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User @Tillman on tumblr, @markiplier on Discord[1], and @Validtine on twitter.

Artist, preservationist, and professional silly guy.

My site of fun stuff is here, mind the woefully un-updated pages.[2]


Eddie is able to possess the body of Zato, at times using his corpse as his own skin. His true form is an amorphous black mass that can take almost any shape. His most common depiction is a black silhouette of a tall humanoid figure with large wings, elongated limbs, a spine of spikes running down his back, and a gargoyle head. In combat he takes numerous forms, most commonly circling Zato's feet though many moves have him transforming into sharks, skulls, swords, and drills. The inside of his body including his eyes, mouth, and markings glow red.

Curiously, Eddie is also shown to have some form of tangible body, his jump Dust attack in the XX series involves him peeling back his skin to reveal a massive cow skull with curved horns the size of his body. It is the only display from him that isn't the typical black color but natural bone, implying the skull may be real and not transformed shadow.

In the original Guilty Gear, while Zato was still alive, Eddie's appearance was more monstrous. Most commonly depicted with much longer horns, a more pronounced beak, and a segmented body more resembling armor with large talons and plating. In some official art, he takes a form similar to Justice, with a segmented chest bearing indents and plated hands. In game, the glow surrounding him is more white than the typical red.

In the XX series, Eddie's design is simplified down, but is far more expressive. He has a far more human body structure, with his gargoyle like head having shorter horns and a more streamlined face. His arms are elongated with spikes on the elbows. In gameplay, the shadow is lighter in color and flashes a glow, while in-game this is explained as a way to differentiate Eddie from Zato, as the glow doesn't appear in GGX while he is still alive, the gameplay reason is to prevent the dark palette from blending in with backgrounds.

In Xrd series, Eddie still retained his overall appearance from XX but has been redesigned to be more angular and detailed, in particularly his head which is now more robotic and artificial looking. He now sports a crest on his forehead with the text "Life bad walking shadow." above and has a glowing red marking in a shape of a crescent line with 5 wedges running along it on his chest. Instead of the glow, Eddie in Xrd has a red body outline instead.

In Strive, Eddie has a much more minimalistic design, appearing as an actual shadow in humanoid shape with wings and a pointed head with no visible neck. He sports red eyes and a row of white human teeth.


I haven't edited this section of Eddie's page fully yet so this joke kinda falls flat. Have you guys ever thought about Millia Rage btw? If not here you go heres her page go do some reading up ok! I'm a big fan. Check out her Gallery page, sound of the summer, know what I mean? Shes great. Like... there's something really powerful about this small story about a girl so wracked with trauma and guilt over it and who still despite it all tries so hard to live a normal life. All these stories about trauma and how it makes you a strong person, or how it changes you, makes you something other than normal. I find a lot of comfort in the idea it doesn't have to. You can still be the young kid you are. You can still be a little scared. You can still find joy in simplicity and normalcy and grow to live a simple life. Sure, XRD and Strive like to hand wave away the idea she would leave it all behind, but that little bit we get in the arcade mode and the Codex? Where she really, truly loves her life as Millia outside of the guild? It's nice. It's a comfort.

Even beyond that, shes just truly silly isn't she. Early 20 something girlie who spent so long as a weapon now forced to reckon with being a person. Only people she knew for years were her weird brother, her abuser, and the dog of her abuser who has a bit of a complex about her. And now she has friends! How do you even deal with that! I love the line in her XRD bio, something about when facing unfamiliar situations she reacts like the young girl she is. That's Millia to me. I really love that even her old designs emphasize this. XX just being one big baggy t-shirt... she looks so small in it. Let alone the contrast with Zato's design (tight, black and red) or the obvious parallels with Venom's (tight white and blue but hidden beneath a black and red suit). How charming that even their outfits tell this little story!

Girl whose only hobby is chasing cats. Do you think its on purpose then Eddie looks like a cat...? That one might be me reading too far into it. Cute regardless. Something... something... Its always White Woman Wednesday somewhere...[3]


My fursona is a Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp btw. They're really cute. Have you ever seen the dance cleaner shrimp do when attracting fish to come down for cleaning? Oh go look it up, its the most precious thing ever. Did you know they only have 2 sets of antennae? It just looks like 3 sets cus one of the sets splits up! I like shrimp. People like to poke fun that Shrimp and Lobster are two of my favorite animals yet I don't like the taste of either.... but crabs are also one of my favorite animals and end up being my favorite food...?!



ZatoPetit Normal.png.... Still need to upload most of Zato/Eddie's palettes huh.....



I'm not very comfortable teaming up with you.
So why don't you leave? This isn't exactly a picnic for me, you know.



Main article: /Gallery



  1. No, that is not a joke, that is my Discord handle. Look for the Eddie icon
  2. GGXXAC+ Type-C Sidebar Eddie.png
  3. whatever
