GG World/Bridget

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Guilty Gear World entries related to Bridget from across the series' history. These include glossaries printed in books as well as the ones included in the games themselves. Some entries were never officially localized and have unofficial translations provided by fans.

Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-




A playable character that appears in the Guilty Gear franchise.

Gentle and easygoing, Bridget can also be a bit of an airhead. He likes having fun, but he often lets things get out of hand, which can cause a lot of trouble for anyone nearby. So far he seems unaware of this particular flaw, if the huge smile on his face is anything to go by. Nonetheless, it's that cheerful-against-all-odds personality that reassures his parents. It's also the reason he decided to pick up the yo-yo.

Bridget is one of two twins of multi-billionaire parents, and was given only the best training and tutoring as a child. In fact, his upbringing was exactly what one would expect for the daughter of a high-society couple. There was a reason for this: The town where Bridget was born was convinced that male twins brought misfortune, and were so committed to this idea that they insisted the younger of any set of male twins be put to death or given up for adoption. Neither of these options appealed to Bridget's parents, and so they chose to raise him as a daughter instead of a son, hiding his sex.

While Bridget did his best to prove to his parents that he was happy, the harder he tried the less effective it became-they clearly didn't believe him. He began to think that behaving as a man and bringing home a vast collection of riches would convince his hometown that their superstitions were unfounded. Almost as if on cue, he found a bounty poster for a Gear that promised a truly outrageous reward. Bridget quietly left his parents' manor and made his way to the forest of demons, where Dizzy was hiding. To his surprise, he discovered that she had already been defeated. Somewhat discouraged but not ready to give up, Bridget began to look for other bounties, in hopes that he might still find a way to resolve his problems.

English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- & -Rev2-





ど、 両親が心を痛めている事に気が付いてしまう。 根本的な解決法として、 自分が男として生き、迷信をく
そんな折、 法外な賞金首の手配書が目に入った。 ブリジットは固い決意を胸に、静かに靴紐を縛るのだっ
た。 彼が賞金首「ディズィー」の棲む森に到着したころ、 すでに事件は解決してしまっていた。落胆した彼



English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear -Strive-


■ 氏名:ブリジット
■ 体重:50kg
■ 血液型:O型
■ 生年月日:10月26日
■ 出身地:イギリス
■ 趣味:ヨーヨー、昼寝
■ 大切なもの:両親、父親から初めて貰ったヨーヨー、ぬいぐるみのロジャー
■ 嫌いなもの:筋肉
■ 所属:なし(賞金稼ぎとして各地を流浪)
■ 武器:ヨーヨー







■ Name: Bridget
■ Height: 158 cm (5'2)
■ Weight: 50 kg (110 lbs)
■ Blood Type: O
■ Birth Date: October 26
■ Origin: England
■ Hobbies: Yo-yo, napping
■ Values: Her parents, the first yo-yo from her father, her teddy bear Roger
■ Dislikes: Sea cucumber, shiitake mushrooms, bitter herbs, insects, ghosts, muscles
■ Affiliation: None (traveling the land as a bounty hunter)
■ Weapon: Yo-yo

Bridget was born one of two twin sons of a multi-billionaire couple and was given only the best training and tutoring as a child. However, Bridget's upbringing was what one would expect for a daughter of a high-society family instead of a son.

There was a reason for this: Bridget's hometown had a superstitious belief that male twins brought misfortune. The townspeople were so embedded in this belief that they insisted the younger of any set of male twins be put to death or be exiled from the town upon birth. Unable to swallow either of the options, the twins' parents raised Bridget as a daughter.

While Bridget strove to put on a happy front, these efforts only seemed to cause their parents more pain. Bridget began to think that behaving like a man and bringing home a vast array of riches would convince their hometown that these superstitions were unfounded.

Although unsuccessful in capturing Dizzy for her bounty, Bridget showed talent as a bounty hunter and managed to bring home great wealth. This led to the village superstition fading, but it also left Bridget without a goal.

Bridget now works as a bounty hunter while searching for a purpose.

English (Unofficial)



■생년월일:10월 26일
■취미:요요, 낮잠
■소중한 것:부모님, 아버지에게 처음으로 받은 요요, 곰인형 로저
■싫어하는 것:근육
■소속:없음 (현상금 사냥꾼으로서 각지를 유랑)
■무기 : 요요

브리짓은 대부호의 가정에 태어나 영재교육을 받았으며, 예의 바른 아가씨로 자란 소년이다. 「남자 쌍둥이는 그 땅에 화를 불러온다」는 미신을 믿던 그 마을에서는 쌍둥이 중 동생은 죽이거나 양자로 내보내게 되어 있었다. 그러나 불쌍하게 여긴 부모에 의해, 브리짓은 성별을 숨기고 여자아이로 자라게 되었다.

부모님이 걱정하지 않도록 언제나 밝게 행동하던 브리짓이었지만, 자신이 행복을 주장하면 할수록 부모님의 마음이 아프다는 것을 깨닫고 만다. 근본적인 해결법으로서, 자신이 남자로서 살면서 미신을 깰 수 있을 만한 부를 마을에 가져와야 한다, 라는 결론에 도달했다.

비록 현상범인 「디지」를 잡지는 못했지만, 현상금 사냥꾼으로서의 재능이 꽃피면서 막대한 돈을 마을로 보낼 수 있었다. 결과 마을의 미신은 사라졌지만 동시에 자신의 목표도 잃어버리고 말았다.
현재는 현상금 사냥꾼을 계속하면서 하고 싶은 일을 찾는 여행 중이다.





【背景】 布莉姬生於大富豪之家,接受英才教育,被養育成一個極為知書達禮的千金大小姐,但他其實是個男生。他出生的村子有著「男雙胞胎會為當地帶來災禍」的迷信,村民也深信不疑,所以規定雙胞胎中的弟弟只能被處理掉,或是讓別人收養。但是他的雙親不忍心他有這樣的下場,布莉姬只能隱瞞自己的性別,被當作女生養育。


■Name: Bridget
■Größe: 158 cm
■Gewicht: 50 kg
■Blutgruppe: 0
■Geburtstag: 26. Oktober
■Herkunft: England
■Hobbys: Jo-Jo, Nickerchen
■Vorlieben: Ihre Eltern, das erste Jo-Jo, das sie von ihrem Vater erhielt, ihr Teddybär Roger
■Abneigungen: Muskeln
■Zugehörigkeit: Keine (Sie zieht als Kopfgeldjägerin durch das Land)
■Waffe: Jo-Jo

Bridget ist einer der beiden Zwillinge von Multimilliardärseltern und hat als Kind nur die beste Erziehung genossen. Obwohl Bridget als Junge zur Welt kam, wurde ihr eine Erziehung zuteil, wie man es bei der Tochter eines High-Society-Paares erwarten würde.

Dafür gab es einen Grund: Die Bewohner der Stadt, in der Bridget geboren wurde, waren davon überzeugt, dass männliche Zwillinge Unglück brachten. Sie waren so überzeugt von dieser Idee, dass sie darauf bestanden, dass das jeweils jüngere Geschwisterteil jedes männlichen Zwillingspaars getötet oder zur Adoption freigegeben werden sollte. Für Bridgets Eltern kam keine dieser beiden Optionen in Frage, daher beschlossen sie, dass Bridget als Tochter aufwachsen sollte.

Bridget gab sich alle Mühe, eine glückliche Fassade zu wahren, doch das schien ihren Eltern nur noch größeren Schmerz zu bereiten. Bridget begann zu glauben, dass sie ihre Heimatstadt davon überzeugen würde, dass ihr Aberglaube unbegründet war, indem sie sich wie ein Mann benahm und riesige Reichtümer anhäufte.
Obwohl es ihr nicht gelang, Dizzy zu fassen, um das auf sie ausgesetzte Kopfgeld einzustreichen, bewies Bridget ihr Talent als Kopfgeldjägerin und schaffte es, großen Reichtum nach Hause zu bringen. So schwand der Aberglaube des Dorfes, zurück blieb jedoch auch eine Bridget, die kein Ziel mehr hatte.
Mittlerweile arbeitet Bridget als Kopfgeldjägerin und sucht nach ihrer Bestimmung.

■Nombre: Bridget
■Altura: 1,58 m
■Peso: 50 kg
■Grupo sanguíneo: O
■Fecha de nacimiento: 26 de octubre
■Procedencia: Inglaterra
■Aficiones: El yoyó, echarse una siesta
■Le importa: Sus padres, el primer yoyó que le regaló su padre, su osito de peluche Roger
■Odia: los músculos
■Afiliación: Ninguna (recorrer el mundo como cazarrecompensas)
■Arma: Yoyó

Bridget nació como uno de los dos hijos gemelos de una pareja de multimillonarios y en su infancia solo recibió la mejor formación. Sin embargo, la educación de Bridget fue la que cabría esperar para la hija de una familia de la alta sociedad en lugar de la de un niño varón.

Había una razón para ello: en el pueblo natal de Bridget existía la superstición de que los gemelos varones traían mala suerte. Los del pueblo tenían esa creencia tan arraigada que insistían en que el menor de cualquier par de gemelos varones fuera condenado a muerte o desterrado del pueblo al nacer. Al no poder aceptar ninguna de las dos opciones, los padres de los gemelos criaron a Bridget como niña.

Aunque la joven Bridget se esforzaba por parecer feliz, tanto esfuerzo solo parecía causar más dolor a sus padres. Bridget empezó a pensar que comportándose como un hombre y trayendo a casa grandes riquezas convencería a su ciudad natal de que esas supersticiones eran infundadas.
Pese a que no consiguió capturar a Dizzy para obtener su recompensa, Bridget demostró su talento como cazarrecompensas y consiguió traer mucho dinero a casa. Esto hizo que la creencia del pueblo desapareciera, pero también dejó a Bridget sin un propósito.
Bridget trabaja ahora como cazarrecompensas mientras busca un objetivo.

■Nom : Bridget
■Taille : 1,58 m
■Poids : 50 kg
■Groupe sanguin : O
■Date de naissance : 26 octobre
■Origine : Angleterre
■Loisirs : faire du yo-yo, faire la sieste
■Aime : ses parents, le premier yo-yo que son père lui a offert, son ours Roger
■N'aime pas : les gros muscles
■Affiliation : aucune (parcourt le monde comme chasseuse de primes)
■Arme : yo-yo

L'un des deux jumeaux mâles d'une famille multimilliardaire, Bridget reçoit la meilleure éducation possible, mais une éducation d'ordinaire réservée aux filles de bonne famille, et non aux garçons.

En effet, la ville où Bridget voit le jour est fermement convaincue que les jumeaux mâles sont source de malchance. Les habitants sont si aveuglés par cette superstition que le plus jeune des deux doit toujours être mis à mort ou exilé dès la naissance. Refusant ces deux options, les parents de Bridget choisissent de l'élever comme une fille.

Si Bridget tente de garder le sourire, ses parents souffrent de la voir vivre ainsi. C'est alors qu'elle commence à penser que se comporter comme un homme et rapporter moult richesses à sa famille pourrait convaincre la ville que ces superstitions sont sans fondement.
Bien que la capture de Dizzy soit un échec, Bridget fait montre d'un certain talent comme chasseuse de primes et parvient à apporter la fortune à son village, mettant un terme à cette croyance infondée. Mais la vie de Bridget se retrouve alors brutalement privée de son objectif.
Bridget continue à travailler comme chasseuse de primes tout en cherchant un but à sa vie.

■Nome: Bridget
■Altezza: 158 cm
■Peso: 50 kg
■Gruppo sanguigno: O
■Data di nascita: 26 ottobre
■Origine: Inghilterra
■Hobby: yo-yo, dormire
■Apprezza: i genitori, il primo yo-yo ricevuto dal padre, il suo orsacchiotto Roger
■Non sopporta: cetrioli di mare, funghi shiitake, erbe amare, insetti, fantasmi, muscoli
■Affiliazione: nessuna (attraversa le terre a caccia di taglie)
■Arma: Yo-yo

Bridget era uno di due gemelli figli di una coppia di miliardari e da bambino ha ricevuto i migliori addestramenti e insegnamenti. Tuttavia, l'educazione di Bridget fu quella che ci si aspetta per una figlia dell'alta società, non per un figlio.

C'era un motivo: nel paese natale di Bridget era radicata una superstizione secondo cui i gemelli maschi portavano sventura. Una superstizione così radicata che gli abitanti volevano la morte o l'esilio del più giovane dei due gemelli. Non volendo accettare nessuna delle due opzioni, i genitori dei gemelli decisero di allevare Bridget come una figlia.

Bridget si sforzava di indossare una maschera di finta felicità, ma questi suoi sforzi sembravano causare solo maggior dolore ai genitori. Bridget iniziò a pensare che, comportandosi come un uomo e portando a casa enormi ricchezze, avrebbe potuto convincere gli abitanti della infondatezza della superstizione.
Anche se non riuscì a catturare Dizzy, Bridge mostrò un enorme talento come cacciatrice di taglie e riuscì a portare a casa enormi ricchezze. La superstizione nel villaggio iniziò a perdere forza, ma lasciò Bridget vuota.
Bridget è ora una cacciatrice di taglie alla ricerca di uno scopo nella vita.