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The following is a list of quotes attributed to Giovanna.

Guilty Gear -Strive-


Note: The conversation starts with whoever is on the P2 side, with P1 side as a reply.

  • Generic:
    • (P2) "I will neutralize you."
    • (P2) "Can we get this over with?"
    • (P2) "Okay, let's assess your threat level."
    • (P1) "Yeah, don't care. Can we just do this?"
    • (P1) "Have you been practicing that one?"
    • (P1) "Wow, cool."
  • Self:
    • (P2) "A doppel-whatever?"
      • (P1) "You mean me, or you?"
    • (P2) "Maybe we're twins, separated at birth."
      • (P1) "Maybe? Who's the little sister?"
  • Nagoriyuki:
    • (P2) "If you die, I apologize."
      • (P1) (Nagoriyuki: "I look forward to it.")
    • (P2) (Nagoriyuki: "A feral one, aren't you?")
      • (P1) "You looking for a fight?"
  • Leo
    • (P2) "Can I drag you home with me?"
    • (P1) "You are just my type."
  • Goldlewis:
    • (P2) "Mind taking it easy on me?"
      • (P1) (Goldlewis: "Stop foolin' around and fight.")
    • (P2) (Goldlewis: "No holdin' back; no foolin' around.")
      • (P1) "This won't go on my record, will it?"
  • Johnny:
    • (P2) "Got nothing better to do?"
      • (P1) (Johnny: "I'm plenty busy when there's a lady involved, obviously.")
    • (P2) (Johnny: "Damn, Vernon... Maybe I should run for president.")
      • (P1) "I'm not sure they let pirates on the ticket."
  • Slayer:
    • (P2) "Classy..."
    • (P1) "You wanna come back for coffee?"
  • "What, you hungry?"
  • "True, but a jaguar cub might be stronger."
  • "Hey, no, this isn't Iguazu, y'know."
  • Leo
    • "We can't take him home if you do that."
    • "Yeah, he's got me kinda mesmerized."
    • "No, 'cause I'm gonna eat him."
  • Slayer
    • "He's immortal, but that just makes him sexier."
    • "You see those laugh lines on him? That's the stuff."
    • "How do you put up with all those bats?"
Taunts and Respects
  • "Wanna hit the gym after this? Place smells so oily though..."
  • "At this point, I'd rather beat up a punching bad."
  • "Eh, well, I didn't expect much to begin with."
  • [sigh] "I don't get paid enough to come out for these lame little jobs. Y'know, I hear in some countries your employer even pays your commuting cost. Hey actually, do you think there's a union for Secret Service members?"
  • "Yeah. You miss eating raw meat, huh? You haven't had a bite since you joined human society. Cooking meat gets rid of all the nume[?] inside it too. Did you know that some civilized countries still eat raw meat? It'd be kinda hard to change jobs at this point though. Hm? Our opponent? Nah, don't do it."
  • "Hey, are you getting tired of this too? I know! Let's visit the spirit mountain after this. I hear that there are a lot of quality spirits there. Huh? That's not your thing? You gotta try harder to make friends. I know, I know, you're my #1 too, Rei."
  • "Is that you boss? I never agreed to do this much work. Yes, like I said, they're stupidly strong."
  • "Hold on, give me a sec. Yes? Yeah, that's a good idea. We can use this one. Is the President there?"
  • "Giovanna reporting in. Yes. Would you like them to come in tomorrow? Right, it'd be a career change."
  • "Yes, I give up. But I am not running away."
  • "Uhhh, if you'd like to loosen up a little, you're totally welcome to do that."
  • "Yeah, you're really good."
  • Leo
    • "Why yes, I am single!"
    • "Good. If I keep this up, I can take him home."
    • "Hey boss, I met someone. I mean, I found someone, for our team."
    • "Yeah, he's not as strong as I thought he'd be. It's okay, he's hot. His fighting just isn't his strongest asset. Now, how should I bring him home? Yeah, good call. I'll knock him out first."
  • Johnny
    • "Mmmmm, he's not quite right. There's no... spark. Or maybe no excitement? Yeah, I don't need to take him home."
    • "Chief, is it an issue if he's got priors— I mean, a pretty bad upbringing? I'll vouch for his skill."
    • "Yes Mr. President, what is it? You know him? You owe him? Ahaha, that's not good. What if the press finds out?"
  • Slayer
    • "Let's see. If I take him home after I beat him, think he'll tell me where he lives?"
    • "If we go any further, we'll ruin his dandiness! Could you live with that?! Wouldn't you rather take him under your wing?"
    • "Aye boss, I'm gonna be clocking out early today. Would you make something up for the President? Thank you!"
    • "I will follow you wherever you go."
Round Win
  • Leo
    • "If I win this next one, take me out on a date."
    • "Do you spend a lot of time with kids? Seems like you would."
  • Slayer
    • "I know this is out of nowhere, but will you let me see your family register?"
    • "Can we stop this and hit the town?"
  • Leo
    • "So burly"
    • "Amazing"
  • Slayer
    • "You're very open-minded."
    • "So he's taken?!"