Elphelt Valentine/Quotes

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The following is a list of quotes attributed to Elphelt Valentine.

Guilty Gear Xrd

Intro (-SIGN-) / Intro (Revelator/Rev 2) (Original Costume)
  • "I hope I can keep my dress clean..."
  • "Hurry up, I've got a nail appointment!"
  • "If I win, we're having a long talk about US!"
Intro (Revelator/Rev 2)
  • "My dream husband is waiting...!"
  • "I-Is this my virgin road...!?"
  • "Ohhh, is this going to be my day!?"
  • Males:
    • "Write your name here and then we can start our life together! I don't care if it's small but I'd like a nice home in the suburbs...and four kids! Would you want a dog? Or a cat? I like dogs. But cats are okay too! Dogs are just so friendly and happy and we can snuggle up with a dog in bed and say 'I love you, dear--' O-Oh my gosh, I-I can't--!"
    • "I win! Now, sign here, and here... I'm sorry for being impatient, I just want our special day to be perfect! It doesn't have to be big just memorable! And perfect! We'll invite all our friends and when we say our vows under a rose arbor everyone will cry and say 'They're so in love--!' A-Ah! No regrets--!"
    • "You promised. Now sign the marriage certificate! I don't want to rush, but where should our honeymoon be? I'm happy to go wherever you want to but I LOVE Paris! It's the city of love! We'd have dinner in a cafe and as the sun sets we'd look at the skyline and you'd say 'Almost as beautiful as you...' HONEYMOON PARADISE!"
  • Females:
    • "All right, I've got my papers, now...show me some boys! He he...It'll be wonderful! The two of us will be like newlyweds forever, and call each other 'Honey' every single day and then you'll write the most romantic, moving novel about out love, and our life together, and it'll get optioned by Hollywood and they'll make a movie called 'My Wife is an Invader--' Ah! I'm drooling!"
    • "Keep your promise! Now, where's your friend?! I've got the marriage registration all ready! I don't know what he'll look like... but I'm sure he'll be great with children. When our first child is born he'll cradle it tenderly in his arms and look at me with tears on his cheeks and say 'They've got your eyes, honey.' So beautiful I'll make sure to record everything! Oh, oh, wait until the honeymoon..!"
    • "You promised, now set me up with your friend! I wonder what my husband's going to be like... A distant, brooding artist? A werewolf with a troubled past who loves me more than he can bear, but tells me he has to leave to keep me safe...? Maybe a librarian? All that really matters is that he has eyes for me! Heirat Galaxy!"
  • Sin: "Just write you name here, Sin... Marriage isn't the end of your life--no, it's the beginning! Getting married is like getting on a train as it leaves the station! You'll see all kinds of new things together! And you'll be out holding hands when an elderly couple might say 'You look cute together--!' Whew... That was exciting!"
  • Ramlethal: "Look! I've got a marriage certificate! I've got one for you, too! We're going to find husbands together and get married together and--oh! Maybe our husbands will be twins! We'll love and live and laugh together like in a TV show! Our kids will be best friends! It'll be wonderful! And then in the second season we can call the spinoff 'My Wife is an Invader'... O-Oh God! Too good!"
  • Instant Kill attack:
    • "I'll shoot you..." → "...right through your heart!"
    • "This is for my..." → "...First love!"
    • "My last resort..." → "The Magnum Wedding!"
  • Instant Kill Outro (Round):
    • "Do you only have eyes for me?"
    • "I've still got one bullet left, darling!"
    • "Do you feel lucky, punk? 'Cause I sure do!"
  • Instant Kill Outro (Match):
    • "Thanks! It's really been a pleasure to meet you!"
    • "My romance clip is totally empty!"
    • "He he! Caught you! Let's make a family together!"
  • Instant Kill reactions:
  • Self: "You can't possibly hope to imitate my womanhood by just dressing like me! In case you haven't noticed, I've listened to every episode of Magical Ab-venger: Cutie Goddess! I-Inner beauty...? W-Well, I thought I'd just start from the outside and work my way in...!"
  • Sol: "Oh wow! If you were my husband you'd probably always be punching holes in the walls. Every day would be a fight for our lives! But on the other hand, you'd probably keep a picture of me in your wallet...he he he."
  • Ky: "If you were my husband, then--whoa, wait, hold on! You're already married! I-I got ahead of myself... Um, I guess the first thing you need to do is get a divorce...?"
  • May: "I can tell you're trying to become a bride, just like me. We can do it! ...Huh? "Dynamic Housewives"...? Johnny? I-I'm afraid I haven't heard of that magazine..."
  • Faust: "If Faust was my husband, then I'd be the wife of a doctor out in the suburbs...but he'd be so well-known that big hospitals in the city would try and lure him away! And every time he'd turn them down and say "My heart grows sick every day I'm away from my wife...""
  • Potemkin: "If you were my husband then I'd probably end up as the type of housewife who waits patiently for you to come home. You'd be busy all the time--"mission" this or "assignment" that--but then one day we'd have a child, and I'd see a fire in your eyes and you'd yell "This child is under my protection!" He he he he he!"
  • Chipp: "If we got married then I'd be the First Lady! I'd be trained in manners and etiquette every day...until our castle gets attacked by the enemy, and you tell me "Run! Save yourself!" But I'll respond with "I'm not leaving you!" or something like that. Aaaaaaah!"
  • Zato: "If you were my husband, then we'd probably have a very quiet life, until one day out of the blue, you'd bend over to whisper "Thank you" in my ear... He he he he he! Huh? You're only interested in Millia...? Shoot..."
  • Millia: "(W-Wow, she looks like a model! B-but if this is a contest of womanhood, then...then...then what?)"
  • Axl: "If we were married, then every day would be an adventure! We'd go on trips around the world, and it would be like a dream come true--until one day, a horrible accident happens, and we're sep--Huh? U-Uh, did I say something wrong? Are you okay...? I'm so sorry!"
  • Baiken (post-Rev 2): "Can I ask you something? Brides in Japan sometimes wear a dagger in the sash around their waist, right? I guess I understand that, but if they're wearing a headdress, then do they really need the scary 'Hanya' mask? Huh...? That's just her face?!"
  • Johnny (post-Revelator): "If we got married, then we'd live every day in the heat of the moment in an RV. You'd get drunk every day and say something like, 'Are you supposed to be my necktie...? You look beautiful, but you're suffocating me' and cause trouble for me every day. Then, out of the blue you'd say, 'I've got a good get-rich-quick scheme' and get swindled by some gang members. Without a dollar in the bank, you'll embrace me and say, 'in the end...you're all that I have.' It's too MUUUCH!"
  • Venom: "If you were my husband, then I'd probably be--what?! Y-You don't want a wife?! Wh-Why?!"
  • Jam: "A man's face...? Um, I'm really not too sure what's good or bad, but...Hm? You'll make me your rival?! Yaaay! It'll be a battle to see who can get married first!"
  • Dizzy (post-Rev 2): "M-My feminine charm counter just exploded...!"
  • Slayer: "If you were my husband, then--aaah! W-Who are you?! Are you going to kill me?! Oh no! She's after you! Run, Slayer!"
  • I-No: "I-Is this pheromones or something...? I feel like I just don't stand a chance against you... Too much feminine charm... This is depressing."
  • Sin: "If we were married, then we'd probably live every day on the edge! Eventually I'd say I'd had enough, but I'd still follow you to the ends of the Earth to find amazing hidden treasures! In the sequel we'd start out on opposite ends of the world, but eventually we'd cross paths again and our romance would be rekindled! Ooooh my gosh!"
  • Raven (post-Revelator): "If you were my husband, Raven, than we would have to live underground, or in the sewers so people can't find us. Your daily routine would consist of getting down on one knee and reciting dark poems, finishing it off with, 'Right now, we must endure.' Should I dare talk back to you, you would retaliate, 'I picked you up off the streets, how dare you raise your voice!' And finally, the day's gonna come when we go back to the surface. You'll extend your hand and say, 'How many times do I need to pick you up?' Ohmygosh!"
  • Bedman: "Huh? Do I know you...? But I don't think I've met you before--ah! Th-There's a voice in my head... "Let him go?"...? Wh-Who is this?!"
  • Bedman (post-Revelator): "I feel like... I'm losing consciousness... Wait, no... I'm waking up? Why does this feel so bad..."
  • Leo: "If you were my husband...then I'd be a queen! Which means that, given my plebeian origins, I'd have to weather the bullying of the aristocrats day in and day out... Plus you'd always be acting like everything was fine until one day you show up in ragged clothes to tell me the throne has fallen... Oh no! Aaaaaah!"
  • Ramlethal: "It looks like my womanhood has come out on top! Wh-What is that? Um, well, I think the term was originally coined by Japanese women, and it's about, um, sparkling and being cute and...that sort of stuff. What...? You don't care...? B-But why?!"
  • Jack-O' (post-Revelator): "It's okay, we have some topics in common, you know? Umm...there's something called a 'lariat' that brides wear, and it's also a wrestling move, right...? Oh that's so funny...Huh? I-I'm so sorry, I thought you were one of those masked wrestlers..."
  • Haehyun (post-Revelator): "If you were my husband, then we would dedicate ourselves to upholding family traditions. I would go through rigorous training day in and day out to meet your family's expectations, but one day explode and say something like, 'I didn't marry this household!' and then you would say, 'If you would like a Western wedding, the back door is right over there,' and try to kick me out. When I complete all the training, the lady of the house would pull a caramel from her sleeve and give it to me, "The master wishes for you to have this." Ohhhh, Traditional Blaster!"
  • Answer (post-Rev 2): "If you were my husband, we would start off as 'an agent of the Secret Service' and 'the woman who knew too much'. Then, fearing for my life, you would teach me how use weapons like, 'This is how you take off the safety.' And as we complete one mission after another, you find out I was actually the bad guy all along, so you point the gun at me! 'Did you remember to take the safety off?' 'I took the safety off my heart long ago...' Eeep!"

Guilty Gear -Strive-


Note: The conversation starts with whoever is on the P2 side, with P1 side as a reply.

  • Generic
    • (P2) "You came because of my flyer, didn't you?!"
    • (P2) "I'll rock your heart and knock you out!"
    • (P2) "Finally, our first street performance!"
    • (P1) "Phew! I almost lost my marriage certific--I mean my show flyer!"
    • (P1) "And now I'm gonna catch your heart!"
    • (P1) "Whew... Promotion isn't easy... but I might as well enjoy it!"
  • Self
    • (P2) "Ooh, are you a fan of mine?"
      • (P1) "Uh, I think you're a fan of mine!"
    • (P2) "Ooh, talk about girl power!"
      • (P1) "I never miss a week of Magical Ab-Venger: Working Woman of Wonder!"
  • Sol:
    • (P2) "You'll see a new Elphelt Valentine, full of rock, death, metal, and LOVE!"
      • (P1) (Sol: "Tch... This is gonna be a headache.")
    • (P2) (Sol: "Rebellious phase, huh?")
      • (P1) "Oh, no, Mr. Sol! If anything, I'm revolting against my old self to find a new me!"
  • Faust:
    • (P2) "My music'll cure what ails you!"
      • (P1) (Faust: "That's a doctor's job...")
    • (P2) (Faust: "Don't... rush...")
      • (P1) "Yessir! You can't rush love--or the rhythm!"
  • Sin:
    • (P2) "What're you doing here?"
      • (P1) (Sin: "Yo, super godlike timing! Is the castle that way?")
    • (P2) "I need some inspiration..."
      • (P1) (Sin: "Food and exercise always work for me!")
    • (P2) "Wait... Did you eat mine?!"
      • (P1) (Sin: "Yep! And it was delicious!")
    • (P1) (Sin: "Huh? What's on the shopping list again?")
      • (P2) "Milk, eggs, cheese, and a dashing new beau!"
    • (P1) (Sin: "I'm coming to see your show this weekend!")
      • (P2) "No five-year-olds without a guardian!"
    • (P1) (Sin: "Whoa! Those threads are like, ultimate cool! Got some for me?")
      • (P2) "I-I don't wanna be twinsies with you, Sin!"
  • Ramlethal:
    • (P2) "I could use more exercise..."
      • (P1) (Ramlethal: "All right. Time to sweat.")
    • (P2) "Ram, listen to my new song idea!"
      • (P1) (Ramlethal: "Prepare for constructive criticism.")
    • (P2) "Can you make it to my show this weekend?"
      • (P1) (Ramlethal: "I've already mapped the shortest route. Relax.")
    • (P2) (Ramlethal: "Long time no see. Give me all you've got.")
      • (P1) "We've both been super busy, huh? Here goes!"
    • (P2) (Ramlethal: "Let me hear your 'zongevas.'")
      • (P1) "But... But I wanna hear YOUR 'zongevas!'"
    • (P2) (Ramlethal: "Missing hamburger incident log: Prime suspect found. Beginning interrogation.")
      • (P1) "It wasn't me! Wait, mine's gone too!!"
  • Nagoriyuki:
    • (P2) "Teach me how to free myself from temptation!"
      • (P1) (Nagoriyuki: "Very well. Hit me.")
    • (P2) (Nagoriyuki: "When you're steeped in temptation, you lose sight of yourself. Remember that.")
      • (P1) "I'll show you music born from temptation!"
  • Testament:
    • (P2) "Is this girl power? No... What power is this?"
      • (P1) (Testament: "I don't have anything clever to say, but I promise hospitality.")
    • (P2) (Testament: "A strong Darjeeling, homemade butter biscuits, and a divine singing voice... This should be a teatime to remember.")
      • (P1) "Ms. Dizzy told me all about you!"
  • A.B.A:
    • (P2) "Our street show's about to start! Here's a song about a lovely couple!"
      • (P1) (A.B.A: "Incomprehensible... Scary... Let's run, dear...")
    • (P2) (A.B.A: "Why is she holding a marriage certificate? Eek! She's coming this way!")
      • (P1) "Do you like concerts? If so, please come see my show!"
  • "My mic is always hot!"
  • "Line up for autographs!"
  • "Now's your chance to become a fan!"
  • Self: "I think we'll get along perfectly!"
  • Sol: "In life and music, the more explosive, the better!"
  • Ky: "Can we open for your Imperial Orchestra?!"
  • Faust: "Can you keep time with my pulse?"
  • Testament: "Why not try some new tunes now and then?"
  • A.B.A: "Let's unlock your inner girl power!"
  • Sin: "Maybe you're a little young for this, Sin..."
  • Ramlethal: "Sorry, I might've overdone it..."
  • Nagoriyuki: "Now that you're done training, you'll stay by my side and... what? MORE temptations?!"
Round Win
  • "You were very strong."
  • "This is our chance to advertise!"
  • *snoring* "I'm Elphelt Valentine... I'll make fans out of the whole human race... what!? Huh!?"
  • *snoring* "Thanks for coming, mommy... whoa!"
  • *snoring* "Eight fans... eight whole fans came out... whoa, huh!?"
  • "So my first album has this track about old lovers reuniting in the afterlife, right? "You went to Heaven, but I went to Hell," such a cruel cosmic mistake! We reach for each other's hands, transcending the wall between Heaven and Hell for a truly miraculous reunion! Now that's everlasting love!"
  • "So my first album has this track about newly weds growing old together, right? They call each other these sweet nicknames like "honey" and "darling." At the end, get this, it turns out they've been singing the story of their lives to their kids and grandkids! A lovely life without regrets!"
  • VS Sol:
    • "If I played for you Sol, I'd play a rock song that's rough around the edges, but gentle on the inside. A song for you to listen to whenever you're alone with a special someone! That way, I can liven up every page of your happy love story!"
  • VS Ky:
    • "If I played for you Ky, you'd expect something elegant, and get my very soul blasting through every beat! "I want this sound all to myself," you'd say as you make me your personal royal bard!"
  • VS May:
    • "If I played for you May, I'd play a bright, yet melancholic romantic melody. Reaching hands that never touch, distance that never closes! Oh, when will he notice me!? Eh? Did I get it wrong? Sorry 'bout that."
  • VS Faust:
    • "If I played for you, Dr. Faust, I'd make healing music to comfort your patients. But, they won't be the only one it soothes, Dear Doctor. I prescribe a generous dose of my healing voice."
  • VS Axl:
    • "If I played for you Axl, I'd play a serenade of two lovers reunited at last by destiny. Ah, how dramatic. Could it be me one day? Oh please invite me to your wedding! You better, okay?"
  • VS Chipp:
    • "If I played for you Chipp, I'd play an enka, just like the Japanese used to love. A soulful duet, sung by two with their eyes locked onto each other. No, no! The whole Eastern Chipp Kingdom is watching!"
  • VS Potemkin:
    • "If I played for you Potemkin, I'd write an original march, and parade it through Zepp. No matter how harsh your training may be, with my music behind you, you'll power through it! Am I a genius or what?"
  • VS Millia:
    • "If I played for you Millia, I'd write a cool, mature, and feminine love song. Just leave it to Speothos Venaticus! Why, you ask? As a cool mature woman myself, that sort of thing is my jam."
  • VS Zato:
    • "If I played for you Zato, I'd... heh? Not interested? Good one... wait, are you serious? There's a little voice inside you saying "I should hear her out," right? ...Not in the slightest?"
  • VS Ramlethal:
    • "I always wanted to start a band with you, Ram! We'd wear matching outfits and sing cute songs together! What if we get so popular that fans all over the world pull us every which way and we get torn to pieces and ground to dust! No!"
  • VS Leo:
    • "If I played for you Leo, I'd write an ode that praises you hardcore. It'll be etched in stone to be sung for hundreds of years, and what bold composer's name is carved beside it? Elphelt Valentine! Future generations will wonder, who was this incredible artist?"
  • VS Nagoriyuki:
    • "If I played for you Nagoriyuki, I... wait. Does this mean you're coming to my show!? You'll grumble and say you don't like crowds and all that, but send flowers as my secret admirer. I love all my fans equally, but, I'll set a ticket aside just for you!"
  • VS Giovanna:
    • "How about a nice relaxing folk song for you, Giovanna? If you like what you hear, why not round up all your friends and co-workers and bring 'em all to my show! ...You sure don't look excited about that."
  • VS Anji:
    • "For you, Anji, I'd write an upbeat totally danceable tune! "May I have this dance?", "Oh, but I've got two left feet!", "It's fine, just follow my lead," And then you'll put your big strong hand in mine... oho!"
  • VS I-No:
    • "I'd love to share the stage with you, I-No! My slick, polished girlpower will meet your fierce pheromones in the pit. The fans might literally faint just watching us. Oh, we're such baddies!"
  • VS: Goldlewis:
    • "Instead of standing out in the crowd, Goldlewis, I'd rather have you guarding my greenroom. A famous artist needs all the security she can get, then it's Mr. Goldlewis to the rescue! Your steadfast defense would stop the pushiest of fans! "Over my dead body, hoss.""
  • VS Jack-O:
    • "If I played for you Jack-O, I'd write... a choral piece, so your servants could sing along too! I know it would be a blast to have everyone singing together. And of course, I'd write parts for Sol and Ky to sing too."
  • VS Happy Chaos:
    • "How about... a different free jazz arrangement for every day of the week, Mr. Chaos? Chase after it all you want, but you'll never grasp it. And just when you get tired of it, it tempts you anew with a sudden sweetness! WOOHOOO! No human could resist that!"
  • VS Baiken:
    • "If I played for you Baiken, I'd dedicate a heavy metal lullaby to you! A dreamy song that can capture any child's heart, and put them to sleep in three seconds! ...Huh? They go to sleep on their own without music? I see..."
  • VS Testament:
    • "If I played for you, Testament... I'd try my hand at opera! A difficult step outside my comfort zone, but what's this? Clapping from the crowd! "Opera is where you truly shine!" say the scouts. Next thing you know, I'm the biggest opera singer in the world! Hang on, is this a tragedy, or a comedy!?"
  • VS Bridget:
    • "I'd love to write a rhythmical poppy song to accompany your yo-yoing, Bridget! It'd be so cute! Maybe... too cute. What if you get more popular than me? I'd better learn to yo-yo too..."
  • VS Sin:
    • "If I played for you Sin, I'd make it a simple nursery song. I came up with a death metal nursery song just the other day, I want to get your reaction. But first, cover your ears. And keep them covered, cause this is gonna get loud."
  • VS Bedman?:
    • "You were only trying to do what's best for your sister... I think I get how that feels. That feeling? That's probably what it means to be family."
  • VS Asuka:
    • "We should have an experimental jam sesh, Asuka! Your musicality shines free from frequency of notions! You flex new music theory, explore unknown chord progressions, and put on an unimaginable performance! Wait, then what am I supposed to do?"
  • VS Johnny:
    • "If I played for you Johnny, I'd write a theme song for your pirate crew! I thought of a great shanty that'll make anyone young or old, man or woman, want to enlist in a heartbeat! ...Huh? You only want girls? Yikes..."
  • VS Elphelt:
    • "You want to be the vocalist too? Hmm... there's only one mic... wait. If we take turns, this just might be my chance to make the Elphelt Valentine hundred-hour concert I've dreamed of into a reality!"
  • VS A.B.A:
    • "If I played for you A.B.A, I'd write a song about your first encounter with Paracelsus! It must've been so romantic. "Forget how you look, I want you." "Oh, darling!" Wow. Huh? You picked him up? Like, literally?!"
  • VS Slayer:
    • "If I played for you Slayer, I'd go with a dandy classic! After I'm done you'd come up and say "That was wonderful. Tell me your name." Fast forward a few centuries, we'd run into each other again at a run down bar, and you'd remember my name! Oh, how dandy!"
  • "You're not even out of breath. But my lungs are top notch too!"
  • "Coming on a little strong huh? I'll try to keep up"
  • "Now you're getting serious? Then I'm turning it up to eleven!"
  • "Don't you just want to sign up? All you have to do is write your name and address, and you'll get reserved seats at my show! I tried to make the form as comfy cozy as possibles. So, it's a cinch! Do you need a pen?"
  • "All you need to do is initial here to join my fanclub today! Then you can get your hands on exclusive merch! And skip the line at my concerts! How 'bout it? You really wanna sign up now, don't you? Yeah? Yeah? Here you go!"