Bone-crushing Excitement

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Bone-crushing Excitement is one of Faust's Overdrive Attacks in Guilty Gear -Strive-, replacing his long-time technique Stimulating Fists of Annihilation.


Faust dashes forwards to investigate a clover on the ground, pushing back and knocking the opponent to the ground. After seeing them fall over he brings out a wheelchair and makes a mad dash towards them. When he reaches them the wheelchair's footrests slam into the opponent's shins, causing them to react in immense pain before the screen turns white.


  • Sol
    • (All 3 of Sol's reactions are screams)
  • Ky:
    • "C'est ci bon!" ("That's so good!")
    • "Qu'est-ce que c'est?!" ("What is this?!")
    • "C'est la vie!" ("That's life!")
  • Axl:
    • "Nazareth!"
    • "Badger!"
    • "Bal-Sagoth!"
  • Chipp:
    • "Mackerel!"
    • "Zako!"
    • (Generic Scream)
  • Potemkin:
    • "Da Vinci!"
    • "Picasso!"
    • "Van Gogh!"
  • Faust
    • "Box scratching!"
    • "(Scream)"
    • "(Scream)"
  • Millia:
    • "трость" ("Trost", meaning cane)
    • "ягода!" ("Yagoda", meaning berry)
    • "больно!" ("Bol'no", meaning "it hurts")
  • Zato-ONE:
    • "Gazpacho."
    • "Welp, that's broken."
    • "Yes, that did hurt."
    • "Exciting."
  • I-No:
    • "Les-Paul!"
    • "Strat!"
    • "Telecaster!"
  • Ramlethal:
    • "Really hurts!"
    • "Woooah!"
    • (Scream)
  • Leo:
    • "Obscura!"
    • "Edguy!"
    • (Scream)
  • Nagoriyuki
    • ?
    • ?
    • ?
  • Giovanna
    • "Huegh! Dobradinha!" ("Tripe!")
    • "Uggh! Moqueca!" ("Stew!")
    • (Scream)
  • Anji
    • "INSANITY!"
    • "TOO SPICY!"
  • Goldlewis
    • "Ogopogo!"
    • "Chupacabra!"
    • "Mothman!"
  • Jack-O'
    • "Stimulating!"
    • "Spicy!"
    • "Intense!"
  • Happy Chaos
    • "Realism!"
    • "Uncapturable pain!"
    • "Gah, I don't like this!"
  • Baiken
    • "P-persevere!"
    • "痛!" ("Ita" meaning "pain")
    • "Didn't see that coming!"
  • Testament
    • "Sour Kombucha!"[1]
    • (Scream)
    • (Scream)
  • Bridget
    • "That hurt, you sonofa-"
    • "Huh. Pretty flowers."
    • (Scream)
  • Sin Kiske
    • "Escamole!"
    • "Casu martzu!"
    • ?
  • Bedman?
    • "You're all kinds of sick!"
    • "Alternative medicine!"
    • (Scream)
  • Asuka R#
    • "I'd rate it a 200 on the pain scale."
    • "236,000 miles to the nearest plastic surgeon"
    • "No pain? Of course, I'm in heaven."
  • Johnny
    • "That's... hot..."
    • (Scream)
    • (Scream)
  • Elphelt
    • "Cancel the show..."
    • (Scream)
    • (Scream)
  • Slayer
    • "You... broke it..."
    • "Well this feels new..."
    • "Utter brute"
      • Sharon
        • "Oh my..."
        • "Oh really..."
        • "That's all..."


  • In relation to his hobby, Potemkin alludes to the painters Leonardo da Vinci, Pablo Picasso and Vincent van Gogh.
  • I-No mentions electric guitar types: the Gibson Les Paul, the Fender Stratocaster or just Strat, and the Fender Telecaster).
  • Axl exclaims the names of British bands, Nazareth, Badger, and Bal-Sagoth.
  • Similarly, Leo names the German metal bands Obscura and Edguy.
  • Giovanna mentions Brazilian dishes.
  • Goldlewis names cryptids from different areas of North America, the Canadian Ogopogo, the Central American Cupacabra, and the Mothman of West Virginia.
  • Similar to Giovanna, Sin also mentions dishes, referring to his unusual, voracious hunger. Casu martzu and escamole both contain live insect larvae.


  • Jack-O' is so far the only character to have more than one reaction to the attack, depending on if she is wearing her mask.
    • While their animations remain identical, Ky and Giovanna's reactions reflect their transformed states if they are hit with the attack while transformed.
  • In Tales of the Rays, Bone-crushing Excitement appears as a Mirrage Arte for the character Dist under the name 'Exciting Rescue', as Dist gains a costume for Faust.
  • Several characters speak in their native languages upon being hit.
    • Ky's lines are in French.
    • Millia's lines are in Russian.
    • Nagoriyuki's are in Hausa.
    • Giovanna's are in Portuguese.
    • In the English dub, Baiken has a line in Japanese.
  • Some characters reactions are based on some outside sources, be it from Guilty Gear or not.



  1. Kayleigh McKee's confirmation of Testament's voice line from her Discord server