The following is a list of quotes attributed to Testament.
Guilty Gear
- Intro
- Attack
- Damage
- Block
- その調子だ!?
- そんなものか??
- まだ足りない!?
- Taunts
- もっとやるがいい?
- 限界を引き出せ?
- 実にいい気分だ!?
- Respects
- 成程、腕が立つ?
- 殺すのが惜しいな......?
- 人間にしてはやるな?
- Round win
- 大役ご苦労?
- 楽しい祝宴だった......?
- カオスは目の前だ!?
- Round loss
- 馬鹿な奴だ......?
- そうだ、それでいい......?
- Phantom Soul
- Grave Digger
- Nightmare Circular
Guilty Gear X
- Winning
- Self: 愚かだな…。生身で召喚を担うことが、どれだけ負荷を要するのか解らなかったのか??
"You fool...Don't you understand what a burden it is to have such power?"
- Sol: 貴様を思うと心が渇く…! 消えて無くなれ!!?
"Knowing you're alive makes my heart thirst for your death. Leave this world!"
- Ky: 帰るがいい…。公権の出る幕ではない。?
"You should go now...There is no need for the government here."
- May: 子供とて加減のできる身体ではない、帰ってくれ…。?
"I'm not able to adjust my power to fight a child. Please go away..."
- Faust: 私もまた「生きる」ことと向かい合っている。負けるわけにはいかない。?
"My whole life lies ahead of me. I cannot quit here."
- Potemkin: バケモノ扱いされることには慣れている。貴様に言われるのは 心外だがな。?
"I've grown accustomed to humans thinking of me as a monster. I didn't expect it from you."
- Chipp: それだけの足があるのなら帰り道も早かろう、…消えろ。?
"With your speed, it won't take long for you to go back home...Leave me."
- Zato: まさか…、まだ「仲間」が生き残っていたというのか??
"This cannot be...Another comrade has survived?"
- Millia: まるで魂の骸だな…。心ここにあらずで勝てると思ったのか??
"You're nothing but an empty shell... Did you really think you could win this battle without really putting yourself into it?"
- Axl: まだ解らないのか? そもそも物理的に私を消すことなどできないということが。?
"Don't you understand? It's impossible to physically wipe me out."
- Kliff: 義父上……私は……?
- Baiken: そういった怨根を喰らい続けることが我々の性なのだ…。?
"You hate us so much...But fighting you is more satisfying than most... Perhaps we are destined to continue like this..."
- Justice: 最初からこうなるべきだったのだ。今こそ討つ!父の仇!?
"This is how it should have been from the beginning. Now, I shall take revenge for my father!"
- Johnny: 切り札は私に味方したようだ、ジョーカーを引いたのは貴様の方だ ったな。?
"Looks like fate smiled on me."
- Venom: 意外な戦闘スタイルだったよ、しかし玉遊びの粋は出ていないがな。?
"Your strategy caught me by surprise, but in the end it's still just a game."
- Anji: 私は、存在することに命を賭ける者の壁だ。単なる興味で越えられると思うな。?
"I risk my life just to exist in this world. I'm not someone you can mess with."
- Jam: フン、賞金目当てか。私も賭けられた金額に見合う働きをせんとな、ククク!?
"Oh, you only want the bounty on my head? I suppose I have to live up to my reputation!"
- Dizzy: オマエは闘う必然性を断ち切らねばならぬのだ、後は私に任せて おけ…。?
"You must relinquish your desire to fight...leave it to me from here..."
Guilty Gear XX
- Winning
Note: Quotes against self, Sol, Ky, May, Faust, Potemkin, Chipp, Eddie/Zato, Millia, Axl, Kliff, Baiken, Johnny, Venom, Anji, Jam, Justice are the same as in Guilty Gear X.
- Order-Sol (post-Slash):貴様…貴様の全てをこの世界から消してやる!!?
"Damn you! I'll destroy you and wipe everything you hold dear from the face of the earth!"
- Robo-Ky: いくらでも参考にするがいい。俗流に真似できる程、常凡な技は持っていないが。?
"It would take you an eternity to possess my skills and abilities with an inferior technique like that."
- Dizzy: あの頭領の下ならば私も安心だ。もうここへ寄る必要もあるまい。?
"I have no worries as long as he is watching over you. You don't need to do this anymore."
- Slayer: これが千年を閲した闇の力か。ずいぶんと、あっけない。?
"This is the dark power that has survived for hundreds of thousands of years? I'm quite disappointed."
- Bridget: 私がことのほか体格差に苦労したから その程度の怪我で済んでいるのだ 早々に立ち去ってくれ。?
"I'm not used to fighting against someone of your height, so you weren't hurt this time. Leave me."
- Zappa: 私は一翼にすら縉紳を従えているのだ。雑霊の君に勝ち目はない。?
"The will of the commander of all Gears lives on in me. A lowly spirit like you can never win."
- I-No: 誓いを持する刃には見境がない。死処に恵まれたくば ここには近付かないことだ。?
"If you don't want to die, never let me see you again."
- A.B.A (post-Slash): おまえも血の契約を…。フッ 出来なかったとみえる。?
"You also took the blood oath? Hmph, I guess not.
- Intro
- Generic:
- ここから先には行かせない?
"You won't get any further than this."
- 私に勝てると思うのか……??
"You think you can win against me?"
- まどろみに溺れるがいい?
"Go ahead and doze off..."
- 己の力量をわきまえろ?
"Let me test your strength!"
- 裃を脱ぐ気にはなれんが?
"Not used to take off your battle clothes?"
- 蟒に瓢だな浅ましい?
"Like a serpent in the gourd... pitiful."
- Justice (pre-Slash):
- (Justice: *Releases compressed air from her verniers*)
- "Evil I won't forget!"
- "Fight to the last!"
- "This is our last battle!"
- Kliff (pre-Slash):
- 父さん??
- (Kliff: "Don't miss the opportunity...")
- 幻か??
"A phantom?"
- (Kliff: "I won't let my legend be forgotten..")
- 何故??
- (Kliff: "Show me how far you've come...")
- Johnny:
- 借りができたな?
"I'm in your debt."
- (Johnny: "But of course, why don't you come drink sake with me some time?")
- あの子を頼んだぞ?
"I leave her to you."
- (Johnny: "Still attached? No need to worry...")
- ディスィーは幸せか?
"Is Dizzy happy?"
- (Johnny: "If you're worried, you should come visit if you want...")
- Dizzy:
- 幸せそうで安心したぞ?
"Seeing you happy puts me at ease."
- (Dizzy: "Yes, everyone's treating me well.")
- 見失うなよそこがお前の居場所だ?
"Don't forget... that place will always be your home."
- そんな笑顔もできたのだな?
"So you've been able to smile like that."
- (Dizzy: "Thank you... Testament.")
- それでいい、よかった?
"That's good... thank goodness."
- (Dizzy: "Do you... really mean that?") (AC)
- "Enough... you don't need to..." (AC)
- いい家族を持てたな?
"You've found a good family."
- (Dizzy: "Johnny said for you to come over visit sometime.")
- Taunts and Respects
- 限界を引き出せ?
"Try to the limit!"
- あさましい真似を……?
"In such a pitiful manner..."
- 闘気がすすけているぞ?
"Your fighting spirit is stained."
- 燕雀に等しい?
"Just like a small bird..."
- もっとやるがいい?
"Try harder."
- 無理をすれば死を招くぞ?
"Try too hard and you'll be asking for death."
- "I'll show you I don't kneel to anyone!" (AC)
- "Full of conceit!" (AC)
- 成る程腕が立つ?
"I see, your skill is impressive."
- 楽しませてくれる……?
"This will be fun!"
- 生身にしてはやるな?
"Not so bad for someone living."
- 抗えば苦しみが増すだけだ?
"Resist and it will only hurt more."
- 力を使わねばなるまい?
"Guess I'll have to use my strength for this one."
- ぬまだ力を隠しているな?
"Hiding your strength, are you?"
- Round Win
- 天涯の地と知れ関わるな?
"Don't involve yourself... in what doesn't concern you."
- もう……会う事も無いだろう?
"Enough... I don't think we'll meet again."
- 頼むもう来ないでくれ?
"Please, stop coming."
- 奢ったな?
"What a luxury."
- この森は汚させん?
"You won't stain this forest!"
- 妙諦など無いのかも知れんな?
"There might be strange retreats..."
- Round Loss
- "This is... not how I wanted to go...!"
- まだ......早い......!?
"Wait... too fast!"
- とっ......とうさん......?
- バカな、この力が......??
"Impossible, this power..."
- 力が......足りない......?
"I don't... have enough power..."
- このままでは......?
"Like this..."
- Special Attacks
- Phantom Soul:
- 避けられるか??
"Can you escape this?"
- 差し上げよう......?
"Just for you!"
- 血に染まれ!?
"Become bloodstained!"
- Grave Digger:
- グレイヴディガー!?
- EXE Beast:
- Warrant:
- くるがいい......?
"Come at me."
- やめておけ?
"You'd better stop."
- もう終わりか......??
"Is that all?"
- Badlands:
- Overdrives
- Nightmare Circular:
- ナイトメアサーキュラー!!?
- Master of Puppets:
- マスターオブパペット!?
- いただこうか!?
- これで、抜け殻になる?
"Come forth, manifest thyself!!"
- Instant Kill
- Stance Preparation:
- 多少遊び過ぎた......?
"I played around too much..."
- 大人しく帰ればいいものを......?
"You could have gone home peacefully..."
- 終わりにしてくれる!?
- Seventh Sign:
- 契約に従え?
- セヴンスサイン?
- 消し炭になるがいい!!?
- 消えてなくなれ!!?
[1] Transcription and Translation Credits
Guilty Gear -Strive-
- Intro
Note: The conversation starts with whoever is on the P2 side, with P1 side as a reply.
- Generic:
- (P2) "Sink softly into slumber."
- (P2) "Nice day for a stroll, don't you think?"
- (P2) "Well then. To a dazzling encounter."
- (P1) "Let's see where your beauty lies."
- (P1) "I don't recall any business with you."
- (P1) "Fine, then. You have until my tea is ready."
- Self:
- (P2) "Oh? It looks like I've become quite the trendsetter."
- (P1) "I was about to say the same thing."
- (P2) "You there, arms up a bit. It's more graceful."
- (P1) "Is that so? I was just thinking lower would be better."
- Ky:
- (P2) "Tell me, is Dizzy well?"
- (P1) (Ky: "She's not as weak as you think she is.")
- (P2) (Ky: "My power is for protecting... and for building.")
- (P1) "Abandoning humanity for love? What a foolish king you are!"
- May:
- (P2) "You've matured a bit."
- (P1) (May: "You haven't changed a bit.")
- (P2) (May: "Wanna see how I've grown?")
- (P1) "It's so lovely to be back."
- Sin:
- (P2) "There's a reward in it for you, if you win."
- (P1) (Sin: "You're not bloodthirsty, but you're scarier than my Old Man... I'll still win, though.")
- Johnny:
- (P2) "Surely you're not that shocked."
- (P1) (Johnny: "Now here's a face I haven't seen in a minute")
- (P2) (Johnny: "Wanna grab some grub after this?")
- (P1) "Heh heh. Fine, if you insist."
- Elphelt:
- (P2) "A strong Darjeeling, homemade butter biscuits, and a divine singing voice... This should be a teatime to remember."
- (P1) (Elphelt: "Ms. Dizzy told me all about you!")
- (P2) (Elphelt: "Is this girl power? No... What power is this?")
- (P1) "I don't have anything clever to say, but I promise hospitality."
- A.B.A:
- (P2) "Care for some tea?"
- (P1) (A.B.A: "What I care for is Paracelsus.")
- (P2) (A.B.A: "I'm shocked. To think a person could change so much...")
- (P1) "That makes two of us, I'd say."
- Outro
- "I have earned a bubble bath today."
- "I'd say it's time for a tea break. Milk and sugar for you?"
- "Do try to learn your limits."
- Taunts and Respects
- "What a glorious waste of time..."
- "Must I be awake for this?"
- "I should relax a bit. No point in being bored and tense."
- "Excuse me, would you like some?"
- "Why don't you relax, yourself?"
- "Do a good job and later, we'll bake macarons."
- "Fine, help yourself to my blood."
- "You've had ages to practice... and it shows."
- "Pardon me, would you like some?"
- "Time for tea. ...Lovely."
- "Beautiful."
- "I've learned much from you."
- "You've earned my respect."
- "I’ll give you some herbal tea. Share it and my regards with Dizzy." (VS Ky)
- Round Win
- "You got too greedy."
- "Where's your fighting spirit?"
- "Hesitation leads to death."
- "And, pose!"
- "I know a thing or two about sorcery."
- "Don't fret, I cut too sharply to leave a scar."
- "What's wrong? That wasn't like you." (VS May)
- "You haven’t shown me your full potential." (VS Ky)
- "Holding back, aren’t you?" (VS Ky)
- Loss
- "My makeup is ruined!"
- "Well done, indeed."
- "There's much you could teach me."
- "Oh be still my heart..."
- "Father..."
- "Overdid it on the blood..."
- "My judgement failed me..."
- "How fruitless..."
- "Take care... of Dizzy..." (VS Ky)
Note that groans and other non-intelligible noises are not listed:
- Damage
- "What...?"
- "Amazing..."
- "Oh my-"
- "Oh dear."
- "Huh?"
- "How unforgiving..."
- "You beast..."
- "Not... yet..."
- "Careful...!"
- "Preposterous!"
- "Hands off!"
- "Rude..."
- "Oh my..."
- "This is bad!"
- "Impossible...!"
- "...What...?"
- "How rude..."
- Guard
- "I'm sure that would've been painful."
- "It's simply no use."
- "So futile..."
- "That's about right."
- "Did you do something?"
- "That tickles."
- Normal Attacks
- Dust Attacks
- "You're dead."
- "Sacrifice..."
- "This might hurt."
- Special Attacks
- Grave Reaper
- "Grave Reaper"
- "Grave Reaper..."
- "How about this?"
- Unholy Diver
- "Go!"
- "I thank you."
- "Fly."
- "Attack."
- Arbiter Sign
- "Arbiter Sign."
- "Arbiter Sign!"
- "Arbiter Sign!!"
- Throws
- "Not enough"
- "Wake up."
- "Back up."
- "What?!"
- "Oops."
- Roman Cancel
- "Let us begin."
- "Oh, what fun!"
- "Not quite..."
- "Now then..."
- "Something wrong?"
- "I can read you."
- "Enough."
- "Shallow." (?)
- Burst
- "Withdraw."
- "You've done it now."
- "You've forced my hand."
- "I'm done playing nice."
- "No time to flinch."
- "Instinct isn't everything you know..."
- Combo Success
- "Should I hold back even more?"
- "Excellent pose, by the way."
- "That... could use some work."
- Wild Assault
- Overdrives
- Nostrovia
- "Nostrovia!"
- "Our contract is sealed!"
- "Your favor, if you will."
- Calamity One
- "Calamity One."
- "Calamity One!"
- "How unsightly..."
- "Stay in step."
- "How quick are you...?"
- Unused
- "Why you!"
- "Hands off, please."
- "How dismal!"
- "Hmm... I'd call this new shampoo a hit."
- "Always an utmost pleasure."
- "Here we go."
- "Oh dear."
- "Leave it to me."
- "Time to end this."
Guilty Gear Petit 2
Guilty Gear X Advance Edition
- Tag Mode interactions
- Testament:
- ならとっとと失せるんだな
- 何も好き好んでお前といる
- 訳じゃない?
- I'm not very comfortable teaming up with you.
- Sol:
- 貴様と手を組む事になるとはな
- 実に不快だ?
- So why don't you leave? This isn't exactly a picnic for me, you know.
- Testament:
- (聖騎士団・・・か
- あの頃を父さんを思い出す・・・)?
- (The Sacred Order... Reminds me of my father...)
- Ky:
- その眼に最早狂気はないとはいえ
- ギアはギア・・・この者と組むのは
- 正しい事なのだろうか? 神よ・・・}?
- You may be peaceful, but you are still a Gear. Should I really be working with you?
- May:
- あの子を守りたいんだよね
- それは判るよ
- でも本当にこれでいいの??
- You want to protect her, don't you? I understand, but is it really okay this way?
- Testament:
- 確かに私の行動の善悪は判らん
- 守る事と縛る事の差は
- 所詮 主観でしかないからな?
- I know... There's really no difference between protecting her and binding her.
- Faust:
- やはり召還のタイミングを
- 知るもの同士
- 息が合いますね?
- I suppose summoners like us were meant to be friends.
- Testament:
- (同類とは思いたくないが
- この動き・・・
- どうしても人間とは思えない・・・)?
- (I don't want to think he's the same as me... But his moves simply aren't human...)
- Potemkin:
- 手加減とはな 兵器にとって 殺意の否定は存在の否定
- どういうつもりだ? 貴様本当に・・・?
- For a Gear, not wanting to kill is like not wanting to exist. Are you all right?
- Testament:
- 黙れ! それ以上言うなら・・・
- 覚悟してもらおう?
- Shut up! Say anything more... and it'll be your turn next.
- Chipp:
- 胸クソ悪い戦法だぜ
- 俺はなァ 毒物とか悪夢ってのが
- 大ッ嫌いなンだよ!?
- You're driving me up the wall! All you talk about is nightmares and poison!
- Testament:
- ならばどこへでも去るがいい
- 私といれば悪夢が現実になる
- さけだ・・・?
- If you don't like it, go away. With me, you'll have nothing but nightmares...
- Zato-ONE:
- ケケケ トドメヲ刺サナイノ力?
- カヲ抑エテイルナ・・・今更ソレデ
- ドウナル訳デモアルマイニ!?
- Testament:
- 黙れ 言われずとも判っている
- ・・・貴様にどうこう言われる
- 義理はない?
- I know that! Shut up! You don't have the right to say anything to me.
- Testament:
- 不本意に業を重ねるか・・・
- オマエはどうやら手を血に
- ためねばならぬ宿命らしい?
- Why must I join with you? I can tell, your destiny is tainted with blood.
- Millia:
- ・・・貴方こそ
- 他人のことを言えるの?
- 随分年期が入ってるようだけど・・・?
- ...Like you should talk. I hear you've been in the business for a while now.
- Testament:
- 過去でもし 先代の聖騎士団
- 団長に会うことがあったら一言・・・
- いや 何でもない・・・?
- Listen, if you ever meet the former Sacred Order head, tell him... Oh, never mind.
- Axl:
- どしたの? あ〜 何だか雰囲気
- 変わったねぇアンタ 攻撃だけは
- 相変わらず凶悪だけどねぇ?
- What? What're you so down for all of a sudden? I hope you can still fight okay...
- Baiken:
- まさか
- ギアとツルむ事になるとはね
- 俺もヤキがまわったもんだ?
- Teaming up with a Gear... I swear, I must be getting old.
- Testament:
- その言葉そっくりお返ししよう
- 私とてこの状態を納得している
- 訳ではない?
- That's exactly my thought. I find it difficult to believe this myself.
- Johnny:
- 悪いな 身長じゃあちと負けるが
- ルックスも戦いぶりも俺の圧勝だ
- レディの視線を独占だぜ!?
- I'm not quite as tall, but I have you beat in looks! The ladies are all mine now!
- Testament:
- ・・・一人でやっていてくれ?
- ...Suit yourself
- Testament:
- ほう
- 玉遊びも偶には役に立つ事が
- あるようだ}?
- Well, well... it looks like playing pool can get a man somewhere after all.
- Venom:
- ギアに誉められる・・・か
- お互い兵器の言葉にそれ程の
- 価値があるとも思えないがな?
- Praise from a Gear, huh? Somehow that doesn't seem to hold much value for me...
- Testament:
- 貴様 ジャパニーズか
- 我々の滅ぼした国・・・
- ぞかし私が憎かろう?
- You're Japanese... from the land we destroyed... You must despise me.
- Anji:
- 憎くねぇとは言わねぇが おめえ
- をブチのめしても始まらねぇ!
- せいぜい利用させてもらうのさ!?
- Well, I won't lie, but I won't accomplish anything by beating you up, so...
- Jam:
- 戦った後お腹空かない力?
- ラーメンでも何でも好きなもの
- 作てあげるヨ!?
- I bet you're hungry, no? How about some ramen? I'll make whatever you want!
- Testament:
- (ポテトラーメ・・・)
- いや 先を急ごう・・・?
- (Mmm.. potato ramen...) Errm, no, we'd best be moving along...
- Testament:
- 手を汚すのは私一人で十分だ
- お前が戦う必要はない?
- You don't need to fight. I can't let you dirty your hands with this.
- Dizzy:
- まるでご自分を責めているよう
- 貴方迄が手を汚す理由が
- いったい何処にあるのです!?
- But there's no reason why you should have to dirty yours, either!
- ↑ Sol and Testament's lines are swapped in the English version.