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It's been essentially confirmed in Interviews that Axl has little directly to do with Raven. Some may consider this a retcon, but even though they are similar entities which caused Axl to time-slip, it's more than likely because Raven is Immortal and has always been existing since as far back as the 5th Crusade (1213 A.D.).

What's more, his body has been both mutiliated (self inflicted head impalement), and modified (he woke up in a stasis tank having his body's regeneration abilities messed with).

Other than that, he can transform into a raven/cloud of ravens and teleport. Or summon Needles that generate Slow Fields.

Mimeblade 15:38, September 29, 2011 (UTC)

As for speculations, we can always put them in the trivia as long as they are relevant and supported by canon events (Raven's ending in GGXX.) For the man article though, we should stick to what is revealed and we can do that by plainly describing what happened in a particular event without interpretation. Danseru-kun 16:04, September 29, 2011 (UTC)

Raven's Powers Continued

Also in regards to his powers; his physical strength seems rather immense. Between showcasing his one-armed effortless lifting of characters like Potemkin in his IK(yes, IKs take a lot of liberties with extremely over the top stuff, but it's worth noting that the IKs sometimes showcase the type of character they are, his various one-armed slams, the fact his Getreuer super, before it's even powered up, is a single, smashing kick showcases a power guy more than a speed guy; coupled with the fact his damage raw damage increases the more hurt he gets. His inability to feel pain seems to point toward a guy who doesn't need to hold back, ever. Azaael (talk) 01:01, February 18, 2017 (UTC)

Basically I under 'powers' he seems to have some level of superhuman strength in there as well besides his magic. Of course it does point out we don't know just how strong he is.