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Ggxxacpr St Faust.png
This page exists for an editor to practice editing or formatting without changing any serious content.
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Well I guess I'll make a sandbox if I'm gonna be editing.
I'm sure using tabbers won't cause a single issue.

A WIP section for GGXAE if I ever get around to it. If not... well can you blame me? It's Advance Edition, no one cares. But they should, because it's not just about about sounding really horrible, and having some stuff that the US home ports don't have, it's also a game with Tag Match in it. Gonna have to not have so many sections/subsections. Might be organized but is needlessly so, will look bad in the contents box probably.


Overview of gameplay. Mention Normal, Extra, G.G. modes.


Mention how it's just like base X's arcade but it gets a little ending at the end unlike the US versions of base X.


Mention how Player 1 can select between Normal, Tag, and 3-on-3. Mention how the EDIT colors will correspond to what each player has as their own EDIT colors and that the Mirror color won't be selected even if the EDIT palettes are the exact same. Mention how the Gameboy Advance can not handle this action at all.


Config: Tension Max, Damage Display, Game Mode Enemy Settings: Mode, Enemy State, Guard, Recovery, Life Regain Can go back to character select, go to button config settings, and return to title.


Can unlock Testament and Dizzy by beating them. Unlocks Extra Modes by beating Gold versions of each character. Unlocks G.G. Modes by beating EDIT versions of each character. Still need to see if the default EDIT color will appear or the player created one. Daredevils appear at every 10 survival levels starting at 20. Gold characters will have infinite tension and be the Extra versions of each character. EDIT characters will have infinite tension and be the G.G. versions of each character.

  • 20 - Gold Testament
  • 30 - Gold Dizzy
  • 40 - Gold Chipp Zanuff
  • 50 - Gold Potemkin
  • 60 - Gold Baiken
  • 70 - Gold Fuast
  • 80 - Gold Venom
  • 90 - Gold Millia
  • 99 - Gold Zato-One
  • 110 - Gold Johnny
  • 120 - Gold Sol Badguy
  • 130 - Gold May
  • 140 - Gold Axl Low
  • 150 - Gold Anji Mito
  • 160 - Gold Jam
  • 170 - Gold Ky Kiske
  • 180 - EDIT Jam
  • 190 - EDIT Axl
  • 200 - EDIT Sol
  • 210 - EDIT Millia Rage
  • 220 - EDIT Anji Mito
  • 230 - EDIT Testament
  • 240 - EDIT May
  • 250 - EDIT Faust
  • 260 - EDIT Chipp Zanuff
  • 270 - EDIT Zato-One
  • 280 - EDIT Johnny
  • 290 - EDIT Potemkin
  • 300 - EDIT Baiken
  • 310 - EDIT Ky Kiske
  • 320 - EDIT Venom
  • 330 - EDIT Dizzy

After 330, all opponents are in extra mode. Daredevils continue appearing. Dear god I do not want to find out what is past 340 please. It probably goes to 999 I bet. Why. I'm pretty sure no one has ever sat through that ever because the rewards stop after 330. Mention how it differs from base X and X Plus survival mode.

Tag Match

WOOOOO YEAH BABY WOOOOOO YEAH TAG MATCH Mention unique dialogue between certain teams (I swear someone got all of those together at one point, will have to search for it) Mention how tagging works, 236K+HS to tag costs 50 Tension, works like a roman cancel


Mention assists being moves from the characters kit but sometimes being modified. Assist is always the next character you picked depending on the order on the character select screen. Assists change depending on if player is grounded or airborne. Has to be in neutral state to call an assist. Cost 50 tension.


Game Options
Mention stuff from the options here like Game Level, Time Limit, Rounds, Limited Release Mode, Original Mode.
Button Config
Yes this does have a purpose. Mention 3 button mode (perhaps a precursor to Stylish Mode) and 4 button mode. Along with changing buttons.
Color Edit
Mention Color Edit mode, include an example image. Include details about example sprites changing to showcase certain colors unlike Isuka.
Sound Test
Mention the 3 sections. Mention how bad this game sounds.
Shows rankings for Arcade, Survival (individual character), Tag, and 3-on-3


  • GGXAE is the same for every version

Reload Sol showing the colors are different on different versions with the default keybinds:

  • JP is PS2 rom
    • Punch: []
    • Kick: X
    • Slash: /\
    • Heavy Slash: O
    • Dust: R1
    • Respect: R2
  • EU is PS2 rom
    • Punch: []
    • Kick: X
    • Slash: /\
    • Heavy Slash: O
    • Dust: R1
    • Respect: R2
  • US is PC GOG Guilty Gear Collection version
    • Punch: []
    • Kick: X
    • Slash: /\
    • Heavy Slash: O
    • Dust: R1
    • Respect: R2
      • US PC GOG version binds are mapped extremely weirdly to my Xbox controller by default but I'm going off what the game says and not my controller

So the Arcade and Home ports of X are giving me different colors. Ugh. So I want to test it more and see how it would look if this information were displayed on the gallery pages. I really wish someone had done this all before me. I still need to unlock all the hold colors on the arcade version. Need to decide if Arcade or Home should go first. Arcade would be the version that came first (I assume) which makes sense for it going first. But home is what most people would be familiar with which makes sense for it go to first. I'm thinking Arcade being first and being the order that the whole thing is in gives a more pleasing order that aligns with GGXAE.