GG World/Faust

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Guilty Gear World entries related to Faust from across the series' history. These include glossaries printed in books as well as the ones included in the games themselves. Some entries were never officially localized and have unofficial translations provided by fans.

Guilty Gear X Drafting Artworks



English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-




Name: Faust
Height: 9'3"
Weight: 121 lbs
Blood-Type: Unknown
Origin: Unknown
DOB: Unknown
Hobbies: Collecting high-quality paper bags
Values: Believes it's not good to have such things
Dislikes: Those who have framed him
Affiliation: Unlicensed Doctor's Union (only member)
Weapon: Scalpel

The moment you think everything out of Faust's mouth is complete nonsense, he'll utter something so profound it'll leave you scratching your head. At times he has been known to help people find their paths in life. Going mad shattered whatever Faust's original personality might have been, and even though he regained his sanity, a good deal of that breakage is now permanent. What is certain, however, is that while his behavior may still be erratic, the compassion and generosity he was once known for has returned undimmed.

Faust is a doctor who operates outside of the licensed medical system, and roams the world helping those who have no one else to turn to, asking nothing in return. Once upon a time Faust was a celebrated doctor, but a single error and the resultant regret and misery twisted him into a bloodthirsty murderer. In time, Faust regained his sanity, and began attempting to atone for his awful deeds with good ones. In order to hide his identity, however, he has taken to wearing a paper bag as a mask. Faust's nigh-miraculous medical skill has proven an asset in battle as well.

Recently, he has discovered that his "accident" was in fact orchestrated by shadowy forces, and has set out to discover the truth.

English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- & -Rev2-


■ 氏名:ファウスト
■ 身長:282cm
■ 体重:55kg
■ 血液型:不明
■ 生年月日:不明
■ 出身地:不明
■ 趣味:上質な紙袋の収集
■ 大切なもの:あってはいけないと思っている
■ 嫌いなもの:自分を罠に陥れた者
■ 所属:闇医者
■ 武器:メス
■ CV:近藤隆

ファウストは乱心したことをきっかけに人格が破綻してしまったが、 平静を取り戻してからもその後遺症
が残っている。 支離滅裂な言動は今も続いているが、思いやりに富んだ心優しい性格であり、かなりの常

る生き方を決意。 活動を続ける内に、 少女の死が医療ミスではなく、 アサシン組織が主導した策略であ

「ゆりかご事件」の際にメイの救命をジョニーに請われ、ジャパニーズについて調査を開始。 歴史の影で



Name: Faust
Height: 9'3"
Weight: 121 lbs
Blood-Type: Unknown
Origin: Unknown
Hobbies: Collecting high-quality paper bags
Values: Believes it's not good to have such things
Dislikes: Those who have framed him
Affiliation: Unlicensed Doctor's Union (only member)
Weapon: Scalpel

The moment you think everything out of Faust's mouth is complete nonsense, he'll utter something so profound it'll leave you scratching your head. At times he has been known to help people find their paths in life. Going mad shattered whatever Faust's original personality might have been, and even though he regained his sanity, a good deal of that breakage is now permanent. What is certain, however, is that while his behavior may still be erratic, the compassion and generosity he was once known for has returned undimmed.

Faust is a doctor who operates outside of the licensed medical system, and roams the world helping those who have no one else to turn to, asking nothing in return. Once upon a time Faust was a celebrated doctor, but a single error and the resultant regret and misery twisted him into a bloodthirsty murderer. In time, Faust regained his sanity, and began attempting to atone for his awful deeds with good ones. In order to hide his identity, however, he has taken to wearing a paper bag as a mask. Faust's nigh-miraculous medical skill has proven an asset in battle as well.

Recently, he has discovered that his "accident" was in fact orchestrated by shadowy forces, and has set out to discover the truth.

During the Cradle Incident, he saves May under Johnny's request, and begins to investigate the mystery of the Japanese population. He discovered a mysterious body that was manipulating the health and information of the population, and that that body was linked to the Conclave.

When Chronus was confronted with this information, however, he genuinely seemed to not know...

English (Unofficial)


Guilty Gear -Strive-


■ 氏名:ファウスト
■ 身長:282cm
■ 体重:55kg
■ 血液型:不明
■ 生年月日:不明
■ 出身地:不明
■ 趣味:上質な紙袋の収集
■ 大切なもの:あってはいけないと思っている
■ 嫌いなもの:特にない
■ 所属:闇医者
■ 武器:メス

脈絡のない言葉を発したと思えば、哲学的な持論を展開し、ある時は人の進むべき道を諭したりもする。 ファウストは乱心したことをきっかけに人格が破綻してしまったが、平静を取り戻してからもその後遺症が残っている。支離滅裂な言動は今も続いているが、思いやりに富んだ心優しい性格であり、かなりの常識人である。

かつて名医と呼ばれていたが、ある時に医療ミスによって少女を死なせてしまい気が触れ、殺人鬼と成り果ててしまう。その後次元牢に投獄されるが、第二次聖騎士団選抜武道大会を経て正気を取り戻した。 以降、彼は贖罪のために自害も考えたが、闇医者として世界を放浪し、病に悩む人々を治療して贖罪する生き方を決意。活動を続ける内に、少女の死が医療ミスではなく、アサシン組織が主導した策略であることを突き止める。

「ゆりかご事件」の際にメイの救命をジョニーに請われ、ジャパニーズについて調査を開始。歴史の影で動く不穏な陰謀に気付き、その陰謀が元老院によるものだと断定。しかし、元老院リーダー「クロノス」の所業ではないことが判明。 全ては「慈悲なき啓示」こと聖皇アリエルスの陰謀だった。

慈悲なき啓示との決戦を経て過去の真実全てを知った後は、 贖罪として、自らの使命として、多くの人を救済するべくクロノスと共に放浪の旅を続けている。

ディライラが暴走した際には、彼女を死なせてしまった少女と重ね合わせ、 贖罪のために自身を犠牲にして解決を図るが、ラムレザルに咎められる。 「人を救う」という初心に戻ることを強く決意し、 暴走により発生した高密度の情報空間を転移で削り取るなど卓越した法術により大きな活躍を見せた。



  • Name: Faust
  • Height: 9'3"
  • Weight: 121 lbs
  • Blood Type: Unknown
  • Origin: Unknown
  • Meets with flower: February 18
  • Hobbies: Collecting high-quality paper bags
  • Values: Believes he cannot have such things
  • Dislikes: Nothing in particular
  • Affiliation: Unlicensed Doctor's Union
  • Weapon: Scalpel

At times everything out of Faust's mouth is absolute nonsense, and the next moment he would utter something so profound it would change a person's life. Going mad had shattered whatever personality Faust had previously, and despite regaining his sanity, a great deal of that wreckage is now permanent. Although his erratic speech and behavior still persist to this day, the compassion and generosity he was once known for have returned undimmed.

Once a highly renowned surgeon, a mishap that caused the loss of a young patient's life during an operation sent him into a downward spiral of madness, turning him into a murderous psychopath. He was apprehended and sent to the dimensional prison, where he eventually participated in the Second Holy Order Selection Tournament and regained his sanity. Although he thought of taking his own life to atone for his sins, he ultimately decided to roam the world as an underground doctor, helping those in need and having no one else to turn to. During his travels, he learned that the young patient's death back then was not due to his mishap but a ruse led by the Assassin's Guild.

During the Cradle Incident, he saved May under Johnny's request and investigated the mystery surrounding the Japanese. Uncovering a conspiracy lurking under the shadow of history, he believed that it was the Conclave who was pulling strings behind the scene. However, after confronting Chronus, the leader of the Conclave, he realized that the true mastermind was the vessel of the "Universal Will," the Sanctus Maximus Populi Ariels.

After the decisive battle with the "Universal Will" and learning the truth about his past, he resumes his journey with Chronus to help those who require his service and save lives.

When Delilah loses control, he sees the young girl whose death he caused in her. He decides to sacrifice himself to atone for his sins, but Ramlethal stops him. He swears to himself to return to his roots as someone who saves others. He helps out with an incredible feat of magic, removing the high-density information space created by Delilah’s rampage via teleportation.

Perhaps he took this return to his roots too far, as his erratic behavior and speech seem to have gotten more disturbing.

English (Unofficial)



■이름 : 파우스트
■신장 : 282cm
■체중 : 55kg
■혈액형 : 불명
■생년월일 : 불명
■출신지 : 불명
■취미 : 질이 좋은 종이봉투 수집
■소중한 것 : 있어서는 안 된다고 생각한다
■싫어하는 것 : 딱히 없다
■소속 : 무자격 의사
■무기 : 메스

맥락 없는 말을 꺼내는가 하면, 철학적인 지론을 전개하고, 어떨 때는 사람이 가야 할 길을 논하기도 한다.
파우스트는 미쳤던 일을 계기로 인격이 파탄 나버렸으나, 평정을 되찾은 뒤에도 그 후유증이 남아 있다. 지리멸렬한 언동은 지금도 계속되고 있지만, 동정심 많은 상냥한 성격으로 상당한 상식인이다.

일찍이 명의라 불렸으나, 어느 날 의료 미스에 의해 소녀를 죽게 만든 뒤 미쳐버려, 살인귀가 되고 말았다. 그 후 차원 감옥에 투옥되지만, 제2차 성기사단 선발 무도대회를 거쳐 제정신을 되찾았다.
이후, 그는 속죄를 위해서 자해도 생각했으나, 무자격 의사로서 세계를 방랑하며 병으로 괴로워하는 사람들을 치료하며 속죄하는 삶을 결심한다. 활동을 계속하던 중, 소녀의 죽음이 의료 미스가 아니라 어새신 조직이 주도한 책략이었음을 밝혀낸다.

「요람 사건」 당시, 죠니에게 메이 치료를 부탁받고 재패니즈에 대해 조사를 개시. 역사의 그림자에서 꿈틀대던 음모를 깨닫고, 그 음모가 원로원에 의한 것이라 단정. 그러나 원로원 리더 「크로노스」의 짓은 아니었음이 판명되었다.
모든 것은 「무자비한 계시」인 성황 아리엘스의 음모였다.

무자비한 계시와의 결전을 통해 과거의 진실을 모두 알게 된 뒤에는
속죄로써, 자신의 사명으로써 많은 사람을 구제하기 위해 크로노스와 함께 방랑 여행을 계속하고 있다.

딜라일라가 폭주했을 때는, 그녀를 사고로 죽게 했던 소녀와 겹쳐 보게 되면서,
속죄를 위하여 자신을 희생해 해결하려 했으나, 램리썰에게 문책당한다.
「인간을 구한다」는 초심으로 돌아갈 것을 굳게 결의하고,
폭주로 인해 발생한 고밀도의 정신 공간을 전이시켜 지우는 등 탁월한 법술을 이용해 대단한 활약을 보여 주었다.

하지만 지나치게 원점으로 돌아간 결과, 언동은 한층 무서워진 것 같다.












為了贖罪及使命感, 他認為自己應該要拯救更多人,便與克羅諾斯結伴,踏上旅程,浪跡天涯。



■Name: Faust
■Größe: 282 cm
■Gewicht: 55 kg
■Blutgruppe: Unbekannt
■Herkunft: Unbekannt
■Geburtstag: Unbekannt
■Hobbys: Hochwertige Papiertüten sammeln
■Vorlieben: Er glaubt, er darf so etwas nicht haben
■Abneigungen: Nichts Bestimmtes
■Zugehörigkeit: Verband nicht zugelassener Ärzte
■Waffe: Skalpell

Manchmal kommt aus Fausts Mund nur völliger Unsinn, und im nächsten Moment sagt er etwas so Tiefgründiges, dass es das gesamte Leben einer Person verändern kann.
Der Wahnsinn hat Fausts frühere Persönlichkeit zerstört, und obwohl er seinen Verstand wiedererlangt hat, ist ein großer Teil dieser Schäden geblieben. Auch wenn Faust bis heute eine unberechenbare Ausdrucks- und Verhaltensweise an den Tag legt, sind sein Mitgefühl und seine Großzügigkeit, für die er einst bekannt war, uneingeschränkt zurückgekehrt.

Einst war Faust ein angesehener Chirurg, doch ein Missgeschick, das während einer Operation das Leben einer jungen Patientin kostete, stürzt ihn in eine Abwärtsspirale des Wahnsinns und macht ihn zu einem mörderischen Psychopathen. Er wurde festgenommen und ins Dimensionsgefängnis gesteckt, wo er schließlich am Turnier zur Auswahl des Zweiten Heiligen Ordens teilnahm und seinen Verstand wiedererlangte.
Faust hatte mit dem Gedanken gespielt, sich das Leben zu nehmen, um für seine Sünden zu büßen, entschied sich aber schließlich dazu, als Arzt im Untergrund die Welt zu bereisen und denen zu helfen, die in Not sind und niemanden haben, an den sie sich wenden können. Auf seinen Reisen erfuhr er, dass der Tod der jungen Patientin damals nicht auf sein Missgeschick zurückzuführen, sondern eine List der Assassinengilde war.

Während des Wiege-Zwischenfalls rettete er auf Johnnys Bitte hin May und untersuchte das Geheimnis um die japanische Bevölkerung. Als er eine Verschwörung aufdeckt, die sich im Schatten der Geschichte abspielt, vermutet er, dass das Konklave hinter den Kulissen die Fäden zieht. Als er Chronus, den Anführer des Konklaves, konfrontiert, erkennt er, dass der wahre Drahtzieher das Gefäß des „Universalwillens“ ist, die Sanctus Maximus Populi Ariels.
Nach dem entscheidenden Kampf gegen den „Universalwillen“ und nachdem er die Wahrheit über seine Vergangenheit erfahren hat, nimmt er seine Reise mit Chronus wieder auf, um Leben zu retten und denen zu helfen, die seine Dienste benötigen.

Als Delilah die Kontrolle verliert, sieht er in ihr das junge Mädchen, dessen Tod er verursacht hat. Er beschließt, sich zu opfern, um für seine Sünden zu büßen, aber Ramlethal hält ihn auf.
Faust schwört, zu seinen Wurzeln zurückzukehren und wieder jemand zu werden, der andere rettet. In einer unglaublichen magischen Meisterleistung entfernt er durch Teleportation den von Delilah erschaffenen hochdichten Informationsraum.

Vielleicht hat er es mit der Rückkehr zu seinen Wurzeln zu weit getrieben, da seine unberechenbare Verhaltens- und Ausdrucksweise noch eigenartiger geworden ist.

■Nombre: Faust
■Estatura: 2,82 m
■Peso: 55 kg
■Grupo sanguíneo: Desconocido
■Origen: Desconocido
■Fecha de nacimiento: Desconocido
■Aficiones: Coleccionar bolsas de papel de buena calidad
■Le importa: Cree que no puede importarle nada
■Odia: Nada en particular
■Afiliación: Sindicato de Médicos sin Licencia
■Arma: Escalpelo

A veces todo lo que sale de la boca de Faust es un completo disparate y de repente dice algo tan profundo que puede cambiarle a alguien la vida.
Volverse loco hizo añicos la personalidad original de Faust y, aunque recuperó la cordura, buena parte de ese daño es ahora permanente. Aunque su comportamiento y discurso siguen siendo erráticos, la compasión y la generosidad por la que una vez fue conocido han vuelto intactas.

Faust fue un cirujano muy reputado en el pasado, pero un error que causó la muerte de una paciente joven durante una operación le precipitó a una espiral descendente de locura que lo convirtió en un psicópata asesino. Lo apresaron y enviaron a la prisión dimensional, desde donde acabó participando en el Torneo de Selección de la Segunda Orden Sagrada y recuperó la cordura.
Aunque pensó en quitarse la vida para expiar sus pecados, finalmente decidió vagar por el mundo como médico clandestino, ayudando a los necesitados que no tenían a nadie a quien recurrir. Durante sus viajes, se enteró de que la muerte de aquella joven paciente no se debió a un percance, sino a una artimaña dirigida por el Gremio de Asesinos.

Durante el Incidente de la Cuna, salvó a May a petición de Johnny y empezó a investigar el misterio del pueblo japonés. Descubrió una inquietante conspiración oculta en las sombras y planteó la hipótesis de que el Cónclave estaba detrás del misterio. Sin embargo, cuando se le pidieron explicaciones a Chronus, el líder del Cónclave, se dio cuenta de que la verdadera mente maestra era la huésped de la Voluntad Universal, el Sanctus Maximus Populi Ariels.

Después de la decisiva batalla contra la Voluntad Universal y de conocer la verdad sobre su pasado, reanuda su viaje con Chronus para ayudar a los que necesiten de sus servicios y salvar vidas.

Cuando Delilah pierde el control, Faust ve reflejada en ella a la niña a la que le causó la muerte. Decide entonces sacrificarse para redimir sus pecados, pero Ramlethal lo detiene.
Faust jura volver a sus raíces y volver a ser esa persona que salva a otros. Ayuda llevando a cabo una increíble hazaña mágica que elimina el espacio de alta densidad de información creado por el estallido de Delilah teletransportándolo.

Tal vez haya llevado demasiado lejos el regreso a sus orígenes, ya que su comportamiento y discurso erráticos parecen haberse vuelto más inquietantes.

■Nom : Faust
■Taille : 2,82 m
■Poids : 55 kg
■Groupe sanguin : inconnue
■Origine : inconnue
■Date de naissance : inconnue
■Loisirs : collectionner les sacs en papier de qualité
■Aime : rien, car il estime que c'est une mauvaise idée
■N'aime pas : rien de spécial
■Affiliation : Union des docteurs sans permis
■Arme : scalpel

Généralement, ce qui sort de la bouche de Faust ne semble être qu'un ramassis d'inepties. Pourtant, il lui arrive parfois de tenir des propos d'une profondeur capable de changer votre vie.
La personnalité originale de Faust a disparu lorsqu'il a perdu la tête. Il a beau avoir retrouvé ses esprits, le mal est fait. Pourtant, il semble évident que, malgré ses incohérences, il a retrouvé la compassion et la grande générosité qui faisaient autrefois sa renommée.

Il y a longtemps, Faust était un chirurgien respecté, mais il devient un monstre assoiffé de sang après avoir laissé une jeune patiente mourir, ce qui le plonge dans les regrets et le désespoir. Capturé, puis envoyé en prison dimensionnelle, il participe au tournoi de sélection du deuxième Ordre sacré et finit par retrouver sa santé mentale.
Il a bien pensé à mettre un terme à sa vie pour se racheter pour ses crimes, mais décide de parcourir le monde pour soigner les gens qui n'ont personne d'autre vers qui se tourner. Son périple l'amène à découvrir que la mort de sa jeune patiente n'avait rien d'un accident, mais avait été orchestré par la Guilde des assassins.

Lors de l'incident du Berceau, Johnny lui demande de sauver May et d'enquêter sur le mystère qui entoure la population japonaise. Il met au jour une conspiration impliquant une manipulation de l'histoire, à laquelle il pense le Conclave lié. Mais, lorsqu'il accuse Chronus, le chef du Conclave, d'être derrière tout ça, il comprend que le véritable cerveau est en fait le Sanctus Maximus Populi, Ariels, réceptacle de la "Volonté universelle".

Après avoir livré un combat décisif contre la "Volonté universelle" et appris la vérité sur son passé, il reprend son périple aux côtés de Chronus pour recommencer à sauver des vies.

Lorsque Delilah perd le contrôle, il la voit comme la jeune fille dont il a causé la mort. Il décide de se sacrifier pour expier ses péchés, mais Ramlethal l'arrête.
Il se jure de revenir à ses racines et de recommencer à sauver des vies. Faust offre son aide en réalisant un véritable exploit magique : il retire l'espace d'information à haute densité créé par Delilah en se téléportant.

Son comportement et son discours incohérent semblent encore plus troublants qu'ils ne l'étaient autrefois, peut-être parce qu'il est allé trop loin dans son retour aux sources.

■Nome: Faust
■Altezza: 283 cm
■Peso: 55 kg
■Gruppo sanguigno: Sconosciuto
■Provenienza: Sconosciuta
■Data di nascita: Sconosciuta
■Hobby: Collezionare buste di carta di qualità
■Apprezza: Credere di non poter avere certe cose
■Disprezza: Nulla di particolare
■Affiliazione: Sindacato dei medici abusivi
■Arma: Bisturi

In certi casi le parole di Faust sembrano completamente senza senso, in altri casi è capace di enunciare pensieri così profondi da cambiare l'esistenza delle persone.
La follia ha mandato in frantumi la personalità di Faust, qualunque essa fosse; l'aver successivamente recuperato la stabilità mentale non è bastato per riparare alcuni di quei danni, ormai permanenti. Malgrado i discorsi e i comportamenti bizzarri persistano tutt'oggi, la compassione e la generosità che lo contraddistinguevano sono tornate col massimo splendore.

Un tempo era un apprezzato chirurgo, ma una sbavatura durante un'operazione causò la morte di un giovane paziente, una tragedia che lo trascinò in una cupa spirale di follia, trasformandolo in un assassino psicopatico. Venne arrestato e incarcerato nella prigione dimensionale; fu lì che partecipò al torneo di selezione del Secondo Ordine Sacro e ritrovò la sanità mentale.
Pensò a lungo di togliersi la vita per espiare i propri peccati, ma infine decise di vagare per il mondo come dottore clandestino e prestare soccorso a chi non aveva più nessuno a cui chiedere aiuto. Durante i suoi viaggi apprese che la morte del giovane paziente non fu causata da un suo errore, bensì da uno stratagemma ordito dalla Gilda degli Assassini.

Salvò May durante l'Incidente della Culla su richiesta di Johnny, investigando il mistero che accompagna i giapponesi. Scoprì una cospirazione che si nascondeva sotto le ombre della storia e si convinse che dietro ci fosse il Conclave a tirare i fili. Tuttavia, dopo essersi confrontato con Chronus, leader del Conclave, si rese conto che la vera mente era il portatore della "Volontà Universale", il Sanctus Maximus Populi Ariels.

Dopo la battaglia decisiva con la "Volontà Universale" e avendo appreso la verità sul proprio passato, tornò alle origini e si impegnò a "salvare la vita delle persone", riprendendo il suo viaggio con Chronus per aiutare chi aveva bisogno di lui.

Quando Delilah perde il controllo, rivede in lei la giovane ragazza di cui ha causato la morte. Decide di sacrificarsi per espiare i propri peccati, ma Ramlethal glielo impedisce.
Giura a sé stesso di ritrovare il proprio passato di medico che salva le vite degli altri. Offre aiuto con un incredibile sfoggio di magia, rimuovendo lo spazio informativo ad alta densità creato dalla furia di Delilah tramite il teletrasporto.

Forse si è spinto un po' troppo nella ricerca del suo passato, visto che il comportamento e i discorsi bizzarri sembrano aver preso una piega peggiore.
