Guilty Gear -Strive- script

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The following subpage comprises a partial verbal transcript of Guilty Gear -Strive-.

  • This transcript contains cutscene dialogue from Arcade Mode.
  • Transcriptions of battle dialogue and arcade quotes are found on character's individual quote lists.
  • Dialogue is sorted by character name, then by date or by location.


Ky Kiske carved his name into history.

Ky, the charismatic young king, had countless tales of heroism to his name.

However, such tales only tell one side of the story of Ky's extraordinary rise.

This is not Ky Kiske's story.

This is but one episode...

Along his path to bringing humankind and gears into coexistence and becoming a singular historical presence, the world watched in terror as the White House fell under attack...

But meanwhile, somewhere out of sight, another story was unfolding.

TRAIN - Exterior

[Ramlethal whizzes by and lands on a train. Delilah floats above a city in the distance. She sees Baiken.]

Baiken: Delilah!

Ramlethal: Baiken.

Baiken: And you are?

Ramlethal: Illyria Special Brigade Commander, Ramlethal Valentine.

Baiken: Oh? I take it my name's on your list of potential insurgents.

Ramlethal: No. It's on my list of emergency consultants. You're not here by chance, are you?

[Flashback to Anji's home]

Anji: This girl seems to be lost. "Delilah." That's all she's told me. I assume it's her name.

[Baiken glances at Delilah and narrows her eyes onto Anji]

[Delilah focuses her powers onto Happy Chaos on the White House airship]

Delilah: There. Now I'll avenge my brother.

[Delilah's powers start sparking. She cowers as they envelope her in a small sphere.]

Delilah: Wh-Why?

[Delilah's powers grow far past her size and knocks several large evergreen trees into the air.]

[Two Phalanx soldiers enter the scene on top of the train.]

Phalanx 1: Is... Is that a child?

Phalanx 2: Why? Don't like kids?

Phalanx 1: I like 'em fine as long as they stay on the ground.

Phalanx 2: A kid's a kid. Don't you see what's going on with her?

[Ramlethal looks up at Delilah towering above the ground.]

Ramlethal: ...She can't control her power. Her energy can't stop expanding.

Baiken: All right, spill it. [Baiken starts charging towards the Phalanx soldiers.] What are you planning to do with her?

Phalanx 1: Please stand back. It's dangerous.

Baiken: Answer me! I'm the one who got here first, now let me-- [Baiken grabs the soldier's chest armor.]

Phalanx 1: It doesn't matter who you are. [Soldier puts their hand over Baiken's] Incapacitation is our top priority now.

Baiken: "Incapacitation?" What the hell're you saying? [Baiken smacks the soldier's hand away.] She's just a kid, dammit!

Phalanx 1: ... Can you see the city down there? That "kid" is about to wipe out everything in a nine-kilometer radius. Including a hundred and twenty thousand people.

[Baiken's expression melts into horror.]

Baiken: Wha--?!

[Baiken's mouth is agape as she continues to stare.]

Ramlethal: She's going to jump somewhere far away. The blast will destroy the city. Even if it's not her intention, she still has the power to do so. She's as strong or stronger than she was back in the Cradle.

[Baiken looks away.]

Baiken: Somewhere far away...? The White House...

[The decapitated trees hit the train and cause a large worker's rail to smack into the group. Phalanx 2 uses a circular lance to prevent it from crashing onto them. It causes the cargo carts to completely derail.]

Phalanx 2: Be careful.

Ramlethal: Thank you. Any backup?

Phalanx 2: May's squad is on their way. Shouldn't we check in with the capital about this?

Ramlethal: There's no need.

Phalanx 1: Four adults against one little girl... We can handle this.

Ramlethal: Stay calm. What's the worst that can happen?

Phalanx 1: That sphere could rupture. It could be half a day, it could be a second--

Ramlethal: Then what? What happens after half a day or a second?

Phalanx 1: ...

Ramlethal: Let the capital focus on the attack on the White House. This matter falls to us to handle.

Phalanx 1: But there's no way we can evacuate all the civilians by ourselves! Our best chance may be to attack the girl directly.

[A giant robot appears that looks like Bedman's old bed and confront the four of them.]

Ramlethal: [eyes widening] Bedman?!

[The bed begins attacking all of them. One of the Phalanx soldiers has their weapons blasted away by the bed's attacks.]

Baiken: What the hell is this thing!!!

Ramlethal: A dead man.

Phalanx 1: Then we're in hell with him. No doubt about it, it's Bedman... Why's he attacking us?!

Phalanx 2: Because YOU said to attack the girl, idiot!

[The bed topples over Ramlethal. Baiken stabs the bed but it retaliates and throws her into Phalanx 2.]

Phalanx 2: To hell with this... This is why I hate wearing armor!

[The Phalanx soldier removes his armor and reveals that he was Sin Kiske. Sin summons his flag. Baiken looks up at him from the floor.]

Baiken: ...Sin?

[The bed attacks Sin relentlessly.]

Sin: Bedman!

[The bed stops mid-swing.]

Sin: She's that important to you huh? Sorry for the misunderstanding. But look at her! She's crying! We can't just abandon her! Help's on its way. Just believe!

[The Mayship appears overhead. The bed looks at it, looks down, then understandingly walks towards it.]

Sin: Should we really be fighting now?

[The bed teleports to Delilah]

Delilah: ...Brother? What do I do...? I tried to stop it... But... But it's way too much for me!

[The bed grows mechanical fingers and summons a white sphere to contain Delilah's power temporarily.]

Delilah: !!

Ramlethal: He's buying us time...

[A Faust door appears on top of the train. Sin, Ramlethal, Baiken, and Phalanx 1 all walk into it. Baiken is in complete shock.]

MAYSHIP - Command Room

[The bed continues to hold Delilah back with its sphere. The townsfolk all look up at the Bed and small girl floating above them and are scared from the powerful shockwave they emit. Ramlethal, Sin, and Phalanx all walk into the

Mayship control room from the docks.]

Faust: [looking worriedly out of window] A girl...

May: Doctor?

Faust: How dreadful... A small girl, at the center of all that energy?

[Ramlethal walks in.]

Ramlethal: How close to her can we get?

April: [steering the ship] Her sphere has multiple layers. The closer to the center, the deadlier.

Faust: It's a super-high-density info space. It could grind an ordinary person to dust.

Ramlethal: We're already inside the outer perimeter anyway. Take us as far as we can go. Doctor Faust, please think of a way to rescue the girl.

Faust: [summons a checklist and a pen and begins writing] Status report.

Ramlethal: She's probably the one who knows most.

[Enter Baiken.]

Baiken: Tch. No strangers here, huh?

Faust: Miss Baiken?

Ramlethal: [whispering to April] The city must be in a panic. Would an advisory reach them from here?

April: It should... But what do we say?

Ramlethal: Say that anyone who flees the city will die.

[May and April turn around in shock.]

May: ...Huh?

Ramlethal: The city's not the Backyard or the real world, and she's too immature to maintain the integrity of the field. Time is of the essence.

[Baiken walks up to Faust who is feverishly scribbling down words.]

Faust: You're... government agents?

Baiken: Nah. Just a bodyguard. Hers, to be exact.

Phalanx 1: I'm with intelligence, but I have no business with the White House at this point. So does she have anything to do with that terrorist attack?

Baiken: Her name's Delilah. Our friend trashing the White House right now killed her brother. And now she's out for revenge.

Sin: Her brother...? That must be Bedman.

Baiken: That walking bedframe from before? Heh. Your stupidity's adorable but I'm sure her brother was human.

Ramlethal: Bedman was human. When he was alive. We don't know if that thing was really him or not. But between the energy sphere and his supposed attack, it checks out that she might be his sister. The question is, what does she want at the White House?

May: I mean, she's after Bedman's killer, right?

Ramlethal: In that case, the person she's after is locked away under Illyria.

May: Oh! Ariels, the old Sanctus Maximus?

Baiken: Did you say Ariels? Shit. I guess Sin wasn't messing with me.

Ramlethal: Speak. There's no time for riddles.

Baiken: Sometimes, looks are deceiving. But sometimes you see what you get. The one Delilah's after was once inside Ariels... And she's definitely not the first. [Happy Chaos looms ominously in Baiken's mind, overcome in shadow.] I know 'cause he's my prey, too. He's "That Man." I know a thing or two about "That Man." Why do you think Delilah started following me around?


[Flashback to Anji's home]

Anji: Come on, just take her to the police and get it over with.

Baiken: If it's that easy, you go do it.

Anji: Me? I'm busier than I look. Mirrors don't make themselves, you know.

Baiken: Mirrors now, too?

[Anji pushes Baiken out of the door.]

Anji: Umbrellas aren't paying the rent these days.

Baiken: You better be right about "That Man."

Anji: I'm not ready for you to cut me down. [Anji jokingly smiles for a moment but then he stands up straight and looks serious.] Are you really about to go all the way to America?

Baiken: I've wandered around for twenty years, what's one more trip? Now, nothing else out of you. You're the only person who could ever talk me out of my revenge. But this time... You know my answer.

Anji: I'm not the ONLY one.

Baiken: Hmm?

Anji: Check my mirror someday. You'll see.

Baiken: Hah.

ILLYRIA COURTYARD - Police station

Baiken: "Check my mirror..." Ha. Check yourself.

[Baiken walk Delilah up to the Illyrian guards. Delilah nervously trails behind Baiken, but then stops and holds her hands as Baiken continues walking.]

Baiken: End of the line. You're your own problem now.

[Baiken looks over her shoulder and sees Delilah is missing.]

Baiken: Where'd she go?

[Baiken briefly runs around looking for Delilah but then stops in place. Her expression hardens.]

Baiken: No. I did my part.

FOREST TRAIL - day time

[Baiken walks alone. She hears footsteps and stops in place.]

Baiken: I liked you more when you were lost.

[Delilah is shown standing clutching her hands behind Baiken.]

Baiken: Stop following me.

[Day turns to afternoon. Delilah follows Baiken.]

Baiken: Go away.

[Afternoon turns to night. Delilah follows Baiken.]

Baiken: One more step and I cut you down.

[The night becomes illuminated by a campfire Baiken sets up. Delilah is fast asleep.]

Baiken: What the hell am I doing?

[As Baiken adds sticks to the fire, Delilah slowly wakes up.]

Baiken: Delilah, was it? What are you, girl?

Delilah: I'm after the same person as you. To avenge my brother.

Baiken: Wha...? Dammit, Anji, what'd you get me into...

Delilah: I asked Mr. Mito for help. When I told him my story, he sent me your way, Miss Baiken...

Baiken: First rule: no "Miss."

Delilah: Then how about... Big Sis?

Baiken: Do you want me to cut you? So it's revenge you're after? I know I'm one to talk, but what'll you get out of it?

Delilah: I think you know, Big Sis. The same thing as you.

Baiken: Do you know what "goodbye" means? It's a word that changes as you grow.

Delilah: I'm plenty grown already.

Baiken: I'm not. And I don't trust people who think they are. Listen. I know you don't want to hear this, but revenge is no game.

Delilah: You think everything's a game to me just 'cause I'm twelve?

Baiken: You'll waste your life. Is that what you want?

Delilah: I won't if you'll teach me. I can help you.

Baiken: Look around. See the company you're in? I've always been alone. Have you ever dug through garbage for your next meal, girl? Do you know how scary it is to steal so much, you feel the guilt melt away? If you wanna stand on my level, you're gonna have to--!

[Baiken tightly holds her fist. Delilah mirrors this action. Baiken stalls.]

Baiken: Gonna have to...

[Baiken releases the tension in her first.]

Baiken: No.

[Baiken walks away from Delilah.]

Baiken: You shouldn't be like me.

Delilah: But why not--?

[Baiken turns on the radio.]


Baiken: Terrorists--? It's him!

[Delilah's look intensifies.]

Delilah: The White House...

[Delilah starts walking away, eyes blank. Baiken trails after her.]

Baiken: Hey, where're you going?

Delilah: I'm through asking for help. I'll do this alone, too.

Baiken: Not happening.

Delilah: Why not.

Baiken: It's a long way to go to die. No-one'll visit your grave.

Delilah: Nobody would anyway. My brother was the only family I had. And in terms of sheer power... I'm stronger than he was.

Baiken: Victory's not everything. You've got a whole lot more to learn about the world, girl.

Delilah: But why?

Baiken: ... [Baiken runs ahead of Delilah and puts a hand on her chest.] You won't give up on your revenge, no matter what anyone says. Am I wrong? that's something we've got in common. So even if you won't listen to anyone else, here's hoping you'll hear me out. Let me handle this. You need something better than this shitty life.

Delilah: But why...?

Baiken: We need all the decent adults we can get.

Delilah: But why?!

Baiken: Ngh... Talk about a problem child...

Delilah: Tell me WHY!!

[Baiken's eyes water and she's taken aback from Delilah's scream.]

Delilah: I know... You think I'll mess it up because I'm a child. ...Or do you just not want me stealing your prize? I don't want to get in your way or take anything from you. So why... [Delilah's expression breaks as her eyes start to water.] Why can't we just kill him together?

Baiken: Together...?

Delilah: Don't you see I'm trying to KILL someone? How could I possibly grow up to be a "decent adult" if I want someone dead so badly?! [Delilah releases her powers in a shockwave from her emotional outburst and she flies away.]

Baiken: Delilah!

[Flashback ends]


Sin: Well, all that's over my head. But you wanna save Delilah, right?

Baiken: Save her?

Sin: What else are you here for?

Baiken: ..Tch.

Sin: You know, if you'd stick with her, she might just give this whole "revenge" thing up.

Baiken: Big talk, but it's not that simple.

Sin: Never said it was. Between us and the hundred-twenty-grand people down there, there's one person who can handle this. You.

Baiken: ...

Faust: Astute diagnosis. If we can get the girl's emotional state under control, that may solve this.

Sin: If you wanna avenge your kid, I'm sure my old man and my father can take care of that.

Baiken: ..Hm? I don't even know where the hell to begin with that. For starters, I don't have a kid.

Sin: Oh. So what's with the eyepatch, then?

Baiken: You're just full of questions...

Sin: Oh! Aha... Ha ha ha, gotcha, gotcha. Say no more. Mom always said it's not really a story for kids... But I'm five years old, already! I know where babies come from. They pop outta your eye, right?

[Everyone looks at Sin in absolute horror.]

May: Umm... Care to elaborate?

Sin: I mean, what else is there to tell? One day, one of Mom's eyes fell out. So Dad got all freaked out and gave her one of his. Thing is, it didn't fit so well. It fell right back out and Mom got better on her own. A bit of this, a bit of that, and both of 'em were healed. Later, Dad's eye, the one that fell on the ground... Turned into me!

[Everyone has their mouth agape.]

Ramlethal: D-Did it hurt?

Baiken: [puts her arm on Sin's shoulder] You're in for a shock when you learn the whole story.

Sin: Really? I dunno. I'm pretty hard to shock!

Baiken: Sin, I almost forgot... You're half Gear. You've got less to lose than the rest of us, and yet... I wish I were half as tough as you are deep down.

April: Not very fair, is it? How's her situation any different from ours?

May: Well, I had Johnny... And so did you. The whole crew did. Baiken didn't get so lucky. You think there's anything we could say that'd fix that in a flash?

[Everyone gets rattled by a giant crash. The bed's arm is losing control of Delilah's sphere.]

Faust: I've figured it out! I'll explain while we work. Miss May, kindly gather all the winches and wire you can spare.

May: Kay!

April: Are we hauling something huge? What kind of load are we talking about?

Faust: Perhaps ask what your senses tell you.

April: So we're winging it?

Faust: Mister Sin, contact Dr. Paradigm. Follow this note to the letter, please.

Sin: Roger that!

Faust: Lastly, Miss Ramlethal... I'll need you to absorb the girl's energy. As thoroughly as you can, please. Unfortunately, this is not a problem with a definite solution. Your capacity will determine the outcome. In other words, please remain focused.

Ramlethal: What's your point?

Faust: Whatever may happen, you must be prepared to abandon me. This comes down to endurance. I'm putting everything on the line to save that girl.

Ramlethal: Do you know her?

Faust: No. But I still have an interest in her salvation.

Ramlethal: I'm not some tool here to help you atone.

Faust: What...? ...Wh-Why would you...

Ramlethal: I apologize in advance. Because I won't be able to if this mission fails. [Looks at Baiken] I'll take any help you can offer.


[The bed struggles to hold Delilah's energy. Its hands are overheating.]

Delilah: B-Brother, stop! Get away from me! I... I can't control it!

[One of the bed's arms breaks off. The bed looks to the Mayship then stop trying to hold Delilah's energy. It moves its only hand to its chest tenderly, then points to Delilah's heart. Delilah grabs the huge finger with both hands and hugs it. Then, the bed falls lifelessly to the ground and crashes into the mountainside.]

Delilah: Brother! I'm sorry... I'm so... so sorry. Brother... Everyone... I'm sorry...

MAYSHIP - Exterior

[May, Faust, Phalanx 1, and Baiken all stand on top of the Mayship and are watching Delilah.]

Faust: Miss Ramlethal... Why did you summon me, exactly?

Ramlethal: Because you're an expert in the field of applied magic.

Faust: I don't recall that.

Ramlethal: It was ages ago. Yes, I'm aware of your past. That's why I knew you'd help us, even if it cost your life.

Faust: I DID take an oath.

Ramlethal: Tell me, doctor. Do you wish to save that girl? Or to die a hero? Nobody I've called here understands self-preservation. Not one of them will abandon another. I'm not meant to lead now. That's why I need their help. And yours. Promise me that you'll do everything you can to protect her. And yourself. If you want to save Delilah, I need to believe in you.

Faust: It seems that I'm the one who must prepare... Back to square one. [Faust clutches his hand then runs off. He casts summoning circles on both hands and creates a door. That door then multiplies into many doors. They all merge into one big door.] Ready to operate!

April: Output to full... Deploying G-Canceler Field...

[The door opens and begins absorbing Delilah's energy sphere.]

Delilah: It can't be...

May: Nice one, Doctor! Fight magic with magic!

April: Save the celebration... If we pick up any more speed, the winches won't hold.

May: This is taking too long... April, crank up the output!

Phalanx 1: ...Will we really make it?

Ramlethal: Just believe. It's out of our hands now.

Phalanx 1: You know, you actually make a great commander. Working in intelligence, you learn to really listen to people. You may not be human... But you believe in us more than I do.

[Faust gets knocked back and is caught by Baiken. He holds up the door portal again. One of the cords holding the door down breaks and May uses her anchor to secure it.]

May: Baiken!

[Baiken throws her kabari arm as a chain around May.]

Baiken: Hraugh!

[Baiken jumps off the Mayship multiple times to secure the chain and then she pulls. Delilah looks over scared.]

Delilah: B...Baiken...? Big Sis!

Baiken: Delilah...

Delilah: No! Get out of here! You'll all get swallowed up!

[Delilah's powers turn the orb red.]

May: ...Ngh. We still got this, April! Crank it!

April: ...You're kidding, right?

May: Hurry!

April: Kgh!

May: Ggrh!

Baiken: C'mon...!

[Ramlethal goes to help with the chain but is stopped by Phalanx 1.]

Phalanx: You stay here.

[The Phalanx soldier helps pull the chain.]

Delilah: What're you doing...? It's too late.

April: Doctor, what happens if the teleportation starts before it's all inside?

[Faust's fingers have grown longer from exertion.]

Faust: No... I won't give up. Square one... Square one... Square one, square one, square one!

April: S-Stupid question, anyway...

May: C'mon, April... More!

April: I can't!

[Delilah's energy envelops everything in a bright light and is about to explode when suddenly Sin arrives riding flying Gears.]

Sin: Sorry for the wait!

[The numerous Gears help carry the door with chains.]

Faust: Gwhoah...

[The door makes a clean swipe through Delilah's energy bubble. It dissipates. However a smaller white bubble remains around Delilah.]

[May collapses in exhaustion.]

Baiken: You okay, Tiny?

May: I will be after I eat and pass out for a bit...

Baiken: Heh.

May: Is Delilah gonna be okay?

Baiken: Whatever that means...

Baiken: Whether she gets her revenge or not... It won't make a difference. She won't die well... Unless she finds a better way to live.

May: Wait a sec... Who've I heard say that before? [She has an epiphany and looks at Baiken.] Right, Anji! He was talking about you.

[Baiken scowls meanwhile Ramlethal flies over to Delilah.]

Baiken: What's that?!

Phalanx 1: Delilah's teleportation won't be stopped. So the commander's going with her to keep her safe.

[Delilah's powers start distorting everything around her.]

Ramlethal: ...Ngh! The data's already compressing...

Delilah: ...Who are you?

Ramlethal: Stay calm. The city will be okay. My team has it under control. You see what's happening, don't you? You're about to be sent somewhere else.

Delilah: ...

Ramlethal: Don't worry. I'll keep you safe.

Baiken: "Somewhere else"? Where?

Phalanx 1: The commander's absorbing the sphere's energy... but it's too much. If the girl doesn't quit panicking... It could get planet-sized. All we can do is believe in her.

Baiken: Believe... All your faith... Is strong enough for salvation.

[Ramlethal struggles trying to absorb Delilah's energy. Sin screams for Ram.]

Sin: !!

Delilah: I'm scared... Big Sis...

Sin: Ram!

[Ram absorbs all the energy and despite the pain, she looks up at Delilah and smiles tenderly.]

Ramlethal: It's okay. You'll be fine.

Baiken: Hey, Delilah. You're a pain in my ass, you know that?

[Baiken walks up to Delilah. Delilah's power makes her wince but she still looks at her and smiles.]

Ramlethal: [winces] Get out of here now. You can't handle this information density.

Baiken: Ah, good point. [Baiken's eyepatch breaks off.] Thanks.

[Baiken puts an arm onto Delilah's shoulder. Then runs her hand gently through Delilah's hair and pets her. Baiken looks squarely into Delilah's eyes and smiles.]

Baiken: So you're the one. You're in the mirror Anji was talking about.

Delilah: Big Sis...

[Baiken lets her fingers rest on Delilah's shoulder once more.]

Baiken: We're going.

Delilah: Huh?

Baiken: We're going. Together. And we'll stay together. Night and day. We'll eat and we'll laugh together. And our revenge...

[Baiken pulls Delilah into a hug.]

Baiken: Let's give it up. Together. [She gives a toothy smile.]

[Delilah's pupils enlargen and she finally unfreezes and hugs Baiken back. She digs her fingers into Baiken and cries.]

[As the Gears fly off, the head of the bedframe is seen on the mountainside. The bedframe is broken, but the rain pouring onto the bed's head makes it look like its crying.]

Faust: [stumbling] Square... one...

[He walks like a zombie. All of a sudden his soul leaves his body and his eye glows red.]

[Delilah's teleportation cancels out. The town celebrates.]

Townsfolk: Is... Is that a gear? It is! It's a Gear! The Gear saves us all!


And thus the crisis was averted.

Meanwhile, the terrorist attack on the U.S. ceased.

For now, the eyes of the world were turned upon Chaos.

But eventually, the story of the Gear and her crew who saved the city through their bravery spread far and wide.

Ky Kiske presented himself, in full, to the public... and announced he would abdicate the throne of Illyria.

His decision was not made out of self-interest. In fact...

Perhaps it led to Gears gaining the right of citizenship.

For the first time in history, humankind welcomes a non-human leader.