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London is a recurring location in the Guilty Gear series, as well as Axl Low's battle stage in several entries.


The original version of London is set in a train station, with a large steel train with the Union Jack on its front. The Big Ben can be seem in the background, alongside other buildings of european architecture.

Guilty Gear X presents a new version, with rainy weather. This stage is yet another train station, with different designed trains, albeit still with the Union Jack motif. A highwalk above the train rails, a small food cart, subway entrance and a shop or cafe can all be seen. A large viaduct spams across the entire stage in the background. Guilty Gear XX features this same stage, but drapped in a blue light. Slash ditches the rain in favour of a frozen winter look.

The Λ Core version of this stage is entirely new, and is the first version not to feature any trains. The battle takes place in a cobblestone street besides a river, with a large bridge crossing it. European style buildings can be seem all arround, and a large clock with gigantic gears is prominent. Close to the foreground are large street lamps, a leafless tree, statue of a man on a horse, benches and a man painting the background bridge. An aqueduct and a railway bridge stretch across the background.


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At one point during the Crusades, the Megadeath-class Gear Hydra laid waste on the city before Kliff Undersn, along with the Sacred Order of Holy Knights, sealed it into dormancy. After some time has passed, people proceeded to build a town on top of its body. In 2181, Solaria's singing awakened the Hydra and the people living were evacuated. Ky Kiske ordered the firing of a satellite beam to eliminate the Gear. The area was then sealed by the International Police Force to prevent the radiation from leaking.


  • In Λ Core, it is also Millia Rage's stage.
  • Since London has been a recurring stage, it is assumed that the area destroyed by the Hydra is just a portion of the whole city.
  • The original version of the stage features cameos of characters from the Fatal Fury series, almost too small to be seen.
  • The Λ Core version features an artist painting the bridge in the background. There is a small chance he will, instead, be painting a small green alien.
  • A noticeable feature in all versions of London is the buildings in the background always have a noticeable curvature inwards to the centre, more prominent than in any other area in the game.

