GG World/Leo Whitefang

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Guilty Gear World entries related to Leo Whitefang from across the series' history. These include glossaries printed in books as well as the ones included in the games themselves. Some entries were never officially localized and have unofficial translations provided by fans.

Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-




Name: Leo Whitefang
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 183 lbs
Blood-Type: A
Origin: Germany
DOB: July 1
Hobbies: Editing his own personal dictionary
Values: Records, his own pride
Dislikes: Pickles, those more capable than he is
Affiliation: United Kingdoms of Illyria (Second King)
Weapon: Twin Blades

His boisterous attitude might make others think him the sort to shoot first and ask questions later, but in reality he is exceptionally cautious. Above all he hates losing, and has far more pride than the average man. His solution to this problem is to be constantly and overwhelmingly intimidating. That doesn't mean he is necessarily arrogant, at least not in aggregate: He is a much harsher critic of himself than he is of anyone else. He is in the process of building his own dictionary, and tends to redefine words as he sees fit.

Leo oversees the local government of more than twenty nations in the European and Asian regions of Illyria, and is one of the Three Kings. He has brokered an alliance with the Federation of China, who effectively controls more than 60% of the Eurasian continent.

He is both a rival and a friend to Ky Kiske, and they fought together during the Crusades. Leo's fighting style is unique: He prefers a stance where his face faces the opponent, and he holds his twin blades ready to strike at any moment. In one pivotal moment in Australia, his unit faced what appeared to be certain death, but Leo's combat skill and tactical acumen allowed them to escape.

His strength, leadership, and charisma all help account for his steadily growing popularity. He is currently in the capital, taking on Ky's responsibilities while his friend and rival hunts down Ramlethal.

English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- & -Rev2-


■ 氏名:レオ=ホワイトファング
■ 身長:196cm
■ 体重:83kg
■ 血液型:A型
■ 生年月日:7月1日
■ 出身地:ドイツ
■ 趣味:マイ辞書の編集
■ 大切なもの:記録・自尊心
■ 嫌いなもの:ピクルス・自分より優れている者
■ 所属:イリュリア連王国 (第二連王)
■ 武器:双剣
■ CV:稲田 徹

コツコツと努力を惜しまない。 できることは、 面倒くさいと感じながらも地道にこなす。何よりも負けず嫌
て他者を見下すような性格ではなく、あくまで自分に対して厳しい。 そしてよくできた自分を素直に褒め
てやる一面も持っている。 マイ辞書を作成しており、既存の言葉に人物やでき事を当てはめる習性があ る。

ユーラシア大陸を中心とし、 20余からなる非独立統治機構を集合管理したイリュリア連王国。その広大
な国土を治める3人の王の一人。 通称、第二連王。 中華連邦とは同盟関係にあり、ユーラシア大陸の6割
敵にあえて背を向ける我流の双剣術を得意とし、高い武力を有している。 かつて絶望的な戦況であった
オーストラリア戦線で唯一、 彼が率いる部隊だけが生還した記録がある。 戦闘能力とあわせて、その組織

た。前線で戦うソルやカイを積極的にサポートし、 最終局面となったイリュリア市街戦では自らも陣頭指



Name: Leo Whitefang
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 183 lbs
Blood-Type: A
Origin: Germany
DOB: July 1
Hobbies: Editing his own personal dictionary
Values: Records, his own pride
Dislikes: Pickles, those more capable than he is
Weapon: Twin Blades

His boisterous attitude might make others think him the sort to shoot first and ask questions later, but in reality he is exceptionally cautious. Above all he hates losing, and has far more pride than the average man. His solution to this problem is to be constantly and overwhelmingly intimidating. That doesn't mean he is necessarily arrogant, at least not in aggregate: He is a much harsher critic of himself than he is of anyone else. He is in the process of building his own dictionary, and tends to redefine words as he sees fit.

Leo oversees the local government of more than twenty nations in the European and Asian regions of Illyria, and is one of the Three Kings. He has brokered an alliance with the Federation of China, who effectively controls more than 60% of the Eurasian continent.

He is both a rival and a friend to Ky Kiske, and they fought together during the Crusades. Leo's fighting style is unique: He prefers a stance where his face faces the opponent and he holds his twin blades ready to strike at any moment. In one pivotal moment in Australia, his unit faced what appeared to be certain death, but Leo's combat skill and tactical acumen allowed them to escape.

His strength, leadership, and charisma all help account for his steadily growing popularity.

In the previous episode, he took control of the command center in lieu of Ky, who charged the front lines. His support for Sol and Ky throughout their missions was unprecedented. But in the climax of the story, he himself joins the front lines.

English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear -Strive-






■Name: Leo Whitefang
■Height: 6'5"
■Weight: 183 lbs
■Blood Type: A
■Origin: Germany
■Date of Birth: July 1
■Hobbies: Editing his own personal dictionary
■Likes: Records, his own pride
■Dislikes: Pickles, those more capable than he is
■Affiliation: United Kingdoms of Illyria (Second King)
■Weapon: Twin Blades

Although Leo's boisterous attitude might make others think he is the sort to shoot first and ask questions later, in reality, he is actually exceptionally cautious. Above all, he hates losing and has far more pride than the average man. His solution to this problem is to be constantly and overwhelmingly intimidating. That does not mean he is necessarily arrogant, at least not in aggregate: He is a much harsher critic of himself than he is of anyone else. He is in the process of building his own dictionary and tends to redefine words as he sees fit.

Leo oversees the local government of more than twenty nations in the European and Asian regions of Illyria and is one of the Three Allied Kings. He has brokered an alliance with the Federation of China, which effectively controls more than 60% of the Eurasian continent.

He is both a rival and a friend to Ky Kiske, and they fought together during the Crusades. Leo's fighting style is unique: He prefers a stance where his back faces the opponent while he wields his twin blades, ready to strike at any moment. In one pivotal moment in Australia, his unit faced what appeared to be certain death, but Leo's combat skill and tactical acumen allowed them to escape.
His strength, leadership, and charisma all help account for his steadily growing popularity.

English (Unofficial)



■이름 : 레오 화이트팽
■신장 : 196cm
■체중 : 83kg
■혈액형 : A형
■생년월일 : 7월 1일
■출신지 : 독일
■취미 : My 사전 편집
■소중한 것 : 기록, 자존심
■싫어하는 것 : 피클, 자신보다 우수한 자
■소속 : 이률리아 연왕국(제2연왕)
■무기 : 쌍검

난잡한 말투로 호걸처럼 생각되지만, 그 내면은 의외로 신중파. 자신의 힘으로 해결해야 하는 문제에는 꼼꼼히 노력한다. 할 수 있는 일은 귀찮아도 꾸준하게 해낸다. 무엇보다 지는 것을 싫어하며 자존심이 강하다. 그래서 얕보이지 않기 위해 표면적으로는 오만하게 행동하고 있다. 그러나 결코 타인을 깔보는 성격은 아니며, 자신에게도 매우 엄하다. 그리고 잘 해낸 자신을 솔직하게 칭찬해주는 면도 있다. My 사전을 만들고 있으며, 기존의 단어나 인물, 사건을 고쳐 쓰는 버릇이 있다.

유라시아 대륙을 중심으로 20여개 비독립 통치기구를 집합 관리하는 이률리아 연왕국. 그 광대한 국토를 다스리는 3명의 왕 중 한 명. 통칭 제2연왕. 중화연방과는 동맹 관계이며, 유라시아 대륙의 6할을 통치하고 있다.
성전 시대부터 알고 지내던 카이와는 스스럼없는 친구 관계이며, 무를 겨루는 사이이기도 하다.
적에게 일부러 등을 보이는 아류 쌍검술이 특기로, 높은 무력을 지니고 있다. 일찍이 절망적인 전황이었던 호주 전선에서 유일하게 그가 통솔하는 부대만이 생환한 기록이 있다. 전투능력과 높은 조직 통솔력, 형님 같은 카리스마성도 평판이 높다.







■Name: Leo Whitefang
■Größe: 196 cm
■Gewicht: 83 kg
■Blutgruppe: A
■Herkunft: Deutschland
■Geburtstag: 1. Juli
■Hobbys: An seinem eigenen Wörterbuch arbeiten
■Vorlieben: Rekorde, sein Stolz
■Abneigungen: Eingelegtes Gemüse; Leute, die mehr drauf haben als er
■Zugehörigkeit: Vereinigte Königreiche von Illyria (Zweiter Bundeskönig)
■Waffe: Zwillingsschwerter

Angesichts von Leos ungestümer Art könnte man meinen, er gehöre zu denen, die zuerst schießen und erst danach Fragen stellen. In Wirklichkeit ist er jedoch außerordentlich vorsichtig. Nichts hasst er mehr, als zu verlieren. Leo besitzt mehr Stolz als der Durchschnittstyp. Seine Lösung für dieses Problem besteht darin, andere ständig einzuschüchtern. Das bedeutet nicht unbedingt, dass er arrogant ist, zumindest nicht generell. Leo geht mit sich selbst viel kritischer ins Gericht als mit anderen. Er erstellt gerade sein eigenes Wörterbuch und neigt dazu, Wörter nach eigenem Gutdünken neu zu definieren.

Leo leitet die Regierungen von mehr als zwanzig Nationen in den europäischen und asiatischen Regionen von Illyria und ist einer der Drei Bundeskönige. Er hat ein Bündnis mit der Chinesischen Föderation ausgehandelt, die mehr als 60 % des eurasischen Kontinents kontrolliert.

Leo ist sowohl ein Rivale als auch ein Freund von Ky Kiske. In den Kreuzzügen haben die beiden Seite an Seite gekämpft. Leos Kampfstil ist einzigartig: Er bevorzugt eine Haltung, bei der sein Gesicht dem Gegner zugewandt ist, und er hält seine Zwillingsschwerter bereit, damit er jeden Moment zuschlagen kann. In einem entscheidenden Moment sah Leos Einheit in Australien dem scheinbar sicheren Tod entgegen, doch dank Leos Kampfgeschick und taktischem Scharfsinn konnte die Einheit entkommen.
Seine Stärke, Führungsstärke und sein Charisma sind der Grund für seine stetig wachsende Beliebtheit.

■Nombre: Leo Whitefang
■Estatura: 1,96 m
■Peso: 83 kg
■Grupo sanguíneo: A
■Origen: Alemania
■Fecha de nacimiento: 1 de julio
■Afición: Revisar su diccionario personal
■Le importa: Sus discos, su propio orgullo
■Odia: Los pepinillos, a la gente más capaz que él
■Afiliación: Reinos Unidos de Iliria (segundo rey)
■Arma: Espadas gemelas

Por su actitud escandalosa podría asumirse que dispara antes de hacer preguntas, pero en realidad es increíblemente cauto. No soporta perder y es muy muy orgulloso. Su solución al problema es ser alguien constante, intensa y deliberadamente intimidante. Aun así, no es especialmente arrogante: es mucho más crítico consigo mismo que con el resto. Se dedica a confeccionar un diccionario propio donde redefine las palabras como quiere.

Leo supervisa el gobierno local de más de veinte países de las regiones europeas y asiáticas de Iliria y es uno de los tres reyes. Ha negociado una alianza con la Federación de China, que controla más del 60 % del continente eurasiático.

Es amigo y rival de Ky Kiske, lucharon juntos en las Cruzadas. El estilo de lucha de Leo es muy especial: prefiere enfrentarse al rival en una postura donde su espalda apunta al rival, con sus espadas gemelas listas para atacar en cualquier momento. En un momento clave en Australia, parecía que su unidad estaba condenada a morir, pero las habilidades de combate y la capacidad estratégica de Leo les permitieron escapar.
Es muy popular a causa de su fuerza, poder de liderazgo y carisma.

El asalto de I-No al castillo de Iliria lo llevó a iniciar una búsqueda y reunir información relacionada con ella.

■Nom : Léo Whitefang
■Taille : 1,96 m
■Poids : 83 kg
■Groupe sanguin : A
■Origine : Allemagne
■Date de naissance : 1er juillet
■Loisirs : ajouter des entrées à son dictionnaire personnel
■Aime : son dictionnaire, sa fierté
■N'aime pas : les légumes au vinaigre, les gens plus compétents que lui
■Affiliation : Royaumes unis d'Illyria (Roi second)
■Arme : lames jumelles

Son attitude toujours pleine d'entrain pourrait faire croire qu'il est du genre à foncer dans le tas et à poser les questions ensuite, mais c'est en fait un homme très prudent. Il déteste perdre par-dessus tout et possède plus que sa dose de fierté. Pour contrer ce problème, il se montre en permanence incroyablement intimidant. Ça ne fait pas forcément de lui un homme arrogant dans son attitude générale : il se montre en fait bien plus dur envers lui-même qu'envers les autres. Il conçoit son propre dictionnaire, dans lequel il donne aux mots la définition qui lui semble appropriée.

L'un des trois rois alliés, Léo gouverne plus de vingt nations de la région eurasienne des Royaumes unis d'Illyria. Il négocie une alliance avec la Fédération de Chine, qui contrôle elle-même plus de 60 % du continent.

Ky Kiske et lui sont à la fois rivaux et amis et combattent côte à côte pendant les Croisades. Son style de combat est unique : il fait toujours face à l'adversaire, ses lames prêtes à frapper à tout moment. Alors que l'Australie va être envahie par les Gears, son unité apparaît et affronte une mort certaine. Le talent de Léo et son expertise tactique leur permettent d'en réchapper.
Sa force, ses dons de meneur et son charisme sont autant d'explications à sa popularité grandissante.

L'attaque d'I-No sur le château d'Illyria le pousse à tenter de collecter un maximum d'informations à son sujet.

■Nome: Leo Whitefang
■Altezza: 196 cm
■Peso: 83 kg
■Gruppo sanguigno: A
■Origini: Germania
■Data di nascita: 1 luglio
■Hobby: correggere il suo dizionario
■Apprezza: i dischi, il suo orgoglio
■Non sopporta: i sottaceti, quelli più bravi di lui
■Affiliazioni: Regni Uniti di Illyria (Secondo Sovrano)
■Armi: lame gemelle

Il suo atteggiamento turbolento potrebbe far credere che sia il tipo a cui piace sparare prima e fare domande dopo, ma in realtà è estremamente cauto. Non gli piace perdere ed è molto più orgoglioso del normale. La sua soluzione a questo problema è essere costantemente e pesantemente intimidatorio. Ciò non significa che sia necessariamente arrogante, almeno non nel complesso: è molto più critico con se stesso di quanto lo sia con gli altri. È in procinto di scrivere un suo dizionario e tende a ridefinire le parole come meglio crede.

Leo supervisiona il governo locale, composto da più di venti nazioni nelle regioni europee e asiatiche di Illyria, ed è uno dei Tre Sovrani. Ha mediato per un'alleanza con la Federazione Cinese, che effettivamente controlla oltre il 60% del continente eurasiatico.

È sia rivale che amico di Ky Kiske, e hanno combattuto insieme durante le Crociate. Lo stile di combattimento di Leo è unico: preferisce tenere il proprio sguardo rivolto all'avversario e avere pronte le lame gemelle per attaccare in qualsiasi momento. In un momento cruciale, in Australia, la sua unità affrontò una situazione che sembrava senza speranza, ma l'abilità nel combattimento di Leo e il suo acume tattico le permisero di fuggire.
Forza, leadership e carisma contribuiscono a spiegare la sua costante crescita in popolarità.

L'assalto di I-No al Castello di Illyria l'ha spinto a cercare e raccogliere tutte le informazioni sul suo conto.
