Guilty Gear -The Missing Link- manual transcription

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The following page comprises a transcript of all story-relevant text from the Japanese and North American manuals for Guilty Gear -The Missing Link-.


Japanese English

22世紀……人類は、無限のエネルギを算出する、 超自然的な制御法の理論化に成功した。
もはや旧テクノロジとなった科学は、環境破壊と殺戮兵器の抑止の観点から、全世界的な禁止事項となり、人類は、一切の科学的作業の停止を宣言した。 ここに、一つの歴史が終わりを告げたのである。


The 22nd Century... Mankind has succeeded in his dream of developing a natural, limitless energy supply. It was the dawning of the Age of Magic.
Science and industry, the source of environmental pollution and weapons of mass destruction, were outlawed. This controversial decision was to bring history as mankind knew it to an end…
However, the abolition of technology did little to soothe mankind's suffering. A war erupted, fueled by fearsome weapons based on rapidly developing magical theory. Eventually, shockingly powerful biological weapons were produced by fusing human and animal DNA with magic, resulting in a horrible mix of vitality and raw strength. This was the birth of the Gears.
The powerful military state that produced the Gears monopolized the manufacturing process, bringing countless other lands under its control. These Gears were designed to be little more than slaves, incapable of independent thought. Yet from among their ranks a rebel appeared, announcing himself to be self-aware. This insurrectionist, calling himself Justice, gathered an army of fellow Gears and declared war on all mankind. Despite heavy initial casualties to these renegade Gears, the humans put their differences aside and formed an elite group of warriors to combat the Gear menace. This group of brave heroes became known as the Sacred Order of Holy Knights. One hundred years of brutal war later…
The fierce battle between the Gears and the humans, which had become known as the Crusades, was finally at an end. The heroic Sacred Order had sealed Justice inside an impenetrable dimensional prison, and it was only a matter of time before the remaining masterless Gears were rounded up and destroyed.
However, five years after the end of the Crusades, the walls of Justice's dimensional prison have unexpectedly begun to erode away. Assessing the threat before them, the world's leaders quickly organize an international fighting tournament to select members for a proposed Second Sacred Order of Holy Knights. Astoundingly, the prize for this tournament was said to be literally anything one desired: The victor would get to make a single wish... any wish at all.
Yet in the panic surrounding the imminent decay of Justice's dimensional prison, few seemed to take notice of the rather suspicious rules of this tournament, such as the welcoming of criminal entrants, and the permission to shed blood during the matches…

Sol Badguy
Japanese English


Sol Badguy

Rumors of an immensely skilled lone-wolf bounty hunter had reached the ears of Kliff Undersn, the retiring captain of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights. Kliff was interested; he spared no means in finding Sol, and invited him to become a member of the Order.
Sol's knighthood, however, was not to last. The growing tension between he and young master swordsman Ky Kiske was becoming more and more bothersome, and Sol realized that the majority of the knights bore him little more than ill will. When he saw his opportunity, he took it; Sol managed to desert the knights' camp with one of the Order's most valuable treasures… the blade known as Fireseal.
It is now five years after the end of the Crusades, and Sol has returned to his former ways. On a particularly lucrative bounty run, one of his marks begs to be spared, telling Sol about a faraway tournament being organized by the Sacred Order. Sol barely even registers the quick thrust with which he ends his bounty’s life... as his thoughts are now far away, centered on only one goal…

Ky Kiske
Japanese English


Ky Kiske

After the retirement of Kliff Undersn, master swordsman Ky Kiske was given leadership of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights at the unbelievably young age of 16. As a symbol of his new status, he was granted one of the Order's most holy treasures... the blade called Thunderseal. The appointment was not a mistake; Ky and his band of heroic Knights ended the 100-year-long Crusades by sealing the dread Gear, Justice, away for all eternity… or so it was thought.
Five years after the dissolution of the Order, Ky continued his life of public service by entering the police force. One day while on duty, Ky received an announcement. A tournament was to be held soon, the winners of which would be candidates for a Second Sacred Order. Things did not seem right: Permission to shed blood during the matches, an absurdly large grand prize, and most shocking of all... talk of Justice's resurrection, much too soon.
Sensing the cold machinations of conspiracy at work, Ky dons the old uniform of the Order for the first time in five years and decides to enter.

Japanese English



All the girl can remember of her infancy is the image of a suave and daring pirate captain whisking her away from a savage field of battle. The pirate, Johnny, named the orphan May, after the month of endless rain.
Throughout the long years of wild living aboard the pirates' airship, May developed a fierce love for Johnny: He was part father figure, part brother, and perhaps even part boyfriend to her.
However, one day, Johnny was caught in the act. Though he primarily stole from the well off to aid those in need, crime is crime, and he was incarcerated. The term was not a short one. Johnny's crem immediately began planning an elaborate breakout.
And so, the day before the plan was to commence -
"May! Hold on! Is it too late to change the plan?!"
"What's up, Chief Adviser April? A tournament..? And the prize is anything?! They'll grant any wish?!"
"Yeah! We could wish for Johnny to be released!"
"Good thinking! Just wait, Johnny! I'm coming!"

Chipp Zanuff
Japanese English


Chipp Zanuff

Chipp was addicted to drugs at a very young age. In order to secure a regular supply of them, he became a dealer for the Mafia. Yet after years of punishing his body with all manner of narcotics, he finally broke down and was to be "disposed" of by the organization. However, his life was saved by a mysterious ninja. Realizing his huge debt to this master, Chipp became a student at the Ninja's dojo and was trained body and soul in the ways of the Shinobi.
And yet one day, Chipp returned to find his master near death, having been attacked by the Mafia.
"Master Tsuyoshi! Damn! Who did this to you?! The Mafia?! I will not forgive them!”
"Chipp.. your opponent is an entire organization… You can't do anything to them. Promise me, Chipp… you will walk away. and live your.. own... life…”
The Ninja master Tsuyoshi passed away with a smile.
"Master. I cannot honor such a promise. I'll enter that tournament we heard of… form my own group, my own organization… and take the Mafia down!"

Dr. Baldhead
Japanese English

世界最高の名医とまで呼ばれた、Dr. ボルドヘッド。理想高く、温厚な人柄を持っていた彼は、ある日、彼を妬む同僚の謀略により、ある少女の手術に際して、彼女を死なせてしまった。彼はそのことに強い衝撃を受け、気が振れ、善良な医師から一転、狂気の殺人者と化した。彼は次々に犯行を重ね、人々を恐怖に陥れたが、その彼もついには捕まり、牢獄へと押し込まれた。しかし、彼の精神は未だ、狂気の海に泳いだままだった。
ボルド「ん〜?あなたは看守さんじゃありませんね?でも、手術するにはアレがないとぉ。ほら、ア・レ ♪」

Dr. Baldhead

He was regarded as the finest physician in more than a hundred years. With a gentle personality and deft surgical skill, the doctor was respected throughout the world. One day, however, a girl under his care died mysteriously during surgery. Some said the girl's death was orchestrated by jealous colleagues, but the shock drove the doctor mad, He embarked on a violent serial killing spree and murdered an untold number of people before finally being captured…
"Mr. Guard! Is it mealtime yet? Is the food ready? Mr. Guard, I'm hungry, I'm hungry!!"
"There are numerous patients awaiting your surgical genius and expertise, Doctor Baldhead."
"…? You're not Mr. Guard, are you? What does it matter, anyway? I can't perform any operations without my medical instruments…”
The tall, thin stranger who stood on the other side of the cell bars threw Dr. Baldhead a gigantic blade.
"Ooh! My… my scalpel! You're a good man... Don't worry, I'll perform plenty of operations for you!!"

Japanese English



Zepp, the "Armed Air Empire,” was a military state established toward the end of the Crusades, the entirety of which was enclosed aboard a gigantic airship. The military force of Zepp, composed wholly of slave soldiers wearing anti-desertion bomb collars around their necks, was unsurpassed... the fear of the collars exploding at any given moment was motivation enough to fight. Potemkin was one of these men.
"Code 4595605381, Potemkin. We've finally found a use for you and your ridiculous body...”
"I refuse. These fists of mine were not made to kill."
"Hmph.. fine. Your orders are as follows: Enter this tournament, and win. You will then wish for suitable territory for us to expand our Empire into. Do you think you can win without shedding blood..?"
"Damn you…! …Fine, I'll do it. Gaining territory peacefully is better than an invasion that would result in countless casualties on both sides…”
"Just don't get any stupid ideas down there... we wouldn't want to strain that tiny brain of yours…”

Japanese English



Zato-ONE was once an underling. Disgusted with his lack of ability to rise through the assassin ranks, he risked death by invoking the forbidden arts. He lost his eyesight, but gained the ability to control shadows, as well as enhanced senses - enough for him to perceive his surroundings better than he ever could with sight alone. With these newfound powers at his command, he was the Assassin leader within weeks.
However, Zato was betrayed by the only woman he had ever trusted, an Assassin named Millia, and was arrested. Languishing in the utter blackness of his cell, a tall, thin figure appeared before him…
"Zato-ONE.. Do you want out of there? Isn't there a woman you have a pressing appointment with…?"
"Millia! But how do you know of her? Who are you?"
"A tournament is to begin soon, the winner of which will have whatever they desire. If you win, you'll be free. Free to find this woman... to punish her…”
“Heh... I don't know what you're after, but what have I got to lose? Let me out… and count me in!"

Kliff Undersn
Japanese English


Kliff Undersn

Kliff was known as a hero. He had bravely led the heroic Sacred Order of Holy Knights for decades during the Crusades. Nevertheless, he was now thought of as something of a historic relic. In his prime, however, he was regarded with awe… and, truth be told, a bit of fear as well. As a retirement gift, Kliff was given his sword of choice - the priceless treasure Dragonslayer, a gigantic blade that was said to have the power to kill dragons with a single stroke.
Five years later, Kliff lives his quiet life of retirement in sheer boredom. His only diversion now is the study of various cultures' fighting techniques, the most interesting of which stemmed from the lost, legendary nation of Japan. However, one day while walking through the streets, he notices a placard announcing a tournament for a proposed Second Sacred Order. Sensing a disturbance in the natural flow of energies, Kliff suddenly suspects something so terrible that he dare not speak it aloud: Is Justice being resurrected? Kliff immediately decides to return to the battlefield... and enter the tournament.

Axl Low
Japanese English

アクセルは、20世紀、イギリスの生まれの人間である。スラム街で育った彼は、街を統治するギャング達抗争を絶え間なく見続けたことで、人一倍、死を嫌う青年へと成長した。そして、生まれながらにして異常に発達していた運動神経と、相棒の二刀鎖鎌を用い、ついに自らギャングとなり、抗争の平定に乗り出した。 彼の運動能力の前では、相手の銃弾など問題ではなかった。彼は敵を殺すことなく無力化し、全ての争いを、ほぼ独りで片付けていった。そうして、わずか半年後、敵味方双方において唯一人の死者も出すことなく、ギャング総括に成功した。

Axl Low

Axl was born in 20th century England, in one of the worst parts of London's East End. He grew up desensitized to violence, seeing it every day as warring gang factions fought for control of the town. However, he abhorred it deeply and was determined to end the assault on his neighborhood peacefully.
Ever since childhood Ax had unusual martial arts prowess, and with his favorite weapon, the dual kusari-gama, even bullets weren’t a threat to him. Within half a year, he had successfully cleaned up his neighborhood without a single casualty - friend or foe. However, at the very moment he was sure the peace would last, he was caught in a "time slip" - a random disturbance in the space time continuum and hurtled 200 years into the future.
Two years have passed since Axi's arrival in this new world… and he still searches for a way back home. Yet just as he begins to give up hope, he hears a rumor of a fighting tournament in which the champion gets whatever they can wish for...

Millia Rage
Japanese English


Millia Rage

Millia was an orphan, both parents lost to the Crusades. The vicious Assassins found her in the ruins of a village, little more than a wailing infant, and took her in. Thus, she was trained from childhood to use her hair as a lethal weapon. Millia wanted no part of such a loathsome life; she tried to commit suicide several times, each attempt ending in failure.
Finally, her first mission was at hand. The operation was a major one - it was to be lead by the Assassin leader, Zato-ONE, himself. During the mission Millia was to act alone; she took the opportunity to flce. Her escape threw the Assassins into chaos, allowing them to be caught red-handed.
Millia now lives as a fugitive, only killing her pursuers when backed into a corner. Hearing from one of these unlucky Assassins that Zato-ONE had escaped from jail and was entering a fighting tournament, Millia decides to enter, as well.
“If I fight Zato in a tournament, one-on-one, I may have a chance to win… and my victory will bring an end to the Assassin organization forever!"

