia! Stand tall and do what your heart desires!
Millia: 行くわ。また会いましょう、風変わりなダンディー。?
  I’m off. Until we meet again, Elegant Dandy.
[ Millia walks away from her prison cell and makes her escape out of the kingdom. ]

Chapter 3

[ #4「汚れた選択」 track plays ]
[ Venom opens a door and sees Zato sitting in the rubble from his fight with Slayer, defeated. ]
Venom: ザトー様!御無事ですか!??
  Lord Zato! Are you alright!?
Zato: どうにかな。シェリー酒をくれ。打ち萎(しお)れた私の魂に、火をつけるようなやつだ。?
  Somehow… Pour me a Sherry. The kind that will burn my beaten spirit.
Venom: はぁ、しかしその出血でのアルコールは、いささか御体を損ないます。?
  Yes, my lord. However, alcohol in the absence of blood is rather harmful to the body.
Zato: もう一度言う、シェリー酒だ。故郷の酒をよこせと言っている。?
  I’ll say it again. Pour me a Sherry. I’m asking for the drink of my hometown.
Venom: かしこまりました。?
  …As you wish.
[ Although reluctant, Venom uncorks the bottle of Sherry and pours Zato a glass. ]
Venom: どうぞ。?
[ Venom serves it to his lord, and he downs it all in one swig. ]
Zato: あぁ…ミリアは、無事に撤退できたのか。?
  Did Millia, manage to retreat safely?
Venom: いえ、確認されておりません。捕縛されたと見て、間違いないでしょう。?
  I’m afraid not. We haven’t received confirmation. It is safe to assume she’s been captured.
Zato: そうか…マイニング卿と回線を開いてくれ。ミリアの身柄を引き取らねばならん。?
  I see… Get me on the line with Lord Mining. We must get Millia back in one piece.
Venom: しかし、掟では、捕縛されたアサシンに許されるのは自決のみです!交渉などと…!?
  But, the code states, A captive assassin is permitted only to commit suicide! Negotiations are not-!
Zato: あれはただのアサシンではない。私と同じ禁獣をその身に宿す決戦兵器だ。金では買えない。?
  She’s not just an assassin. She is a decisive weapon with the same forbidden power that resides in my body. She is something money can’t buy.
Venom: それだけですか。?
  Is that all?
Zato: それだけだ。?
  That is all.
Venom: かしこまりました。お待ちを。?
  Understood. A moment, please.
[ Venom walks away to get a hold of Lord Mining. ]
Zato: ミリア…?
[ As expected, Venom returns expeditiously, with Lord Mining on the radio. ]
Venom: お待たせしました、マイニング卿です。?
  Apologies for the delay. Lord Mining is on the line.
[ Bzzzt. ]
Leon Mining: ザトー君、へまをやったものだな。?
  Zato, you sure screwed up, huh.
Zato: ターゲットはしとめました。最小限の損害だったと考えます。?
  Our target has been eliminated. Though one may say we hit a little snag there.
[ Bzzzt. ]
Leon Mining: 冗談はよしたまえ。あれ程の美女が虜になったのだ、城中噂をせぬ者はない。幸い、私の人脈で確保はしているが…うるさ型の大臣共を黙らせるのに、大分ね…鼻薬を使わざるを得なかった。?
  Cut the jokes. With such a beaut’ taken prisoner, there isn’t a single soul in the castle that isn’t running their mouths about it. Thankfully, I have er’ secured through one of my contacts… Though, they had no choice but to use a lot of...nasal spray on those nosy ministers.
Zato: 汗顔の至りです。が、彼女は我々にとってもいわば子宝、身柄を御返還願えませんか。?
  I am deeply grateful. However, she is a treasure child to us, so to speak. Would you be so humble as to consider returning her to our custody?
[ Bzzzt. ]
Leon Mining: ふむ、よろしい。だが伝統あるアサシンギルドの子宝だ、下賎な言い草だが、ただで還すというわけにもいくまい。もう一仕事、片付けてもらえるかね。?
  Hmm… Very well. But since she is a treasure of the ol’ Guild—low as this may sound, I can’t just give er’ up for free. I got some more trash that needs… taking out.
Zato: よろしいでしょう。して、誰を。?
  That’s fine. Tell me, who am I after?
[ Bzzzt. ]
Leon Mining: ふ…国王陛下…その人を。?
  Hm… His Majesty, the King… is your target.
Zato: 成程。ミリアの身柄に見合った首です。アサシンギルドの名にかけて、その依頼、確かに承りました。?
  I see. A head worthy of Millia’s custody. In the name of the Assassin’s Guild, we accept your request.
[ Bzzzt. ]
Leon Mining: 吉報を待っている。へへへ…それでは…?
  Lookin’ forward to the good news. Hehehe… Until then…
[ Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt. The radio cuts off. ]

Chapter 4

[ #5「舞姫の帰還」 track plays ]
[ Millia suddenly walks through the door where Zato & Venom were just talking with Leon. ]
Millia: ただいま。?
  I’m home...
Venom: ミリア!?
Zato: ミリア…!?
Venom: 何故、今貴方がここにいるんです!マイニング卿が…いや、それでは間に合わない!?
  How… are you here?! Did Lord Mining free-… No, there wouldn’t have been enough time!
Millia: マイニング…あぁ、あのいやらしい男ね。違うわ。?
  Mining?... Ahh, that pig of a man. He wasn’t the one.
[ Millia throws off the disguise she wore to the ball, which is now drenched from the rain. ]
Millia: 私を解放してくれたのはスレイヤーとかいうお節介な老人よ。?
  The one who set me free was some prying old man who went by “Slayer”, or something.
Zato: スレイヤー?…成程な。?
  Slayer?... Now I get it.
Venom: 何者ですか??
  Who is that?
Zato: 我らがギルドの創立者にして、時の理から外れた、我ら異能者からしても、なお測り難い怪物だ。?
  He stands as the Guild’s founder; a being who ascended above the law of time itself. Even when compared to our supernatural abilities, he still remains an immeasurable beast.
Venom: その彼が、この国で動いている…助太刀というわけでもありますまいに。?
  So it is he, who’s causing a stir within these borders... I doubt he’s here to offer us assistance.
Millia: 私を自由にするだけで見返りは何も求めなかったわ。あの老人、私たちを見て楽しんでいる様。?
  He merely set me free and didn’t ask for anything in return. That old man, seems to take pleasure in observing us.
Venom: 気に入らないですね、かつての創立者といえど今はギルド外部の人間。これ以上ザトー様の周囲を野良犬よろしくうろつき回るなら、私が…!?
  I don’t like this. Although he may be the founder, he is now rendered an outsider to the Guild. Should he persist in prowling around Lord Zato like some stray dog, then I’ll-!
[ Venom twirls his pool cue, gripping it tightly with conviction. ]
Zato: よせ。?
Venom: ですが…!?
Zato: ヴェノム、貴様を失いたくない。?
  Venom. I don’t want to lose you.
Venom: ザトー様、私がおめおめその様な老人に後れをとると仰るか!?
  Lord Zato, are you implying that I should yield to an old man like him without objection!?
Zato: 私の操る影を、まるで子供扱いする怪物だ。死を覚悟せねば、私でも危うかろう。ヴェノム、貴様の才気は組織の宝だ。金にならん殺しで命を落としてくれるな。?
  That old man is a monster who treats the shadow I wield as if it were a mere child. You must be prepared for death, for even my life is at risk facing him. Venom, your wisdom is a treasure to the organization. Don’t throw your life away over a kill that won’t put food on the table.
Venom: ザトー様!?
  But Lord Zato!
[ Venom stops his foot and pool cue on the ground in disapproval. ]
Millia: 相変わらず大仰ね。男の子同士仲のよろしいこと。?
  Flamboyant as ever I see. My, you two boys are inseparable.
Venom: ミリア…!?
  …Millia![note 3]
Millia: で、これからどうするの。まだカルローニ王国での作戦を継続するつもり??
  So, what are you going to do now? Do you still plan on continuing the mission in Carlloni Kingdom?
Zato: そのつもりはなかったのだが、結果的にはそうせざるを得ん。?
  We had no intention of doing so, but as it turns out, we have no choice.
Millia: なんですって??
Zato: お前の帰りが一足遅かった。貴様の身柄と引き換えにもう一仕事せねば、依頼人に対して義理が立たない有様でな。?
  Your return home was a step too late. We now find ourselves obligated to complete another contract, otherwise, our loyalty towards the client will be called into question.
Millia: はぁ…そう。それで目標は??
  Huh…I see. So who’s our target?
Venom: カルローニ王国国王、サルテリア=カルローニ。?
  The King of the Carlloni Kingdom. Saltelia Carlloni.
Millia: ちょっと待って…?
  Wait a second…!
Zato: 御年2歳の、幼き国王陛下だ。?
  His Two-Year-Old Majesty, The Young King.
[ Thunder crackling. ]

Millia: 正気を言ってるの!?幼児虐待よ嬰児殺しよ!暗殺でさえないわ!恥ずべき行いよ!?
  Are you insane!? That’s child abuse! Worse, Infanticide! This isn’t even an assassination! You should be ashamed!
Zato: 私は正気だ。?
  I’m as sane as they come.
Millia: なら、いくらなんでもこの仕事がどれだけ薄汚いか分かるでしょザトー!見損なったわ。男として、いいえ、アサシンとしての最後の筋まで通せなくなったの!??
  Then!? You know damn well just how vile of a job this is, don’t you, Zato! I misjudged you. How can a man… No, an assassin let themselves lose every bit of integrity!?
[ Millia accidentally falls on Zato’s chest from sheer disbelief. ]
Zato: お前に見込まれていたとはな、有難い話だ。?
  So you had expectations of me. That’s quite flattering.
Millia: 誤魔化さないで…国王を殺して、マイニングが天下を取る、分かりやすい筋書きよね。でも、それは火付けや押し込みのやり口よ。アサシンのやることでは…ないでしょうに!?
  Don’t change the subject!... You kill the king, and Mining usurps the entire country. The plot is written all over his face. Only, he wants to do it through burning & pillaging. This isn’t something… an assassin would do!
[ She grips tightly to his shirt, hoping her words will reach him. ]
Zato: スレイヤーのようなことを言うな。?
  Don’t utter such nonsense like Slayer...
Millia: あたしは、あの男みたいに義だとか幸せだとか、見たこともない形もないもののために闘ったりするつもりはない。…でもね、分かってザトー、嫌なのよ、耐えられない…貴方だって!?
  I don’t plan on fighting for things like “justice” or “happiness”, for things I’ve never seen; for something that doesn’t exist, like he does… But please, just… understand, Zato! …I don’t want this… I can’t take this anymore… Even you said-!
Venom: いいかげんになさい!!?
[ Venom slaps Millia, leaving both her and Zato in shock. ]
Millia: ヴェノム、私とザトーの間に入…?
  Venom… If you get between me and Zato-…
Zato: ヴェノム。?
Venom: お黙りなさい!誇りも功氏もない汚れ仕事をこなす、我々アサシンにさえ恥ずべき仕事、そんなことはザトー様は百も承知!では、その仕事を何故請けたのか、貴方には分からないのですか!!ミリア=レイジ!!?
  SILENCE! Even we assassins find it heinous to carry out such an honorless, meritless job.

Lord Zato is fully aware of that! So, why is it that you question our decision?! Is our reason for doing this beyond you!? MILLIA RAGE!!

Millia: うっ…?
Venom: 貴方のためなのですよ、そんなことも分からずに…?
  It was for your own sake! If you can’t understand that, then-!!
Zato: そこまでしておけヴェノム。ミリアもだ。?
  That’s enough, Venom. You too Millia.
Venom: 申し訳ありません。常になく、取り乱しました。?
  Apologies, my lord. I…lost my composure.
Zato: 人間は感情の動物だ。アサシンであってもな。だからお前達の言い草も理解はする。?
  Man is an animal of emotion. Assassins too, are full of them. That is why I sympathize with both your sentiments.
Millia: ザトー、それなら…?
  Zato, if that’s the case then-
[ Zato cuts Millia off, needing to set the boundaries. ]
Zato: だが掟は絶対だ!アサシンギルドの名において、一度引き受けた依頼は果たさねばならん。ギルドが始まって以来、一度も揺るがせになったことはない、神聖な掟だ。?
  Regardless, our code is absolute. In the name of the Assassin’s Guild, it is our duty to fulfill any-&-all contracts once accepted. Since the Guild’s inception, that has remained forever inviolable; A sacred law.
Millia: 子供を…殺すの??
  You’re going to kill…a child…?
Zato: 国王は殺す。確実に。肉片をも残さず、我が影が喰らい尽くす。そして、ギルドに一人の子供が貰われてくる。その子は、アサシンとして育てられる。?
  I’m going to kill a king. Without fail. My shadow will devour him whole; leave no traces left behind. Then, once our mission is complete, The child will fall into the hands of our Guild. So that he, may walk the path as an assassin.
Millia: でも、それでは、やっぱりその子は地獄に落ちるわ。?
  But, even then, the child is still destined for hell.
Zato: こんな時代だ、生き長らえたとしても、やはり別の地獄が待っている。違うか??
  That’s the reality of our time. Even if one survives, a different hell awaits. Wouldn’t you agree?
Millia: そうね。私もヴェノムも、そうやって救われて生きてきたんだものね。?
  I guess that’s true… Venom and I are only alive because we were saved that way.
Zato: 生きていれば掴める何かがある、私はそう信じている。ヴェノム!?
  Anything is within reach as long as you live. That’s what I believe in. Venom!
Venom: はっ!?
  [ Venom salutes. ] Yes, my lord!
Zato: そうと決まれば、一刻を争うぞ。国王の離宮は湖の中央。結界に覆われた孤島の真っ只中だ。貴様と精鋭を10、いや、20投入し、結界を無力化しつつ、退路を確保するのだ。?
  Now that it’s settled, the clock is ticking. The King’s villa sits in the heart of a lake. It’s on the middle of an island shrouded by a mystical barrier. You are to mobilize 10… No, 20 of our most elite, neutralize the barrier, and secure our retreat.
Venom: では実行はザトー様御自ら。?
  Then, the plan will be executed by Lord Zato himself.
Zato: 当然だ。国王の生存を知るものはギルドでもこの3名、私の最も信頼する、お前達だけでいい。?
  Naturally. Those who will know of the King’s continued existence within the guild will be only the three of us. My most trusted, my most esteemed.
Millia: 私は…?お留守番なんて言わないでね。?
  And what about me…? You better not tell me to hold down the fort.
Zato: ミリア、お前は私の背中を守れ。?
  Millia, you will watch my back.
Millia: へまをやった女に寛大な御処置ね。?
  Quite the forgiving treatment for the woman who screwed up, don’t you think?
Venom: くうぅ…!!?
Zato: お前が不覚を取るほどの兵を備えているのだ、相応の布陣で挑まねばな。万一あのスレイヤーが出てきたときの事を考えれば、万全でありたいものだろう??
  We possess enough men to provide us leeway for any missteps you take. We also need to approach with the right lineup. You would want to be prepared for the worst in case Slayer decides to show his face, wouldn’t you?
Millia: 分かったわ。でも作戦まで少しだけ休ませて。封印牢のせいで、体が硬いの。?
  I get it. But, let me rest a bit before we talk about the plan. That prison seal left me feeling stiff.
Zato: よかろう。行くぞヴェノム。その間に突入作戦の打ち合わせだ。?
  Very well. Let’s go, Venom. In the meantime, let’s discuss the details of our incursion strategy.
Venom: はっ、殿(しんがり)はこのヴェノムにお任せあれ。?
  Yes, my lord! Leave the rearguard in Venom's hands.
[ Both Zato & Venom leave the room. ]
Millia: はぁ…人を殺して、体中が冷たくなって…手が、血で滑って。そんな思いをまた別の子供がするの…もう嫌…そんなのは嫌。その子が、私のことを、私がザトーを憎むような目で見るのは嫌…嫌…嫌なの…冷たいのは嫌よ、ザトー。?
  [ Sighs. ]... when it kills someone... my whole body goes cold... and these hands, are stained with blood… To think another child go through the same… This is awful. I don’t want that at all.

I’d hate for that boy to see me with eyes that despise you, Zato. I hate, hate, hate it…I hate feeling cold… Zato.

Slayer: (君の欲することを為したまえ。)?
  (Follow what your heart desires.)
Millia: いや、いや…死にたい…!?
  No, no!... I wanna die…
Slayer: (よく生きることは、よく死ぬことと同義ではないかね。)?
  (The act of living well, is often synonymous with the act of dying well, is it not?)
Millia: 死にたい…死にたくない…死なせたくない…!殺したくない!?
  I wanna die… I don’t wanna die… I don’t want them to die…! I DON’T WANT TO KILL!
Slayer: (掴みたまえ!未来を。)?
  (Seize it! The future!)
Millia: 未来!?ザトーと…私の…?
  The future!? Of Zato… and I…

[ Both Zato and Millia are on route to their target, with Zato rowing the two of them on a boat. ]
Millia: 驚いたわ。こんな大きな湖が丸々離宮だなんて。?
  Unbelievable. A lake this size and a palace within it…
Zato: 前の聖戦で、ギアが作ったクレーターらしい。中央にあった旧世代の軍事基地だけがかろうじで水没せずにカルローニの離宮になっているというわけだ。?
  It appears to be a crater that formed during the Crusades, courtesy of the Gears. In its center once rested a military base from the old-world that miraculously survived the flooding, thus becoming the Carlloni Palace.
Millia: で、これからどうするの??
  So, what do we do from here?
Zato: ヴェノムの別働隊が、離宮正面の防衛部隊を直接、打撃で叩く。交戦が始まってしまえば、混乱した警戒網を、私とお前で潜り抜けるのは容易かろう。?
  Venom’s divisionary unit will strike the defending forces stationed in front of the palace directly. Once the fighting starts, slipping through the chaotic surveillance network should be a breeze for you and me.
[ Zato suddenly pins Millia to the floor of the boat. ]
Millia: あっ…何をするの、こんな時に…!?
  Ah! W- What the hell are you doing at a time like this?!
Zato: こんな時だからだ。んっ…?
  There’s no better time than now.
[ Zato forcefully French-kisses Millia. ]
Millia: うっ…はぁ…はぁ…?
  Ah.. haa.. haa.
Zato: 何故かな、今日のお前は一段と輝いて感じられる。さぞ、美しいのだろうな。?
  Somehow, I can feel you shining even brighter today. No doubt, you’re beautiful.
Millia: お生憎様ね、あたしがどれだけ醜い女か、その目で確かめられなくて。そうすれば、貴方は絶望して死ぬでしょう。?
  It’s such a shame. You can’t even see with your own eyes just how ugly of a woman I am. If you could, you’d die of despair.
[ An explosion rings out in the distance. ]
Zato: 始まったか。?
  So it’s begun.

Chapter 5

[ #6「舞姫の残したもの」track plays ]
[ Godfried bursts through Leon Mining’s office seemingly in a panic. ]
Godfried: マイニング卿!?
  Lord Mining!
Leon Mining: ゴドフレードか。どうした、執務中だぞ、声を張り上げるな。?
  Ahh, Godfried. What’s the matter? Can’t you see I’m busy? Mind your volume.
Godfried: ですが、正面玄関より強力な賊が押し入っております。現在、第1中隊第2中隊、第88騎兵連隊が応戦しておりますが、現有の戦力では正門が破られるのは時間の問題かと!?
  Sir! Powerful bandits are breaking through the front gates! The 1st Company, 2nd Company, and the 88th Cavalry Regiment are holding the line as we speak! But with our current forces, it’s only a matter of time before they breach the main gate!
Leon Mining: あぁ、もう来たのか。流石素早いなアサシンギルド。?
  Well, well, here already huh? The Assassin’s Guild sure doesn’t waste any time.
Godfried: 何ですと!?では、今日はこの攻撃を予測しておいでで!??
  What!? Are you telling me you anticipated this attack the whole time!?
Leon Mining: 当然だ。近衛の束ねなる内務卿、レオン=マイニングだよ?私は。正面の敵な、決して多くない。あれは陽動だよ。?
  Why, of course. Didn’tcha know I’m Leon Mining? Interior Minister; commander of the Praetorian Guard? The enemies at the gate aren’t exactly flooding in droves. This is merely a diversion.
Godfried: 陽動…!では、本命は!??
  A diversion…?! Then, who are they after!?
Leon Mining: 無論、…陛下だ。?
  None other... than his majesty.
Godfried: では、早速私めが陛下の御元に!?
  Very well, I shall make haste to His Majesty’s side immediately!
Leon Mining: いや、君は正面の賊を抑えたまえ。丁度昨夜、君以上の近衛兵が完成したところでね。?
  Nah, you’re going to hold those bandits at the front. Just last night, we completed making a group of Praetorian guardsmen, stronger than you.
Godfried: 完成…??
Leon Mining: ゴールドシリーズ…へへへへそう名づけた。あぁそうそう君も手を出したまえゴドフレード。?
  Our “Gold Series”…Hehehehe That’s what I call em’. Ahh, lest I forget. Give me your hand, Godfried.
Godfried: 手、でありますか??
  Do you mean, my actual hand?
Leon Mining: そうだ。ちょっと注射をな。?
  I do. This’ll sting a bit.
[ Leon Mining pricks Godfried with a syringe and injects a substance into him. ]
Godfried: うっ…こ…これは、体が…熱い…!?
  Ugh... W-... What’s… My body… It burns…!
Leon Mining: ちょっとした栄養剤だ。これならば最早アサシン如きに不覚を取ることもあるまい。ふっ、期待しているよ。?
  Consider it a little nourishment. With this, We’ll suffer defeat from the likes of those assassins, no longer. I have high expectations of you.
Godfried: ははっ!一度敗れたこの私に、それ程のお心遣い…感謝の極みであります!では、ゴドフレード、出撃します!?
  Haha! To think you’d have me in your thoughts, even after I faced defeat...You have my utmost gratitude! Now then, I, Godfried, am off!
[ Godfried runs out of Leon’s office. ]
Leon Mining: ふふふふふ、ふふふふ…せいぜい励めよ近衛隊。私のために…?
  Hehehehehe, hehhehehe… Keep at it guardsmen…For my ambition…

Chapter 6

[ #7「狼たちの咆哮」track plays ]
[ The scene transitions to Millia & Zato, who now find themselves fighting within the Palace walls. ]
Millia: 思ったより早いのね。「タンデムトップ!」?
  They’re quicker than I thought. [TANDEM TOP!]
Soldier 1: ゴォウ!?
Zato: 影の中の私を見つけるまでは良かったがな。「インヴァイトヘル!」?
  All was well until they spotted me lurking in the shadows [INVITE HELL]
Soldier 2: フグアッ!…コロスゥ…あさしん…コロスウゥ…?
Zato: ほう、直撃のはずだが。?
  Strange, that should’ve been a direct hit.
Soldier 3: イデオギャアアアァァ!?
Millia: ふっ!?
Soldier 3: ウモォウ!?
Millia: 御免なさい!こいつら、城で出くわした連中と同じだわ。斬っても突いても死なないの。?
  Sorry!... These were the same guys I ran into at the castle. Slashing and stabbing won’t kill them.
Zato: オリジナルアサシンというやつかな??
  So these must be the “Original Assassins” huh?
Millia: 何それ??
  What’s that?
Zato: 我らの先達だよ。?
  Our comrades.
Soldier 4: ウウウウガアアアアァァァ!?
Zato: 邪魔だ!?
  Out of my way!
Soldier 4: ウウアアアァ!?
Zato: 聖戦すら始まる前、まだ神代の時代のことだ。ハシッシュという毒の葉を暗殺者に投与して、恐れも苦痛もない兵士を育てる組織があったらしい。ハシッシュが訛って、アサシンになった…そういう話だ。?
  Before The Crusades broke out, it was still the age of Gods. Rumor has it there was an organization that dosed its assassins with a poisonous leaf known as Hashish, breeding dauntless soldiers whom are immune to pain… So goes the story.
Millia: では、こいつらも薬で。?
  Which means, They’re on that drug too.
Zato: 恐らくな。成程、これなら異能者とも互角に戦える。誰が考えたか知らないが、中々の浅知恵だな。?
  I’m afraid so. I see… With it, they can hold their own against those who possess supernatural abilities. I’m not sure who devised this, but it’s quite shallow.
Millia: そうね、浅知恵ね。?
  Yeah. Very shallow.
[ The two prepare a tag-team attack. ]
Zato: 所詮…ただの異能者相手の力!?
  But in the end, that’s the mere power of our adversaries.
Millia: 我らの身に宿る禁呪の前には!?
  In the face of the forbidden powers residing within us, they are-!
Zato: 子供!?
Millia: 同然!?
Zato: 「イグゼキュータアァーー!!!」?
Millia: 「エメラルドレイン!」?
Multiple soldiers: ウアアアアァァ!?
Zato: 苦痛を感じねば回避が疎かになる道理だ。だが、肉体は所詮人間の限界を超えられない 。?
  It’s only natural for negligence to arise in the absence of pain. But know, that even the flesh has its own limits.
[ Millia spots a mutated guardsman trying to rush Zato. ]
Millia: あっ、ザトー!?
  Ah! Zato!
Zato: 影よ!?
[ Zato sends Eddie to blast him away but their attack leaves barely a scratch. ]
[ Millia then grabs a thread of hair, similar in property to her own. ]
Millia: 何よこれ…金色の…糸…!??
  What is this… Golden… thread…!?
[ A mutated guardsman with powers similar to Millia's appears and attacks her. ]
Soldier 5: ジェアアアァァァ!!!?
Zato: 避けないか!ミリア!?
  Aren’t you going to dodge!? Millia!
Millia: 言われなくとも!?
  You don’t have to tell me!
[ Millia evades his attack at the last second. ]
Zato: 女の命を弄(もてあそ)ぶとはな!無粋なことだ!影よ!喰らいつけっ!!?
  To toy with a woman's life is to dance with death himself! Shadow! CONSUME HIM!!
[ Zato once again sends out Eddie as Amorphous and the giant shark-like head swallows them. ]
Soldier 5: ギャア!?
Soldier 6: ウオオォォ!?
Millia: あの時だわ…!あのマイニングという男、私の体から何かを抜き取っていた…恐らくは、禁呪の力…おぞましい!!?
  It’s just like last time! When that man, Mining extracted something out of my body… No doubt, it was the power of my forbidden spell… How repulsive!!
Zato: 気に食わぬ仕事に、気に食わぬ依頼人か。行くぞ、ミリア。?
  An unpleasant job for an unpleasant client. Let’s go, Millia.
Millia: ええ、ザトー。?
  Sure, Zato.
[ Zato & Millia continue making their way to The King’s room. ]

Godfried: 何時ぞやは不覚を取ったが、今日はそうは行かんぞ、アサシン!?
  You bested me once before, but today won’t go your way, Assassin.
Venom: 鋼の旋風、ゴドフレードか。私に名はない。が、死にゆく者と我が主からはただヴェノムとのみ呼ばれている。?
  Why if it isn’t the “Steel Tornado”, Godfried. I bear no name of my own. However, those teetering on the verge of death and our lord address me solely as “Venom”.
Godfried: 先日は城内のこと故、このハルバードを存分に振るう空間がなかったが、今日は違うぞ!青天白日の元、広い中庭に出てきたのがお主の運の尽きよ!?
  Thanks to the commotion that went down at the castle the other day, I didn’t have enough room to let loose with this here halberd, but today will be a different story! In this broad courtyard where you chose to show yourself, under blue skies and white sun, your luck’s run out!
Venom: さて、それはどうかな。?
  Hmph, we’ll see about that.
Godfried: その脆い棒切れごと粉砕してくれる!くらえ、マルボルジェの黒い旋風!!?
  I’ll shatter that flimsy stick to pieces! Take this! 「MALBORGIE BLACK WHIRLWIND!!]
Venom: これ程とは…ただの猪武者と侮っていた私が愚かだった。授業料として、受け入れよう。?
  You exceed my expectations… I was foolish to look down on you as a mere daredevil. Let this be a lesson learned.
Godfried: ならば次は、その薄気味の悪い髪もろとも、細い首を叩き落してくれるわ!?
  If you liked that one, the next will knock that creepy hair, along with that thin neck of yours, right off!
Venom: そこではない…?
  I’m not even there.
Godfried: なっ…!消えた!??
  Wha-!... He vanished!?
Venom: 言った筈だ、焼け付く光にもまた死角はあるとな。「マッドストラグル!」はあああぁぁぁ!?
  As I said before, even fires cast their own shadows. [MAD STRUGGLE!] HAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Godfried: …いっ!だが、我が心に忠誠の炎燃え続ける限り、我が膝は決して屈さん!?
  Eigh! Even still, so long as the flames of loyalty still burn in my heart, My knees shall never yield!
Venom: 分かっている。今のは君にほんの少し体勢を崩してもらうのが目的だ。「レッドヘイル!!」?
  I’m fully aware. My goal was to simply throw your stance off balance a bit. [RED HAIL!!]
Godfried: ぬっ!げはぁ!?
  Ngh! GEHAAa!
Venom: 気合や戦意だけではどうにもならぬことはある。苦痛を感じない体でも、神経を破壊すればいいというのは前回見せた筈だ。人は失敗から学ぶべきだよ。?
  Sometimes, sheer determination and fighting spirit alone just aren’t enough. I thought I showed you last time; a body immune to pain is not immune to the destruction of its nerves. People should really learn from their mistakes.
Godfried: 能書きは…それだけか…!?
  All you do… is run your damn mouth huh!
Venom: なぁ!??
Godfried: どおおおおおぉぉぉりゃああああああああ!!!!?
Venom: ぐああああぁぁ!!ぷあっ、…馬鹿な、神経節を破壊されて動けるなど人間ではありえない…!人間、では…?
  GWUAAAAAAAAAHHHHH Bwuagh… Impossible! No human can possibly move after having their nerves destroyed! No… Human…!
Venom: ザ…ザトー様…ヴェノム、一生の不覚…!?
  L- Lord Zato… I, Venom, have failed you…!

Chapter 7

[ #8「そして未来は選ばれる」track plays ]
Millia: 王様はよくお休みのようね。?
  The King seems to be enjoying a good night’s sleep.
Zato: 可愛い寝顔か??
  He has quite the adorable face, doesn’t he?
Millia: そうね、天使みたいだわ。爆薬の準備は??
  He does, he looks like an angel. Rigged the explosives yet?
Zato: もうすぐだ。点火すれば、この一角をまとめて吹き飛ばせる。依頼人は脱出済みだ、問題はない。?
  Almost. Once they’re ignited, this whole corner will be blown in its entirety. Our client’s already made their getaway, so no need to worry.
Millia: 警備兵も片付けてしまったものね。この辺りにいるのは私と貴方、それに陛下だけというわけね。?
  And we’ve taken care of his security personnel too. Which means it’s just you, me, and His Majesty all alone here.
Zato: そうだな。あぁ…これが我らギルドの未来か。小さく柔らかな手だな。…だが、すぐに強くなる。?
  That it seems. Ah… So this is the future of our guild... Such soft, little hands. But someday… they’ll harden.
Millia: ねぇ、ザトー。人の未来って、配られた手札だけで決まるものなのかしら。?
  Hey, Zato. Do you think a person’s future, is determined solely by the hand they’re dealt?
Zato: 手札が悪ければ、降りるしかない時もあるさ。?
  If you were dealt a bad hand, sometimes you have to know when to fold...
Millia: 刃向かう力がない赤ん坊とか…??
  What about a child who doesn't have the power to defy anyone...?
Zato: 赤ん坊の手札は…?
  The hand of a child is-
[ Milla stabs Zato in the back with her hair. ]
Zato: う…あ…ミリ…ア…?
  Uhg…Ah- Mil…lia…
Millia: ごめんなさい…ザトー。あたしはこの子の未来に賭けることにしたの。?
  I’m sorry… Zato. But I’m putting everything on the line for this kid’s future.
Zato: 未来…だと…?
  The… Future...
Millia: あたしは、賭けるわ。生まれが不幸だからアサシンになって、アサシンとして死ぬなんて、そう決まったわけじゃない。思うがままに生きる未来が、きっとある…!だからザトー…!さよなら…本当にさようなら!?
  I, am making this wager. Just because someone suffered the misfortune of birth doesn’t mean their fate is sealed to live and die as an assassin. There will always be a future, where they can live as they desire. That’s why Zato!... This is goodbye… Truly goodbye!
Zato: アサシン…幸せ…悪く…ないな…?
  Assassin’s… Happiness… That doesn’t sound… too bad.
Millia: はっ!?

Trailer for Vol. 3

Narrator: 遂にその牙をむき出しにしたレオンマイニングの野望。古い物と新しい、純粋な夢と醜い欲望が今、 背教と化した離宮に激突する。ザトー 、ヴェノム、そしてミリア。3人のアサシンに訪れる運命の岐路!?
 Leon Mining's ambitions finally bared their fangs. The past now collides with the present; One’s perfect dream & vain desires. A duty is forsaken to abandon the love once known. Zato...Venom...and Millia… These 3 assassins now find themselves together at the crossroads of fate.
次回! ー Guilty Gear XX Drama CD [Night of Knives - Volume 3]. “Duel of the Wolves”.?
  Next time! - Guilty Gear XX Drama CD [Night of Knives - Volume 3]. “Duel of the Wolves”.
  Look forward to it.


  1. (Discord: vaporbabe1984)
  2. Translator note: Fun fact: This exact line is mentioned in Slayer’s Arcade story in XRD, albeit heavily localized by the official Guilty Gear team. If you want to know what Slayer is actually saying, here’s my interpretation of his words, keeping it close to what he says in Japanese:

    One: ‘Cast aside the boundaries between life & death; attain a killer’s resolve that transcends mortal limitations.’

    Two: ‘Hone the technique that forms such killer resolve, along with the pride therein.’

  3. Translator note: LMAO!?