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The following is a list of quotes attributed to Bedman?.

Guilty Gear -Strive-


Note: The conversation starts with whoever is on the P2 side, with P1 side as a reply.
Note: All lines listed below are quoted from Delilah.

  • Generic:
    • (P2) "Please let me go. Big Sis is gonna throw a fit."
    • (P2) "You can't stop it. So move."
    • (P2) "Sorry. Whatever happens is on you."
    • (P1) "Aw, I'm gonna be late getting home..."
    • (P1) "Would you mind leaving me alone?"
    • (P1) "Why'd I have to get wrapped up in this?"
  • Self:
    • (P2) "Would you... do the laundry for me?"
      • (P1) "I'll think about it... if you clean my room."
    • (P2) "You could've at least been my brother..."
      • (P1) "...Then we could have talked again."
  • May / Faust / Anji:
    • (P2) "We were getting along so nicely, too..."
    • (P2) "It's too late now, but... I should show them I've done SOME self-care..."
    • (P2) "Please run away now... For the sake of our friendship."
    • (P1) "I told you, I don't have time for this!"
    • (P1) "Y-You're not gonna back down, are you?"
    • (P1) "Why... Why can't I control my power?"
  • Baiken:
    • (P2) "Ugh, this again..."
      • (P1) (Baiken: "Nothin' I ain't seen before. C'mon.")
    • (P2) "Hmmmnh..."
      • (P1) (Baiken: "Don't gimme that look. Use your damn words.")
    • (P2) "I... I wanna go home."
      • (P1) (Baiken: "You said it, kid.")
    • (P2) (Baiken: "What're you doin'? Done cleanin' already?")
      • (P1) "I was just getting to it..."
    • (P2) (Baiken: "That's one helluva mattress.")
      • (P1) "Don't you think it's cute, though?"
    • (P2) (Baiken: "Help me knock the rust off, will ya?")
      • (P1) "Fine, but only today. It's dangerous."
  • Sin
    • (P2) "I wish I could be as obnoxious and obstinate as you are."
      • (P1) (Sin: "Huh? Not sure I understand, but thanks!")
    • (P2) (Sin: "Aw, man! Do I really have to babysit?")
      • (P1) "I'm older than you are..."
  • Ramlethal
    • (P2) "I'm trusting you, here."
      • (P1) (Ramlethal: "Thank you. I'll do my best.)
    • (P2) (Ramlethal: "Begin suppression operation.")
      • (P1) "As long as you don't break it..."
  • Chaos:
    • (P2) "Please... Get out of my way."
    • (P2) "Too bad it's not a dream. I could've stopped this."
    • (P1) "You won't last for long with a violent streak like that."
  • "Let's get going."
  • "Thanks."
  • "I'm glad you're okay."
  • May / Faust / Anji:
    • "Sorry. I hope you don't hate me now."
    • "No hard feelings, okay? For both of us."
    • "This is just an ordinary dream. Sleep well."
  • Baiken:
    • "Oh, I went way too far... She's gonna be pissed..."
    • "Your power is something deeper than just strength or skill..."
    • "I win... which means donuts for dinner."
  • Sin:
    • "H-Hand over that ice cream, and I'll help you with your homework..."
  • Ramlethal:
    • "I could use strength like yours..."
  • Chaos
    • "I'll never acknowledge an inch of you."
    • "How'd you miss the power difference?"
  • Slayer
    • "Are you happy now? You almost made me miss my curfew."
    • "How'd you miss the power difference?"
Taunts and Respects
  • "Hey, you're scaring them."
  • "Pick one someone your own size."
  • "You could be a little nicer."
  • "Goodnight."
  • "It stopped..."
  • "There."
  • "Be careful."
  • "Don't let them break you."
  • "Thanks."
Round Win
  • "Maybe I'll take a nap then..."
  • "Oh, Comfy..."
  • "Goodnight..."
  • "Thanks, that's enough."
  • "Brother..."
  • "It's okay. I'm not lonely..."
Round Loss
  • "No, it can't be!"
  • "It's no use!
  • call 13C:
    • "Please, anything but that!"
    • "No, don't!"
    • "You're gonna blow!"
    • "Please give up..." (VS Chaos)
    • "So... That's it, huh?" (VS Chaos)
    • "I warned you." (VS Chaos)
  • call 4CC:
    • "Not that..."
    • "It's all over..."
    • "Don't do it!"
    • "My condolences." (VS Chaos)
    • "So that's it." (VS Chaos)
    • "This is farewell..." (Vs Chaos)
Roman Cancel
  • "Please..."
  • "Really?"
  • "Willpower."
  • "More?"
  • "Follow up."
  • "Are you serious?"
  • "That's right..."
  • "Nice..."
  • "Careful."
  • "Now?"
  • "Any regrets?"
  • "Back at ya."

Note: Groans or other non-intelligible noises are not listed.

  • Hit while blocking:
    • "Cheater!"
    • "No way!"
    • "Coward!"
  • Guard crush:
    • "Not bad."
    • "Bold."
    • "Someone's awake."
  • Wall Break:
    • "But why?!"
    • "How dare you?!"
    • "No!"
Combo Success
  • "That's too far!"
  • "Still not enough..."
  • "I'm sorry..."
Homing Jump
  • "Stop!"
  • "Don't break!"

"Stop it!" "No!" "Why?!" "I can't!"

  • "Wait up!" (When Bedman? is too far away from Delilah)

Note: Bedman? itself only vocalizes in grunts, and only during one of it's respect animations, when being damaged, performing call 4B9 (Malfunction), performing Right + Heavy Slash, missing a throw attempt, or initiating a homing jump.