8개로 분할된 아웃레이지의 일부로서 신기 중 하나.
바람의 법력을 증폭시키는 특징이 있다.
현재의 소유자는 미토 안지.
크기를 자유롭게 바꿀 수 있는 부채로 발동하는 능력에 따라 적혀 있는 글자가 변화한다. 안지가 어떻게 입수한 것인지는 불명이지만, 본인 왈 「주웠다」고 한다.
GG World/Zessen
Guilty Gear World entries from across the series' history relating to Zessen. These include glossaries printed in books as well as the ones included in the games themselves. Some entries were never officially localized and have unofficial translations provided by fans.
Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-
English (Unofficial)
Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- & -Rev2-
One of the eight sacred treasures that make up the Outrage. It can produce and amplify wind magic.
Currently it belongs to Anji Mito. Zessen can change size as required, and activating certain abilities alters the glyphs that appear on the fan. It is unclear how Anji came to possess this powerful weapon, though he claimed that he stumbled across it accidentally.
English (Unofficial)
Guilty Gear -Strive-
One of the eight sacred treasures that make up the Outrage. It can produce and amplify wind magic.
Currently it belongs to Anji Mito. Zessen can change size as required, and activating certain abilities alters the glyphs that appear on the fan. It is unclear how Anji came to possess this powerful weapon, though he claimed that he stumbled across it accidentally.
English (Unofficial)
Einer der acht heiligen Schätze, die zusammen Outrage ergeben. Zessen kann Windmagie erzeugen und verstärken.
Zurzeit ist diese Waffe im Besitz von Anji Mito. Zessen kann nach Bedarf die Größe ändern. Durch die Aktivierung bestimmter Fähigkeiten verändern sich zudem die Glyphen, die auf dem Fächer erscheinen. Es ist unklar, wie Anji an diese mächtige Waffe kam. Er behauptet jedoch, er sei zufällig darüber gestolpert.
Uno de los ocho tesoros sagrados que componían Outrage, capaz de producir magia eólica y potenciarla.
Actualmente pertenece a Anji Mito. El Zessen varía su tamaño según se necesite y los glifos que aparecen en los abanicos cambian según la habilidad que se active. No se sabe cómo llegó esta arma tan poderosa a manos de Anji, aunque él dice habérsela encontrado por casualidad.
L'un des huit trésors sacrés qui forment l'Outrage. Il peut créer et contrôler la magie de vent.
Il est actuellement en la possession d'Anji Mito. Le Zessen peut changer de taille si nécessaire. Les glyphes qui apparaissent sur l'éventail changent quand on active certaines capacités. On ignore comment cette puissante arme est arrivée entre les mains d'Anji, mais il prétend être tombé dessus par hasard.
Uno degli otto Sacri Tesori che compongono Outrage. Può produrre e amplificare la magia del vento.
Attualmente appartiene ad Anji Mito. Zessen può cambiare dimensioni a richiesta e l'attivazione di certe abilità altera i glifi che appaiono sul ventaglio. Non è chiaro come Anji sia entrato in possesso di questa potentissima arma, anche se sostiene di essercisi imbattuto per caso.